
40 Creative Typography Logo design inspiration for you

Typography Logo
Typography Logo: Logos are a must for any company to promote their brand for almost all kinds of businesses. Logo designers are always at loggerheads to create a successful logo design with typography, but sometimes most simplest logo design turn out to be super impressive. So if you are looking to go crazy with typography, then...

Award winning creative Typography Designs by Martin Schmetzer

Award winning creative Typography Designs by Martin Schmetzer
Typography Designs: Martin Schmetzer is a typography artist from Stockholm, Sweden. According to his biography, "Award-winning designer specializing in hand-drawn typography with a high level of detail and diligence. Currently represented by Rithuset in Sweden, Match Illustration in UK and Red Ape in Australia/Asia". His...

Know more about Html5 - for Developers

Know more about Html5 - for Developers
If you are a programmer or someone who is simply interested in programming, then you must have heard about the latest buzz released by W3C. The all new HTML 5. HTML 5 is still a work in progress, but it is being tested and used with IE 9 ( Internet Explorer 9) and Safari and it has already proven its superiority, from eye popping...

25 Creative Adobe Photoshop Splash Screen Designs from International campaign

25 Creative Adobe Photoshop Splash Screen Designs from International campaign
Adobe Photoshop Campaign : Here is a series of amazing Graphic designs for the new Adobe international campaign "Adobe &". This campaign highlights the power of their tools used by their potential clients of different fields, like developers, designers, typographers, film makers and any other kind of creative profile....

65 Creative Cat Logo Design ideas for your inspiration

65 Creative Cat Logo Design ideas for your inspiration
A cat logo design is used for establishments which deal with veterinary products, pet hospitals, restaurants, pet spas, pet protection services, printing services and more. Cat logos are fun to design, since cats are always known to be flexible. Try to watch some cats in movement, stretching, yawning, jumping and you will get...

30 Creative Droste Effect Photos created by Adobe Photoshop

Droste Effect
The Droste effect is a Dutch word that depicts a special type of recursive picture. A smaller version of the original image repeats itself in a recursive manner in an image that exhibits the Droste effect. According to the theory, the picture in picture effect goes deeper up to infinitum. But in reality, this is limited by the image...

40 Creative Sports Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration1

40 Creative Sports Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration1
In this post we have added 40 Best and Creative Sports logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Royal Sports, Sports Store, Corporate Bowling, BaseBall Club, Sports Lab, Basket Academy, Golf Burn, Fire Ball, One ball rally, Green hole Golf club and Table tennis viewer. See all Logo Designs  |  ...

26 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and web Designers - Download

26 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and web Designers - Download
In this post we have added Free professional and good looking fonts for graphic and web designers. Download them here and start using in your next design. Happy Designing. Minaeff Ect Download this font Slice Download this font Bebas Download this font Gnuolane Download this font Mentone Download this font Kimberly Download...

50 Creative Resume Design Samples that will make you rethink your CV

Resume Designs
Resume Design: Your CV talks a lot about you and your career. So if you want to have a lucrative career, it's important to have a professional resume design. You can choose to go trendy or stay traditional using hand written resumes, it should definitely have all the information you require to land yourself a big job. You might be...

20 Creative Branding and Identity Designs for your inspiration

20 Creative Branding and Identity Designs for your inspiration
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

Exploring Sea Life through Illuminating Typography Art and Digital Illustrations by Lena Vargas

Exploring Sea Life through Illuminating Typography Art and Digital Illustrations by Lena Vargas
Sea life has always captivated us, check out these beautiful typography designs by Lena Vargas. She is a freelance digital illustrator from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Exploring the corals in the form of typography illustrations is very illuminating for us. The beautiful corals, little fishes which reminds us of the "...

30 Creative Website Designs Showcase for your inspiration

30 Creative Website Designs Showcase for your inspiration  ...

25 Beautiful Branding and Identity Design ideas - part 21

25 Beautiful Branding and Identity Design ideas - part 21
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

How To Shoot And Retouch Beautiful Models - Photography Tutorial

How To Shoot And Retouch Beautiful Models - Photography Tutorial
We showed up at Shoot Digital (a massive photo studio in Manhattan) early in the morning and the models were already in makeup. Sam’s assistant was working on the lights and I got to sit down and interview Sam for a few minutes. What I found most interesting about Sam was his incredible attention to detail. Most...

Stunning display of Underwater Photography and Advertising ideas by Zena Holloway

Stunning display of Underwater Photography and Advertising ideas by Zena Holloway
Zena Holloway is a talented British underwater photographer. She is quite capable of taking moving and still images for advertising underwater photography. Apart from being an underwater photographer, she is a certified PADI instructor and commercial diver. Her commercial diving is her biggest inspiration behind the underwater...

Experienced Hire Campaign - Brilliant Advertising Craft Ideas by Noelia Lozano

Experienced Hire Campaign - Brilliant Advertising Craft Ideas by Noelia Lozano
Advertising Design ideas : Noelia Lozano is an Art director and Graphic designer from Spain. She has an amazing group of experienced help who understand her flavor of art in the advertisement industry. According to her website,"Her work is focused on papercrafts, CGI and set design- often combining these different techniques...

10 Modular Advertising Photography examples with Fruits and Vegetables1

10 Modular Advertising Photography examples with Fruits and Vegetables1
In Durban bands change members faster than bribes change hands. Fruits and Veggies had already gone through multiple member changes and so we decided to do a modular type shoot so members could be added or taken away with a quick portrait if someone would add or join the band.  See all Photography posts here >...

Oreo Bicsuits or Zebra Body - Mind Boggling Photo Manipulation works By Ronald Ong

Oreo Bicsuits or Zebra Body - Mind Boggling Photo Manipulation works By Ronald Ong
Photo manipulation works by Ronald Ong are stories which are waiting to be shared. Ronald Ong is a visual artist from Malaysia. He currently lives and works from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Animal photos are manipulated by mixing their bodies with food. The zebra has oreo biscuits skin, fox body resembles a bread packet and so on. It's...
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