
50 Creative Corporate Business Card Design examples - Design inspiration

Corporate Business Cards
Corporate Business Cards designed in a creative manner gives a professional touch to almost all kinds of businesses. A professionally designed corporate business card can in turn boost the sales or marketing of all companies even if it's in a small manner. It's important to have a unique and simple corporate business card before...

30 Photo Restoration Examples - Old Photo Restoration and Coloring Inspiration

Photo Restoration
Old Photo restoration is the practice of restoring a photograph which has been damaged by natural, environmental causes. Digital photo restoration uses a variety of image editing techniques to remove visible damage and aging effects from photographs. Dirt, scratches, and other signs of photographic age are removed from the...

40 Creative Construction Logos Design examples for your inspiration

Construction Logos
Construction logo design ideas: Yes, every business needs brand marketing. So why not for your construction business? Nowadays most of the marketing and sales of buildings and residential apartments are mostly done online, so it's equally important to have brand recognition and a cool logo for your business would be an ideal choice...

50 Best Photo Editing and Retouching works around the world

50 Best Photo Editing and Retouching works around the world
Photo Retouching : If you want to make your photos look more beautiful, you should try out Photo Editing and Retouching. These techniques add more glamour to your photos by producing even skin tone, removing red eye, changing yellow teeth and also to remove the horrible acne from your face. In this post we have included some tips...

40 Creative Tree Logo Design examples for you

Tree Logo Design
Tree Logo Design : In this post we have added 40 creative Tree themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Legacy Wellnes, Imaginary Trees, Chemistree, ephfx, Cranesville, Natura, Techtree, LightTree and Enriched.  tree logo design tree logo design tree logo design tree logo design tree logo...

15 Best Website Designers in India - Creative Web Designers List

Website Designers India
Website Designers India: Web designers make the internet a happy place for many business owners. Despite their hardwork and brilliant creativity, not many website designers are known to the world. Have you wondered who are the best website designers in India. Well we have put togethere a list of 15 Top and Best Indian website...

Vector Illustrations for Fashion Magazine - Artist Alessandro Pautasso

Vector Illustrations for Fashion Magazine - Artist Alessandro Pautasso
About Alessandro Pautasso: A photographer, graphic designer, and illustrator based in Turin Italy. Kaneda is specialized in vector art.

25 Creative and Beautiful Photo Manipulation works done by Photoshop1

25 Creative and Beautiful Photo Manipulation works done by Photoshop1
Creative Photo Manipulations: Photo manipulations are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can manipulate photos like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have added...

Agrosolutions New Branding and Identity Design by French Design Agency Grapheine

Agrosolutions New Branding and Identity Design by French Design Agency Grapheine
To ascertain its identity and positioning Agrosolutions, the subsidiary of the agricultural group InVivo, France decided to create new branding and identity. InVivo plays a major role in the economy of France as it comprises agriculture, nutrition and animal health, public distribution and wine. There are 216 french agricultural...

Splendid Digital Artworks and mosaic portraits of Charis Tsevis for Womankind Magazine

Splendid Digital Artworks and mosaic portraits of Charis Tsevis for Womankind Magazine
Digital Art : Charis Tsevis is a splendid visual artist living and working in Athens, Greece. He is famous throughout the world for his imaginative skill and has worked for organizations like Nike, PepsiCo, Toyota and IKEA. Every single creation of him portrays a solitary component – a man, a question or a creature –...

30 Subliminal Advertising Ideas and print ads for you

30 Subliminal Advertising Ideas and print ads for you
Subliminal advertising: Sometimes the best way to pass on a crude message is through subliminal ads. They tend to reach the audience in a much faster way. The human brain is tuned in such way to grasp the negative details much faster than the positive ones. So if we want people to give up smoking, subliminal advertisement with...

25 Beautiful and Colorful Website Design examples for your inspiration

25 Beautiful and Colorful Website Design examples for your inspiration
In this post we have added 25 Beautiful and colorful website design samples for you. When you’re feeling creatively low, one of the best ways to get inspired is to admire and look at some award winning web designs. But spending lots of time to find these kinds of web designs is not possible for most of the designers. So you...

70 Creative Restaurant Logo Designs for your inspiration - Part 2

70 Creative Restaurant Logo Designs for your inspiration - Part 2
Today we are sharing some of Restaurant themed logo designs. It must be helpful for logo designers to see different creative ideas. Please share with your friends to reach all the designers. Please send us your Restaurant logos to make this post more beautiful.

40 Creative Eye Logo Design Ideas and Design inspiration

Eye logo design
In this post we have added 40 Best Eye themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Sleep, TechVision, Vision, Eye Hut, Davinci and Gurwin Photography. Please write us your favorite eye logo design by adding comment below. FishEye - Eye logo design Hoot - Eye logo design NVIUS - Eye logo design Eye Arena -...

Reshape and Bend Human body using Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature

Reshape and Bend Human body using Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature
Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature opens the doors for reshaping objects which is probably the quickest and easiest path to a slick end result. It can be used to alter facial expressions, reshape human and animal arms and legs and bend shapes in ways that are hard to imagine. The puppet warp feature is available in "Edit...

40 Photoshop Coloring Works - Colorize old black and white photos

40 Photoshop Coloring Works - Colorize old black and white photos
Colorize Old Photo: Do you have old photos and wondering how to restore them to their former glory? No more worries, if your old photos are too crumpled, fold, torn or color faded. You can always trust our humble Adobe Photoshop which works great wonders on coloring old photos, so you can always hold on to your fond memories. Want...

20 Beautiful Vexel Art Portraits - Vector Portrait illustrations

Vexel Art
A combination of vector and pixel brings out the new form of art : Vexel art. Although both vector art and vexel art use Adobe Photoshop, the former uses shape layers from the pen tool and the latter uses raster layers. The raster layers are totally created from pixels. Pixels of different colors are grouped together to create...

35 Creative Home page designs - Web Design Showcase

35 Creative Home page designs - Web Design Showcase
LightCMS Eighty8Four Solo Saturized Collision Eddie Diaz Happycom MFG Labs PSD to WP Themify Igor Chudy Assistly Admin Templates Kaleidoscope Hungarian Wine Society Sparks Online Website Design Scozzese Website Design The Black Eye Project Website Design digitouch! Website Design Moment Skis Website...
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