The audience around the world is eagerly waiting for the release of Matt Reeves blockbuster The Batman. The movie is expected to be released in a year and it's too long for the fans who are excited about watching it. This is the third Live-action Batman franchise to be produced in this century. After the success of The Dark...
Troublemakers advertising agency has produced the animation campaign for brand Lanvin Nestle which was directed by Bertrand Avril. The animation has created a luxuriously pink festive world that dances before the viewers. There is a delicate spiral form of the chocolate Escargot throughout the animation and it is art directed by...
Creativity never dies in any dire situation and the animated short films nominated for the 93rd oscar awards prove these words. The pandemic has held our lives back but the directors of these five short films proved the world that nothing is impossible when one has the will to do it. Impressing the audience in a short time of 6 to...
Samurai Jack is an American animated series and the final season has bagged themselves four wins in the 2017 Emmy Awards. Samurai Jack is all about a shape shifting wizard Aku and a young samurai Jack. Jack is sent into a future and he has to find a portal to get back into the present to defeat the evil wizard. The four artists who...
Creating walk animation is a essential and a rewarding skill set for 2d and 3d animators. Basically, walk animation can be split into four main frames namely, forward contact point, passing pose1, back contact point and passing pose2 [adding more in-between frames make the walk animation smooth and live]. In walk cycle files the...
Maya is 3D animation software offered by Autodesk, Inc. The 3D Maya tutorial is a guide to beginners to help them create interactive 3D applications, animations and visual effects. The Maya video tutorial will provide an insight into 3D Modeling, rendering, imaging, dynamics and effects using the software. The Maya tutorial...
Walk cycle animation is one of the most important effects an animator should master. A normal walk cycle animation character uses 24 frames (i.e) approximately 2 steps in 1 second. The front and back motion step is kind of stuck in a loop, which makes it look like the character is walking. Walk cycle animation is mostly used by...
3D Animation Moive : How to Train your Dragon is a tri series 3d animation movie. The first part of How to train your dragon was released in 2010 and the second part in 2014. Following i's whooping success, the third part will be released on March 23rd, 2019. Dean DeBlois is the director of the popular 3d animation movie. For those...
Zafari, 3d animation cartoon series was recently premiered in Spacetoon TV , which happens to be the first of the kind kids' channel in MENA. Zafari is a 3D cartoon series which speaks about friendship and honesty and the 3d animation is lovely to watch. The 3d animal characters adorn different animal skins, which is very cute and...
Sand Animation / Sand Art: There are two types of sand animation. In the first type, designs are drawn on sand and then the images are captured, it’s kind of similar to stop motion technique. The images are captured frame by frame and then rearranged. In the second type, the actual motion of sand art is captured on video. For...
Japanese animation : The earliest commercial Japanese animation dates to 1917, and production of anime works in Japan has since continued to increase steadily. The characteristic anime art style emerged in the 1960s with the works of Osamu Tezuka and spread internationally in the late twentieth century, developing a large domestic...
The earliest commercial Japanese animation dates to 1917, and production of anime works in Japan has since continued to increase steadily. The characteristic anime art style emerged in the 1960s with the works of Osamu Tezuka and spread internationally in the late twentieth century, developing a large domestic and international...
In today’s film 3D animation is a very common part. You pick any good movie you can find at least 15 minutes of CG elements. And for this lots of 3D animators are needed. Actually CG graphics have become popular because it creates a virtual world which is crafted with fantasy. In this post we have collected 30 inspiring...
Top 20 Animation Colleges and Animation Courses from India - 2018
Indian Institute of Digital Art & Animation - Kolkata
Address : BA-46, Sec-1,Saltlake City, Kolkata, West Bengal 700064
About Institute : [Best Animation School] IIDAA offers a wide range of Govt. certification courses, Regular Full time Degree Programs and...
Manga animation movies and art is quite popular in Japan. In the 22nd Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize contest ten nominees have been selected for this year. For eligibility, the manga should have been compiled and published in a book last year(2017. . The Tezuka Osamu Culture Prize was created in 1997 by the Asahi Shimbun in order to...
In this post we have included best award winning 2D Animation Short films for you. Our favorite 2D Animated short films are Afternoon Class by Seoro, Histoire 2 Couples by William Loew, OURO by Pierre-Jean Le Moel, GRAVITY by Ailin Liu, Dark Dark Woods by Emile Gignoux and Solstice by Furyoso.
Afternoon Class -...
Le Royaume - The United | 2D Animation short film
A king asks about using a beaver to build a castle in a forest. Just arrived in a wood, a king wants a beaver to build a castle.
Jazz'in | 2D Animation short film
In the United States in the 30's, a Jazz lover gets carried away by the music. In the United States DURING the 30's, a...
Have you ever wondered if a piece of stone can walk or talk, well anything is possible in animation? Using frame by frame animation, physical static objects are moved around and during the post production it is shown in a fluid movement. Stop motion animation has been around ever since the evolution of puppets. There were many...