
35 Creative Typography Design Master pieces for your inspiration

35 Creative Typography Design Master pieces for your inspiration
Typography Design : Typography is one of the most fascinating elements of graphic design. If it’s web design, album art, posters, or any other type of graphic design, typographical inspiration can be a great resource for designers. Here we have added 35 Beautiful Typography Master pieces for your inspiration...

30 Creative Vintage Posters Design examples from around the world - part 2

30 Creative Vintage Posters Design examples from around the world - part 2
Vintage Poster design: In this post we have included 20 Brilliant Vintage posters for your inspiration. Vintage posters were used even during 1920's for advertisement purposes. They are mostly one dimensional images with colourful designs which is also slightly towards the retro world. We all love posters, whether it's your...

30 Brilliant Anti Smoking Advertisements for your inspiration - Best Posters and Campaigns

Anti Smoking Ads
Advertising is one of the essential markets for visual creators. Anti smoking advertisements provides that extra-push to the smoker to come of that habit. Organizations around the globe depend on the skilled and imaginative personality of graphic designers to make outwardly impactful and critical product advertisements. Promoting...

Tutorial - How to create a User Avatar Icon in Vector

Avatar Icon Vector
Avatar Icon Vector: By using Adobe Flash Software you can create unique user avatar icons for websites. Each website is identified by their special icons. You can also have unique icons, it’s really simple to create icons in flash. Just do a little research before you start work, identify different types of styles, so you can...

60 Attractive and Colorful Logo Design inspiration for you

Colorful logo Design
Colorful Logo design: Unique and colorful log designs is a must for all kinds of business, no matter what they do and how big is their company. For a better audience reach and targeting of particular customers is possible through the internet. So if you want to boost your sales, then it's good to invest in a good website with a...

Ombre Glass Series - Chair design Ideas by Amsterdam designer Germans Ermics

Ombre Glass Series - Chair design Ideas by Amsterdam designer Germans Ermics
Chair Design Ideas: Germans Ermics was born in Riga, Latvia in 1985. Germans Ermics has created a stunning collection of glass ombre furniture collection, with amazing tints of color. The tints of color are strongest where the joints meet. Simple glass chair design ideas look so beautiful when pigments of color are used on them. He...

How To Shoot And Retouch Beautiful Models - Photography Tutorial

How To Shoot And Retouch Beautiful Models - Photography Tutorial
We showed up at Shoot Digital (a massive photo studio in Manhattan) early in the morning and the models were already in makeup. Sam’s assistant was working on the lights and I got to sit down and interview Sam for a few minutes. What I found most interesting about Sam was his incredible attention to detail. Most...

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1
We are going to show how aging occurs in a woman’s face via Photoshop. For this tutorial we are going to use celebrity star Katie Holmes picture. Step 1: Choosing an Appropriate Photo Choose some close up candid photos which doesn’t have much make up and shows all detailing of the face. In Katie’s picture, we can...

Enhancement Of Classical Painting to Contemporary Life By Alexey Kondakov

Enhancement Of Classical Painting to Contemporary Life By Alexey Kondakov
Ukrainian artist Alexey Kondakov takes scenes and figures lifted from classical paintings and drops them into modern-day life.Bouguereau’s Song of the Angels appears to take place on an empty subway car while a pair of men from Holbein’s famous The Ambassadors are transported to the table of a seedy bar. The usual...

30 Creative Droste Effect Photos created by Adobe Photoshop

Droste Effect
The Droste effect is a Dutch word that depicts a special type of recursive picture. A smaller version of the original image repeats itself in a recursive manner in an image that exhibits the Droste effect. According to the theory, the picture in picture effect goes deeper up to infinitum. But in reality, this is limited by the image...

40 Creative Photo Collage Effects and Photoshop collage art works

Photo Collage
Photo Collage: Worried about what do with so many photographs sitting idly in your system. Would you like to relive your memories with those photos. Have you tried photoshop collage works, it'simply awesome and makes your life lot simpler. You can create high quality photo collages from your favourite photos using the effects and...

Third Dimension Effects, shadows and Depth in Web design

Third Dimension Effects, shadows and Depth in Web design
In this post we have added some moderen 3d effects in web design 1. Alexandru Cohaniuc   2. Burger King Studio   3. Change in Command   4. Cognigen Corp   5. From the Couch   6. Sarah Longnecker   7. The Society of Publication Designers   8. The Autumn Film   9. Tmynus   10. Blue...

50 Creative Typography Art works and Illustration ideas

Typography Art
Typography art: Typography illustrations are featured mostly for marketing and advertising campaign. People associate brand names with their products. Maybe that's how Coco- cola and Pepsi became huge marketing brands. Their logos are typography designs and they have to be consistent to reach the larger markets. The bottle shapes...

50 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Professional Fonts

Free Fonts
Download Free royalty free fonts : Graphic designers and web designers, your long search for beautiful free fonts is over, we have included some royalty free fonts for free download. If you want to make your website look professional, incorporate these beautiful free fonts to make them unique. This is the best place to download free...

30 Best Animal Advertising designs and Creative Ads around the world

Creative Ads
Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their...

Top 10 Most Popular Websites around the world

Most Popular Websites
Most Popular Websites : Every day the internet is home to millions of websites around the world, but some websites are visited most frequently and they become popular websites. In this post we have scoured the internet and bring you the Top 10 Most popular websites from around the world. If you haven't visited these websites as yet...

30 Creative Branding Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 21

30 Creative Branding Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 21
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...
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