
40 Creative Electrical Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Electrical Logo
Electrical Logo Design: Behind every successful business, there is a well designed professional logo. Logo's are essential for brand identification. There are many successful brands, which are mostly recognized by brand names. For eg: LG, Samsung, McDonald's and the list keeps growing. Similarly there are beautiful electrical logo...

25 Creative and Best Typography Animation Videos for your inspiration

Typography Animation
Typography Animation: Typography is all about letters and fonts. Animation combined with fonts, makes it very interesting to watch as words are very powerful. Kinetic Typography is the technical name for "moving text" is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. Typography...

25 Brilliant Typography Design examples for your inspiration

25 Brilliant Typography Design examples for your inspiration
Typography design : Typography is one of the most fascinating elements of graphic design. If it’s web design, album art, posters, or any other type of graphic design, typographical inspiration can be a great resource for designers. Here we have added 28 most beautiful examples of typography design examples for your inspiration...

25 Animated Home Page Web design Examples for your inspiration

Animated Website
In this post we have added 50 Animated Home page website design examples for your inspiration. Graphic designers and web designers, look no further, browse through our collection of animated website designs for your inspiration. Keep visiting us often to get inspired more with our regular updates. It’s time for Skype Visit...

20 Creative Brand Identity Design ideas for your inspiration

20 Creative Brand Identity Design ideas for your inspiration
Branding is the one of the important factors which helps sell a product. Branding design is an effective tool for successful marketing practices. Branding serves as an identity design, it helps customers to associate with their favorite products, in a much easier way. Some of the most successful branding designs are Starbucks, Nike...

30 Brilliant Branding Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 2

30 Brilliant Branding Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 2
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

15 Beautiful Parallax Scrolling Website Designs for your inspiration

15 Beautiful Parallax Scrolling Website Designs for your inspiration
Parallax scrolling was quite popular in the 2d games in the 1980s and it has become the latest trend for designing websites. In this parallax scrolling, the images or text fades out as the user scrolls down. Graphic designers use it to create unique websites which allows the customers to linger on the websites for a little longer...

20 Stunning Neon effect Advertising and Fashion Photography ideas

Neon Photography
Neon Fashion is not something new to us. It was quite popular during the pop culture boom. Neon photography and neon fashion has become quite popular amongst fashion photographers. It's not sure if it's a passing trend or here to stay for some more years. The introduction of cgi effects and after effects makes neon advertising an...

50 Creative Business card design ideas for your inspiration

50 Creative Business card design ideas for your inspiration
Effective business card designs are very simple and to the point, since clients don't have the time to read your narrative story. Business cards are usually designed by graphic designers and website designers using Adobe Photoshop.But if you are feeling creative, there are many online softwares available which allows you to select a...

50 Creative and Beautiful Poster Design examples for your inspiration

50 Creative and Beautiful Poster Design examples for your inspiration
Poster Design : Posters are one of the best ways of communicating a clients information. In graphic industry, Poster Design and Poster Printing is one of the most painful areas where clients want to convey everything from company to product to attract the most number of customers. Poster Design represents the essence of your...

40 Creative Pets and Veterinary Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Veterinary Logo
Veterinary Pets Logo : In this post we have added 40 Creative Pets and Veterinary logo design examples for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Animal Home, Pet Mania, Petegghouse, Fancy Pets, Pet Care, Harmony Veterinary Clinic, Lovauna, Pet Healthy today, Pet Hospital, Angeles and Pet emergency. i hope you will...

Exclusive Branding and Logo Design of FERS by Grapheine

Exclusive Branding and Logo Design of FERS by Grapheine
FERS, the foundation company for school success in France had a facelift of its logo with the help of French design agency Grapheine. The motive behind the creation of FERS is to enhance the knowledge of children in the economic, cultural and technical fields of the contemporary world. The old logo flower symbolises the blooming...

50 Most Beautiful Websites Design examples for your inspiration

Beautiful Websites
Beautiful websites: We have collected some of the most beautiful and responsive website designs which is a treasure cove for many designers out there. You can add a little punch to your already existing websites to make them look super cool with these beautiful website design ideas.Did you know that Bold, clean designs draws people...

Refashioning trash into wearable designer spectacles by Cyrus Kabiru

Refashioning trash into wearable designer spectacles by Cyrus Kabiru
Designer Spectacles : The used electronic waste and other trashes are the raw materials for the young Kenyan scultor Cyrus Kabiru, who refashions them into wearable glasses. These are obsolutely his own creations which certainly has unique and attrative features. Kabiru is a confident and individualistic self-taught artist whose...

10 Simple and Modern Business Card Templates - Free Download

10 Simple and Modern Business Card Templates - Free Download
Check out these free, simple and moderen business card templates which will be suitable for most business. It's important to have a trendy, yet modern business card template which catches the eyes of the customer, since at the end of the day you dont want them ending up in trash cans. Business card templates are available in many...

30 Best Animal Advertising designs and Creative Ads around the world

Creative Ads
Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their...

14 Different Types of Movie Poster design ideas with examples

Different types of Movie Poster Designs
Different types of movie poster design ideas : Movie poster designs play a prominent role in the branding and marketing of a movie to the general public. Graphic designers choose to use bolder and dark backgrounds to pique the interest of the viewers. There is no hard and fast rule for a perfect movie poster design. Graphic...

20 Simple and Creative Animal logo design ideas by Martigny Matthieu

20 Simple and Creative Animal logo design ideas by Martigny Matthieu
We have added simple animal logo designs from France designer Matthieu Martigny. His logo designs are simple, yet very creative. He enjoys nature, wildlife and most of his simple logo designs have plenty of animal, bird logos and others. He uses digital software like: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Muse, Brackets for...
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