
20 Creative and Funny Photoshopped works - Photo Manipulation Works

20 Creative and Funny Photoshopped works - Photo Manipulation Works
Creative Photoshopped / photo manipulation works : Have you heard of the term you have been photoshopped? The word photoshopped was coined by the photographers for digitally editing the photos. There are many photomanipualtion softwares available in the market and the most popular versions are: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom...

25 Free High Quality User Interface PSD Source files for Graphic and Web Designers

25 Free High Quality User Interface PSD Source files for Graphic and Web Designers
Free PSD UI Kits are helpful to the designers while designing websites and applications. These PSds make your tasks much easier with their pre designed professional elements. We have attached some of the best customizable UI psd files for you. Media Player UI: Free PSD Template Download Windows 7 Taskbar psd by Carlos Way...

30 Creative Gym and Fitness Logo Designs for your inspiration

30 Creative Gym and Fitness Logo Designs for your inspiration
Gym logo / Fitness Logo : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products for example football companies will have football as their logo designs. In...

The Outer Child - 25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works by Cristian Girotto

The Outer Child - 25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works by Cristian Girotto
Creative Photo manipulation : There was a time when the clichéd notion that "there is a child inside all of us" warmed our hearts. However, we had never actually pictured what such a child would look like. After seeing the collaborative project by Paris-based retoucher Cristian Girotto and photographer Quentin...

50 Creative Elephant Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Elephant Logo
Elephant logo designs: In this post we have added 50 Creative and Elephant logo design examples for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Biozones, Elephantea, Elephant Mauve, First Steps, Complete Print Management, Eleprica, My Thai and Mojito. Please tell us your favorite elephant logo design. First Steps :...

Creative 3D Typography Designs from Huawei Advertisement by Arnold Furance

Creative 3D Typography Designs from Huawei Advertisement by Arnold Furance
In this post we have added some of creative 3D Typogrphy advertisement designs from "Arnold Furnace" for your inspiration. Arnold Furnace: Lennon and McCartney, Torvill and Dean, Beavis and Butthead. History is littered with beautiful pairings. Shining examples of how creativity and big thinking are so much more than...

40 Creative Real Estate and Construction Business Cards designs

Real Estate Business Cards
Real estate & Construction business cards : Designing your business card in a very trendy fashion and making it memorable would help your identity to stay out of the trash bin after you the end of your discussion. Business cards are the most effective offline way to promote and advertise your business. Your Business card...

25 Awesome Pictures of Half Man Half woman - Photographed and Photoshopped

25 Awesome Pictures of Half Man Half woman - Photographed and Photoshopped
Photo retouching works : Leland Bobbe is a professional portrait, lifestyle, landscape and street photographer from New York. His half man, half woman like drag queens have gone viral on the internet and has made him an extremely popular and busy photographer. Most of his works are on the gender differences. His half man half woman...

25 Creative Gym and Fitness Logo Designs for your inspiration

25 Creative Gym and Fitness Logo Designs for your inspiration
Gym and Fitness Logo design : Who says gym logos should be boring and bland. Check out these stunning gym logo designs and you will know what we are talking about. When it comes fitness logo design, designers use symbols relating to the weights, muscles, power, workout and more. A clean background for gym logos is the general...

15 Modern and Unique Wedding Card Design Ideas

15 Modern and Unique Wedding Card Design Ideas
15 Modern and Unique Wedding Card Design Ideas Wedding Card Design creative Wedding Card Design Creative Wedding Card Design Wedding Card Design

Photo Mosaic Manipulation Work of Joe Biden Election Campaign by Charis Tsevis

Photo Mosaic Manipulation Work of Joe Biden Election Campaign by Charis Tsevis
A photo mosaic is an interesting field of photography where usually a photograph is divided into tiles and each tile is filled with another photograph to create the target photo. Charis Tsevis, a visual designer of Greek origin based in Paphos is an experienced designer who serves many global clients including Toyota, IKEA, Saatchi...

30 Best Advertising Campaign designs from around the world

Advertising Campaign
Some of the best advertising campaigns around the world are : Tap Project ($1 added to the restaurant bill to help UNICEF and since then UNICEF has raised millions of dollars through this project), Budweiser(Wassup), Metro Trains - Dumb ways to Die, and more. For the past 15 years, creative advertising campaigns have changed the...

30 Photo Restoration Examples - Old Photo Restoration and Coloring Inspiration

Photo Restoration
Old Photo restoration is the practice of restoring a photograph which has been damaged by natural, environmental causes. Digital photo restoration uses a variety of image editing techniques to remove visible damage and aging effects from photographs. Dirt, scratches, and other signs of photographic age are removed from the...

40 Creative Computer Logos Design examples for your inspiration

Computer Logos
Computer Logos : In this post we have added 40 creative and brilliant computer logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Computer log, PC good guys, E learning, computer smile, computer care, computer solutions, computer plumber, Computer health, computer services and LogiTech. i hope you will like these...

Golden Era Of Theater photographed by Suresh Natarajan - Vodafone Ads

Golden Era Of Theater photographed by Suresh Natarajan - Vodafone Ads
Indian photographer Suresh Natarajan is very popular in the photography world. He is well known for his fashion photography clicks with several leading brands in India like Tanishq. His photographs are simply stunning and awe inspiring in the art field. In this series he has showcased the golden era of cinema through stunning...

Beautiful Branding Design ideas of Bosnian Designer Goran Jugovic

Beautiful Branding Design ideas of Bosnian Designer Goran Jugovic
Logo Design & Branding : Goran Jugovic is a graphic designer from Bosnia and Herzegovina who calls himself an out of the box creative artist.Goran creates logos with complex mixture of design skills,creative theory and skilful application which makes them unique in ever competitive feild of logo designing. Logo designs of...

What is Graphic Design - Best Graphic Design Softwares and Inspiration Posts

What is Graphic Design
What is Graphic Design : Graphic design is the art of mixing pictures, texts, fonts as to provide an eye catching design for websites and marketing materials. We read a lot of magazines and newspapers and have you ever wondered the process behind making the same? Each magazine uses specific fonts, colours, photos etc, if you look at...

50 Creative Moon Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Moon Logo
Moon Logo designs : In this post we have added 40 Best and Creative Moon logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Honey Moon, Moon House, Moon Music, Green Moon Restaurant, Fairy Moon, Moon Wine Bar, Eclipse, Moon Beauty consmetics, Moon light Design, Moon Balloon and Moon Photography. Mountain deer -...
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