
40 Best Photo retouching Tutorial Videos from top photo editors

Photo Retouching Tutorials
In this post, learn how easily retouching photos in Adobe Photoshop using the Content-Aware technology of various tools. Adobe Photoshop is the world’s best imaging and graphic design software used every creative project around the world, from photo editing and retouching to professional high resolution advertising Photographs...

30 Best Motivational Quotes and Typography Design inspiration

Motivational Quotes
Motivational Quotes: Everyone needs a little bit of push to move up the success ladder, so here we present you amazing motivational poster designs which is sure to boost your confidence. Here is a motivational quote from the bible,Psalm 138:3; “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my...

20 Celebrity Portraits Created by Circles - Digital Circlism by Ben Heine

20 Celebrity Portraits Created by Circles - Digital Circlism by Ben Heine
Digital Celebrity Portraits : Ben Heine has more than 15 years experience in creating portraits of popular celebrities. Over the period of time he has evolved a new technique called Digital circlism, where portraits of celebrities are created digitally using only circles of different shapes. Most of his digital circlism portraits of...

60 Creative Bird Logo Designs and Ideas for your inspiration

Bird Logo
Bird logo designs: Logo design is an important part of every graphic designer's profile. No business is prominent without an unique logo design. Many birds have their own symbolisms and bird logo designs can be created based on those unique natures of the birds. For eg, eagles, lions are used to show strength, authority and can be...

33 Free Vector Floral Designs and Backgrounds - Download High quality EPS AI Files

Free Vector
This post contains 33 Free Vector floral backgrounds and designs for you with EPS & AI source files. AI is an Adobe Illustrator file, one of the most widely used graphic design programs in the world. Usually a file with the tag AI is an original design file, meaning that this is the file originally used for developing your...

30 Creative Cat Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Cat Logo
Cat Logo Design are literally not used by cats, they are mostly used to make the brands more appealing to the cat owners market. It's good to differentiate between the animal products with the animal pictures on them, so it's easier for the pet owners. Cats are meant for their flexibility and their long life, so cat logo designs are...

The Outer Child - 25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works by Cristian Girotto

The Outer Child - 25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works by Cristian Girotto
Creative Photo manipulation : There was a time when the clichéd notion that "there is a child inside all of us" warmed our hearts. However, we had never actually pictured what such a child would look like. After seeing the collaborative project by Paris-based retoucher Cristian Girotto and photographer Quentin...

25 Best Ads Around the world for your inspiration - Award Winning Ads

Best Ads
Best Ads : Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of...

50 Best Photo Retouching works from top photo editors - After Before Photos

50 Best Photo Retouching works from top photo editors - After Before Photos
We have included 50 Best Photo retouching works of after before photos for your inspiration. Photo Retouching has the magic of transforming dull photos into professional photos. It's a dream of every human to look amazing in every photo and Adobe photoshop is a great software to help achieve the results. In most art schools, adobe...

70 Creative Restaurant Logo Design inspiration for you

Restaurant Logos
Restaurant Logos : Logos are essential for creating brand identity. Logos help identify a consumer about the product and restaurant logos, hotel logos will have something associated with food. It's a known fact that human brains can recollect pictorial images better than words. There are many free logo services online which can help...

15 Best Custom Logo Design Services and Websites around the world

Custom Logo Design Services
Custom Logo Design Services : You can create your own stunning looking custom logo design websites within few minutes. Logo designs make your wesbites look unique and it should be designed in such a way that it stands out in the crowd. Have a look at these 15 Best Custom Logo Design Services Websites around the world for your...

21 Different Types of Brochure Designs to suit your marketing needs

Different Types of brochure Designs
Brochures are the most common type of marketing tools used by a business to explain their services and products. Though the world is moving towards a digital platform, brochures still play an important role in marketing. Generally, brochures portray professionalism and create trust in the company in the customer's mind. There are...

50 Best Motivational Posters and Motivational Quotes around the world

Motivational Posters
Motivational Posters : Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams. Quotes: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill. Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value...

40 Creative Sports Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration1

40 Creative Sports Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration1
In this post we have added 40 Best and Creative Sports logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Royal Sports, Sports Store, Corporate Bowling, BaseBall Club, Sports Lab, Basket Academy, Golf Burn, Fire Ball, One ball rally, Green hole Golf club and Table tennis viewer. See all Logo Designs  |  ...

Showcase of Best Woman Vector tracing & Illustration works

Vector woman
We have added 20 Best Vector woman illustration works for you. Vector illustration is a popular technique of many digital illustrators worldwide. Some time vector work would be very difficult while creating hair and skin tone effects. Please send us your vector to share with everyone See all Vector Characters...

50 Creative Photo manipulation works by Indian Artist Anil Saxena

50 Creative Photo manipulation works by Indian Artist Anil Saxena
Photo manipulation: Indian photographer, Anil Saxena has been making waves in the photography sector with his amazing surreal photography, which were done using photo manipulation. Initially, Anil Saxena worked in the dar room to achieve the desired result on his photos, later on when he was introduced to photoshop, there was no...

25 Best 3D Animated TV Commercial Videos - TVC

25 Best 3D Animated TV Commercial Videos - TVC
In this post we have added 25 Best award winning 3D Animated TV Commmercial (TVC) videos for your inspiration.  FFW Prince Charming - 3D Animated TV Commercial Watch Video   Mortein: Locked Out - 3D Animated TV Commercial Watch Video   C&C - Transformer - 3D Animated TV Commercial Watch Video   MILK Watch...

Best collection of Illustrator Vector Tracing works

Best collection of Illustrator Vector Tracing works
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