
21 Different Types of Brochure Designs to suit your marketing needs

Different Types of brochure Designs
Brochures are the most common type of marketing tools used by a business to explain their services and products. Though the world is moving towards a digital platform, brochures still play an important role in marketing. Generally, brochures portray professionalism and create trust in the company in the customer's mind. There are...

Top 10 Best YouTube Channels for Graphic Designers

Top 10 Best YouTube Channels for Graphic Designers
You do not need to step into the classroom to get master-classes to learn graphic designing. Yes, you only need a YouTube account to start with. Among the huge number of YouTube channels, it’s nearly impossible to settle on one video or YouTuber to start with. That’s why we curated this list of the top 10 YouTube...

25 Beautiful and Colorful Website Design examples for your inspiration

25 Beautiful and Colorful Website Design examples for your inspiration
In this post we have added 25 Beautiful and colorful website design samples for you. When you’re feeling creatively low, one of the best ways to get inspired is to admire and look at some award winning web designs. But spending lots of time to find these kinds of web designs is not possible for most of the designers. So you...

25 Creative Resume Design Ideas and samples for your inspiration

Creative Resume Designs
We have listed inspirational resume designs and resume design templates. If you are looking for a professional job, then it's important to have top notch resumes. Brilliant resume designs can land you lucrative jobs at some of the top-notch companies. We have resume design templates which will be suitable for freshers, professionals...

20 Creative Advertisement Photographs from AT&T Mobile by Andric

20 Creative Advertisement Photographs from AT&T Mobile by Andric
Andric Ljubodrag an Yugoslavian photographer, started his first assignment in advertising photography when he was just 21 years old. He currently lives in Toronto and loves to travel to many places like Europe, Canada and US for his advertising campaign shoots. He is a self taught photographer who likes to do his post production...

Creative Branding Design and Logo Design Process of BeApi by Grapheine

Creative Branding Design and Logo Design Process of BeApi by Grapheine
InVivo, the National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives created visual brand identity for Be Api which aims at becoming the leader in precision farming in France. Be Api comes out with solutions for farmers problems and popularises percision farming as a method of production in 21st century. Digital advancement and the...

20 Creative Photomanipulation and Advertising Ideas by Romeue Julieta

20 Creative Photomanipulation and Advertising Ideas by Romeue Julieta
Photo manipulation & Advertising ideas by Romeue Julieta Studio : All these designs only became possible thanks to the union between the couple Jean Campos and Patricia Palma, members of the studio owners Romeu & Julieta. The Romeu has experience in the fashion market, as well as working for over five years in the...

20 Creative and Funny Photoshopped works - Photo Manipulation Works

20 Creative and Funny Photoshopped works - Photo Manipulation Works
Creative Photoshopped / photo manipulation works : Have you heard of the term you have been photoshopped? The word photoshopped was coined by the photographers for digitally editing the photos. There are many photomanipualtion softwares available in the market and the most popular versions are: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom...

50 Attractive Multi Color Logo Design examples for your Inspiration

Multi Color Logo
Logo Design : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products for example football companies will have football as their logo designs. Similarly we...

25 Best Photo Editing and Retouching works around the world

Photo Editing
Photo retouching and photo editing: Have you taken a great photograph, but find a little light missing in them or the face looks too dull. Well photo retouching can be done through adobe photoshop. Photographers use adobe photoshop widely to achieve the best looks. Ask any photographer, he would say he spent hours n hours photo...

30 Best Advertising Campaign designs from around the world

Advertising Campaign
Some of the best advertising campaigns around the world are : Tap Project ($1 added to the restaurant bill to help UNICEF and since then UNICEF has raised millions of dollars through this project), Budweiser(Wassup), Metro Trains - Dumb ways to Die, and more. For the past 15 years, creative advertising campaigns have changed the...

50 Professional Photo Editing and Retouching works inspiration

50 Professional Photo Editing and Retouching works inspiration
50 Professional Photo Editing and Retouching works inspiration Know more about Phowd, owned by Clayton Johnson

15 Top Graphic Design Colleges Schools and Online Degrees around the world

Graphic Design Schools and Colleges
Importance of Graphic Design schools / Colleges: If you are artistic and have mastered several adobe programs all by yourself, it is best you consider a graphic design degree, because most employers don’t recruit people without a degree from graphic design schools. Working in a classroom environment and fine tuning your skills...

25 Best 3D Typography Designs and Ads for your Inspiration - Part 31

25 Best 3D Typography Designs and Ads for your Inspiration - Part 31
3D Typography : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...

25 Award Winning Fashion and Advertising Photography examples by Matthieu Belin

25 Award Winning Fashion and Advertising Photography examples by Matthieu Belin
Fashion and Beauty Photography : Matthieu's gallery features Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Celebrities & Portraits, Documentary, and Artwork Photography. He has been working with magazines such as Vogue, GQ, Elle. With 10 years background of Art Direction, in 2010 he created Ubiquity Photography to devote himself to...

Clever advertising ideas a peak into nature by Raku Inoue

Clever advertising ideas a peak into nature by Raku Inoue
Raku Inoue is a graphic artist based in Montreal. He uses sticks, flowers to create dragonflies, butterflies, polar bears, sea horses, sloths and more. The advertising idea is based on Natura insects series. Raku Inoue was born in Tokyo and now currently settled in Montreal. Raku Inoue is specialized in clay sculptures and is a...
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