
25 Creative Photoshop Sparkling Effects and Photo manipulation works for your inspiration

25 Creative Photoshop Sparkling Effects and Photo manipulation works for your inspiration
There are many free photoshop brushes are available for creating Glow / light effects. Fortunately, Photoshop makes them extremely easy to create custom brushes shapes, thanks to the powerful brush controls that were introduced in Photoshop CS5, which are powerful and useful today! Here are the inspiring collection of sparkle...

30 Creative Branding Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 21

30 Creative Branding Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 21
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

25 Creative Corporate Identity and Branding Design examples

Corporate Identity
Why do we need corporate branding? Corporate branding allows a company to distinguish itself from other competitors in a unique way. Corporate Identity is important to acquire more business and run the current business in a most efficient way. Corporate Identity is also known as branding. It’s upto the communication department...

15 Best Website Designers in India - Creative Web Designers List

Website Designers India
Website Designers India: Web designers make the internet a happy place for many business owners. Despite their hardwork and brilliant creativity, not many website designers are known to the world. Have you wondered who are the best website designers in India. Well we have put togethere a list of 15 Top and Best Indian website...

25 Creative Word Animal Typography Designs by Dan Fleming1

25 Creative Word Animal Typography Designs by Dan Fleming1
Typography design: Dan Fleming is an australian graphic designer and he is quite an expert in brand identity and logo designing. Dan Fleming completed his graduation from the University of Leeds and holds a degree in Graphic & Communication Design. Apart from designing beautiful typography designs, he loves to travel and enjoy...

50 Best Photo Retouching Masterpieces - Photoshop After Before Photos

Photo Retouching
Photo retouching : Have you taken a great photograph, but find a little light missing in them or the face looks too dull. Well photo retouching can be done through adobe photoshop. Photographers use adobe photoshop widely to achieve the best looks. Ask any photographer, he would say he spent hours n hours photo editing to achieve a...

Timeless T-Shirt Design ideas of Umbro by Christoph Ruprecht

Timeless T-Shirt Design ideas of Umbro by Christoph Ruprecht
T Shirt Designs : Christoph Ruprecht is a German artist based in Karlsruhe. He has his own unique style, mostly abstract and rich graphical elements mixed together. Christoph is best known with his pseudonym "crispycrystal". Being a design generalist he is interested in timeless beauty of the classical with the expansive...

Know more about Html5 - for Developers

Know more about Html5 - for Developers
If you are a programmer or someone who is simply interested in programming, then you must have heard about the latest buzz released by W3C. The all new HTML 5. HTML 5 is still a work in progress, but it is being tested and used with IE 9 ( Internet Explorer 9) and Safari and it has already proven its superiority, from eye popping...

20 Simple and Creative Animal logo design ideas by Martigny Matthieu

20 Simple and Creative Animal logo design ideas by Martigny Matthieu
We have added simple animal logo designs from France designer Matthieu Martigny. His logo designs are simple, yet very creative. He enjoys nature, wildlife and most of his simple logo designs have plenty of animal, bird logos and others. He uses digital software like: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Muse, Brackets for...

30 Beautiful Animated 3D TV Ads and Motion Graphics Special Effect TV Commercials

3D TV Ads
In today’s film 3D animation is a very common part. You pick any good movie you can find at least 15 minutes of CG elements. And for this lots of 3D animators are needed. Actually CG graphics have become popular because it creates a virtual world which is crafted with fantasy. In this post we have collected 30 inspiring...

50 Most Brilliant Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration

Logo Design Ideas
Logo design Ideas: Logos are crucial for any kind of business. Customers recognize the brands with logos. There are different kinds of logo designs, for eg: typography logos, brand shape logo and so on. The most popular typography logo designs are Coco-Cola and Pepsi. Yes, what you are thinking is right, it's just a beverage drink,...

20 Creative Advertisement Photographs from AT&T Mobile by Andric

20 Creative Advertisement Photographs from AT&T Mobile by Andric
Andric Ljubodrag an Yugoslavian photographer, started his first assignment in advertising photography when he was just 21 years old. He currently lives in Toronto and loves to travel to many places like Europe, Canada and US for his advertising campaign shoots. He is a self taught photographer who likes to do his post production...

Stunning Typography Designs and illustrations by Biksence Nguyen

Stunning Typography Designs and illustrations by Biksence Nguyen
Typography Designs : Biksence Nguyen is an artist and typographer based in Hanoi, Vietnam. Typography is an essensial technique in this digital age which attracts viewers in large scale. Biksence gives importance to the visual component of his artwork which projects very unique and attractive. The latest series by biksence brings...

25 Beautiful and Colorful Website Design examples for your inspiration

25 Beautiful and Colorful Website Design examples for your inspiration
In this post we have added 25 Beautiful and colorful website design samples for you. When you’re feeling creatively low, one of the best ways to get inspired is to admire and look at some award winning web designs. But spending lots of time to find these kinds of web designs is not possible for most of the designers. So you...

Advertising Photography examples from Tanishq zoya By Suresh Natarajan

Advertising Photography
Advertising Photography : Suresh Natarajan is a Mumbai based advertising and fashion photographer. Most of his photographs have adorned several beauty magazines. He believes that one should have a unique theme and portray people with their never seen personality before capturing the photographs. His sense of style and fashion is...

30 Best Motivational Quotes and Typography Design inspiration

Motivational Quotes
Motivational Quotes: Everyone needs a little bit of push to move up the success ladder, so here we present you amazing motivational poster designs which is sure to boost your confidence. Here is a motivational quote from the bible,Psalm 138:3; “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my...

30 Creative and Stunning Photo manipulations for your inspiration

30 Creative and Stunning Photo manipulations for your inspiration
Photo manipulation works are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can manipulate photos like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have added some of best and amazing...
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