
Beautiful Typography Designs for V Festival created by Paula Benson and Paul West at Form

Beautiful Typography Designs for V Festival created by Paula Benson and Paul West at Form
Typography design : V Festival is a mixture of British and international rock and pop artists music festival. This festival is quite popular with the younger audience who love pop and rock music. This is an annual festival and this year it's scheduled on August 19th - 20th at Hylands Park and Weston Park in England.The V festival...

Ghost in the shell - Digital Art and illustration by Rik Oostenbroek

Ghost in the shell - Digital Art and illustration by Rik Oostenbroek
Rik Oostenbroek is an art director and illustrator who loves happy colours and flowing shapes. The ghost in the shell movie illustrations are used as official content for social media campaigns and activation. Rik's illustrations got full 'Unlimited power' on the course which permitted to truly redefine known limits. In the words...

25 Creative Advertising Design ideas for your inspiration

25 Creative Advertising Design ideas for your inspiration
Ad Design ideas: Advertising is how a company encourages people to buy their products, services or ideas. An advertisement or Ad is anything that draws good attention towards these things. It is usually designed by an identified sponsor, and performed through a variety of media. Ads appear on television, as well as radio, newspapers...

30 Creative Vodafone Zoo zoo Ads for your inspiration

30 Creative Vodafone Zoo zoo Ads for your inspiration
zoo zoo ads are advertisement characters promoted by Vodafone since the Indian Premier League Season 2 (IPL). zoo zoo are white creatures with ballooned bodies and egg heads who are used to promote various value added services of Vodafone. Although these characters look animated, they are actually humans in Zoozoo costumes. The ads...

15 Top Graphic Design Colleges Schools and Online Degrees around the world

Graphic Design Schools and Colleges
Importance of Graphic Design schools / Colleges: If you are artistic and have mastered several adobe programs all by yourself, it is best you consider a graphic design degree, because most employers don’t recruit people without a degree from graphic design schools. Working in a classroom environment and fine tuning your skills...

50 Best Photo Retouching works from top photo editors - After Before Photos

50 Best Photo Retouching works from top photo editors - After Before Photos
We have included 50 Best Photo retouching works of after before photos for your inspiration. Photo Retouching has the magic of transforming dull photos into professional photos. It's a dream of every human to look amazing in every photo and Adobe photoshop is a great software to help achieve the results. In most art schools, adobe...

40 Creative College Logos Design Ideas for your inspiration

College Logos
College Logos Design : In this post we have added 40 creative and beautiful college logos design ideas for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Akdeniz university, Texas state college, My college, Master Studies, Cambridge university, Greenwich english college, The university of Sydney and Gainesville State college...

Best 3D Animations, Character designs and TV Commercial Videos - Fanta, ATT and Nespresso

Best 3D Animations, Character designs and TV Commercial Videos - Fanta, ATT and Nespresso
In this post we have added some inspiring 3D Animated TV Commercial videos and 3D short films for your inspiration.  Inspiring Character Designs by Wanchana Intrasombat   The epic journey of great coffee - From bean to cup - by Bose Collins A short film about the epic journey of great coffee - from bean to cup...

30 Creative Vintage Posters Design examples from around the world - part 2

30 Creative Vintage Posters Design examples from around the world - part 2
Vintage Poster design: In this post we have included 20 Brilliant Vintage posters for your inspiration. Vintage posters were used even during 1920's for advertisement purposes. They are mostly one dimensional images with colourful designs which is also slightly towards the retro world. We all love posters, whether it's your...

40 Creative Electrical Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Electrical Logo
Electrical Logo Design: Behind every successful business, there is a well designed professional logo. Logo's are essential for brand identification. There are many successful brands, which are mostly recognized by brand names. For eg: LG, Samsung, McDonald's and the list keeps growing. Similarly there are beautiful electrical logo...

50 Creative and Colorful Packaging Design Ideas for you

50 Creative and Colorful Packaging Design Ideas for you
Packaging design by Cruce Design Group : The company Mondelez (formerly Kraft Foods), asks us to develop an idea, conceptualization and design for a limited edition of collectable cans for Solar cookies. This brand generates in the majority of the Uruguayan a connection with positive memories of its past. Aligned with this...

25 Funny Photoshop Fail examples Of All Time - Failed Photo Editing

Photoshop Fail
Photoshop Fail : Sometimes Photo editing or Photo retouching becomes wrong, many of these Photo editing errors are found in Print Advertisements, Popular Movie posters, Magazine Front Cover and Editorial Pictures. Adobe Photoshop is being used for eliminate the annoying components, resizing, retouching fashion models. Sometimes...

New Features and Improvements of Adobe Photoshop 2021 version1

New Features and Improvements of Adobe Photoshop 2021 version1
Adobe Photoshop­­-the world-class imaging and graphic design software that’s at the core of just about every creative project from photo editing and compositing to digital painting, animation, and graphic design. And now can harness the power of Photoshop across desktop and iPad to create wherever inspiration strikes....

20 Stunning Photo Retouching works with Sci-fi effects by Vitaliy Art - After Before Photos

Photo Retouching After Before
The sci-fi photo retouching artworks is the creation of a russian media group, popularly known as Vitaliy Arts. The introduction of CGI effects with neon light is an interesting photo editing feature. Vitaliy arts mostly creates photo editing and photo retouching for advertising campaigns, marketing, fashion and more. Vitaliy...

30 Awesome Typography designs and Art works for your inspiration

30 Awesome Typography designs and Art works for your inspiration
Typography Designs : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography...

Beautiful Branding Design ideas of Bosnian Designer Goran Jugovic

Beautiful Branding Design ideas of Bosnian Designer Goran Jugovic
Logo Design & Branding : Goran Jugovic is a graphic designer from Bosnia and Herzegovina who calls himself an out of the box creative artist.Goran creates logos with complex mixture of design skills,creative theory and skilful application which makes them unique in ever competitive feild of logo designing. Logo designs of...

25 Free Vector Designs - Download EPS AI Files - Floral Designs & Backgrounds1

25 Free Vector Designs - Download EPS AI Files - Floral Designs & Backgrounds1
We added 25 Free Vector downloads with EPS and AI source files.   AI is an Adobe Illustrator file, one of the most widely used graphic design programs in the world. Usually a file with the tag AI is an original design file, meaning that this is the file originally used for developing your logo design. AI files can...

40 Creative Photography Logo Design examples and Ideas for you

Photography Logo
Photography logo : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. In this post we have added  40 best and creative Photography logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Sweet Rose, Capture,...
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