
25 Funny Photoshop Fail examples Of All Time - Failed Photo Editing

Photoshop Fail
Photoshop Fail : Sometimes Photo editing or Photo retouching becomes wrong, many of these Photo editing errors are found in Print Advertisements, Popular Movie posters, Magazine Front Cover and Editorial Pictures. Adobe Photoshop is being used for eliminate the annoying components, resizing, retouching fashion models. Sometimes...

25 Award Winning Fashion and Advertising Photography examples by Matthieu Belin

25 Award Winning Fashion and Advertising Photography examples by Matthieu Belin
Fashion and Beauty Photography : Matthieu's gallery features Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Celebrities & Portraits, Documentary, and Artwork Photography. He has been working with magazines such as Vogue, GQ, Elle. With 10 years background of Art Direction, in 2010 he created Ubiquity Photography to devote himself to...

25 Creative Digital Artworks by Android Jones - Dreams of Digital Imagination

25 Creative Digital Artworks by Android Jones - Dreams of Digital Imagination
Digital Art : Android Jones is at the forefront of the visionary art movement, a wave of artists who emphasize creativity as the foundation of consciousness and an agent of social change. As a digital alchemist, Android builds on the technical developments of past centuries in art history while pushing the boundaries of the...

30 Creative E-commerce Website Design examples for your inspiration

E Commerce Website
E-Commerce Website are aimed to reach out to a larger and much more targeted audience. Every business has an online presence and ecommerce web designs provide effective ecommerce solutions. E-commerce websites take care of a host of activities like web hosting solutions, buying/selling, product search, product filter and more. If...

15 Intriguing Photo Collage Portraits by Australian Artist Harriet Moutsopoulos

15 Intriguing Photo Collage Portraits by Australian Artist Harriet Moutsopoulos
Photo collages are created in many interesting ways and Australian artist Harriet Moutsopoulos aka Lexicon Love covers the face of his portrait with food items to create intriguing collages. Harriet is passionate about creating unexpected connections, surreal and unsettling combinations between humour and tragedy. According to him...

Top 10 Best Logo Design Contest websites from around the world

Logo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest : Creating a design contest is a clever way to attain advertising for a small business company, organization or cause. By offering affordable prices, you will entice more designers to submit their work, thereby getting a variety of designs from which to choose best design.The customer needs only to create a logo...

25 New Fonts for Graphic & Web Designers - Download Now

25 New Fonts for Graphic & Web Designers - Download Now
25 New Fonts for Graphic & Web Designers - Download Now Code Pro Sheep Sans   Legion Slab Typeface   FoglihtenNo01   FoglihtenFr02     BUUG Typeface   Limelight Ostrich Sans - Round   Dunn Typeface Dash Typeface   Absinthe typeface - Free Font  ...

Stunning Digital Art works and Movie Poster Designs by Paul Zeaiter

Stunning Digital Art works and Movie Poster Designs by Paul Zeaiter
In this post you will be able to see creative digital art works and poster designs from Paul Zeaiter's gallery. He was born in Australia. During his childhood he enjoyed sci-fi movies, heavy metal and so on. His love for music and art allowed him to take on an apprenticeship in some of Sydney's upscale design studios. He took a...

50 Creative Corporate Business Card Design examples - Design inspiration

Corporate Business Cards
Corporate Business Cards designed in a creative manner gives a professional touch to almost all kinds of businesses. A professionally designed corporate business card can in turn boost the sales or marketing of all companies even if it's in a small manner. It's important to have a unique and simple corporate business card before...

25 Best Photo Editing and Retouching works around the world

Photo Editing
Photo retouching and photo editing: Have you taken a great photograph, but find a little light missing in them or the face looks too dull. Well photo retouching can be done through adobe photoshop. Photographers use adobe photoshop widely to achieve the best looks. Ask any photographer, he would say he spent hours n hours photo...

Surrealistic and impressive photomontages by Luisa Azevedo

Surrealistic and impressive photomontages by Luisa Azevedo
Luisa Azevedo a teenager from the beautiful sea side of Portugal is a talented artist who discovers the unknown side of realism. She tends to create simple collages to fascinating worlds of uncertainity which is thought provoking and playful. The sharp cutting which she uses on her subjects at interesting angles, beckons the...

Funny and creative Photo Manipulations by Sebastian Magnani

Funny and creative Photo Manipulations by Sebastian Magnani
Photo Manipulation : Sebastian is a professional photographer and artist based in Zurich, Switzerland. His photography project titled 'underdogs' was started by him in the year 2009. The crazy thought of humans with doggy faces turned true with digital photo manipulation with a couple of wigs, and viola: a human canine look-alike...

50 Most Beautiful Websites Design examples for your inspiration - part 2

50 Most Beautiful Websites Design examples for your inspiration - part 2
50 Most Beautiful Websites Design examples for your inspiration - part 2 flourish brand stylists - Beautiful websites design Visit Website digital agency website - Beautiful websites design Visit Website butterfly - Beautiful websites design Visit Website wallcreations - Beautiful websites design Visit Website blue pixel -...

Photoshop CS6 -10 Video Tutorials

Photoshop CS6 -10 Video Tutorials
  Photoshop CS6: How to use the Navigator panel This Photoshop CS6 tutorial introduces the Navigator panel and demonstrates how to use shortcuts, zoom value, Proxy preview, and more.   Modifying the brightness Interface in Photoshop CS6 This Photoshop CS6 tutorial discusses how to work with the Brightness interface and...

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1
We are going to show how aging occurs in a woman’s face via Photoshop. For this tutorial we are going to use celebrity star Katie Holmes picture. Step 1: Choosing an Appropriate Photo Choose some close up candid photos which doesn’t have much make up and shows all detailing of the face. In Katie’s picture, we can...

Award Winning and creative Typography Designs by Sawdust

 Award Winning and creative Typography Designs by Sawdust
Typography Design Art: Sawdust is a design studio based in London. They are highly specialized in creative typography design art, branding, display typefaces and so on. Some of their clients are Nike, Wired, The New York Times, Coca-Cola, IBM, Wieden+Kennedy, Dolby, National Geographic and so on. The following typography design art...

30 Beautiful Animated 3D TV Ads and Motion Graphics Special Effect TV Commercials

3D TV Ads
In today’s film 3D animation is a very common part. You pick any good movie you can find at least 15 minutes of CG elements. And for this lots of 3D animators are needed. Actually CG graphics have become popular because it creates a virtual world which is crafted with fantasy. In this post we have collected 30 inspiring...
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