
25 Beautiful and Creative Illustration themed web design examples

25 Beautiful and Creative Illustration themed web design examples
Illustration is defined as a displayed visualization form presented as a drawing, painting, photograph or other work of art that is created to elucidate or dictate sensual information. In this post we have added illustrations themed web design examples. Be inspired as we take you to a cool trip of great cartoon illustrations that...

25 Mind-Blowing Matte Painting Examples for your inspiration

Matte painting
Matte painting is a technique often used to create landscapes, sets and scenes for movies, TV and print when building a physical set or traveling to a particular location to film is either cost prohibitive or impossible. This technique requires a solid understanding of light, exposure, color theory and composition. Artist will often...

50 Brilliant Fish Logo design examples for your inspiration - part 2

50 Brilliant Fish Logo design examples for your inspiration - part 2
In this post we have added 40 Best Fish logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Fishline, Food, Quality Fish, Fishy, Wapped Fish, ink Fish and Bigcolors. Please tell us your favorite fish logo designs. Fish logo design Channel cat Fish logo design Fishy Fish logo design Silentcode Fish logo...

21 Different Types of Brochure Designs to suit your marketing needs

Different Types of brochure Designs
Brochures are the most common type of marketing tools used by a business to explain their services and products. Though the world is moving towards a digital platform, brochures still play an important role in marketing. Generally, brochures portray professionalism and create trust in the company in the customer's mind. There are...

25 Creative Typography Designs by NikAinley - Testing the Boundaries of my Creativity

25 Creative Typography Designs by NikAinley - Testing the Boundaries of my Creativity
In this post we have included 25 Creative Typography Designs by Nik Ainley - Testing the Boundaries of my Creativity for your inspiration. Nik Ainley is a british artist who has experience of more than 10 years in digital illustrations. Nik happened to accidently stumble upon the digital illustrations when he was doing a student...

26 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and web Designers - Download

26 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and web Designers - Download
In this post we have added Free professional and good looking fonts for graphic and web designers. Download them here and start using in your next design. Happy Designing. Minaeff Ect Download this font Slice Download this font Bebas Download this font Gnuolane Download this font Mentone Download this font Kimberly Download...

Creative Visual Brand Identity Design of ObjetRama by Grapheine

Creative Visual Brand Identity Design of ObjetRama by Grapheine
ObjetRama, an France based expert in customised merch communication market has been in evolution of its brand identity. Redesigning of the logotype is done in such a way that the brand's previous logo is retained and new design is an evolution of it. ObjetRama's values - modernity,dynamism, innovation and reliability are emphasised...

Hello Color - Stunning Color Manipulations and Typography Ads of Pawel Nolbert

Hello Color - Stunning Color Manipulations and Typography Ads of Pawel Nolbert
TYPOGRAPHY DESIGNS : Pawel Nolbert is also known as Hellocolor in art circles. He is an exceptional artist and illustrator. He has created many visual designs fro big brands like Google, Nike, Sony, Microsoft, Mercedes-Benz and the latest is for the OPPO brand. He had created wallpapers for the OOP android based operating system and...

90 Creative Animal themed Print Ads and Advertising ideas for you

Animal Ads
Animal Ads : Everybody loves animals and if there is something you want people to remember, try mimicking their favourite animals and it stays in the memory forever. It's clever idea used by creative directors for making people remember brands or products easily. Create hilarious animal ads which stays in the minds of the consumers...

20 Creative Print Advertisement design ideas for your inspiration

20 Creative Print Advertisement design ideas for your inspiration
Creative Print Advertisements design ideas : Nat Geo Print Ad : Our creative concept for Africa’s Deadliest TV show is to exemplify the face-to-face aspect of predator versus prey in a creative manner through the circle of life. Visually, we have personified the tension that exists between the two animals through dramatic...

20 Brilliant Advertising designs from Life's too short for the wrong job - Award winning marketing campaign

20 Brilliant Advertising designs from Life's too short for the wrong job - Award winning marketing campaign
Jobs In Town, a German staffing agency, devised these creative eye catching ads for their marketing campaign. The ads translate to "Life's too short for the wrong job" and brilliantly emphasize on that statement. These creative ads won numerous awards for their imaginative depiction of miserable working conditions through...

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1
We are going to show how aging occurs in a woman’s face via Photoshop. For this tutorial we are going to use celebrity star Katie Holmes picture. Step 1: Choosing an Appropriate Photo Choose some close up candid photos which doesn’t have much make up and shows all detailing of the face. In Katie’s picture, we can...

20 Creative and Colorful Graphic illustrations and Photo manipulations for your inspiration

20 Creative and Colorful Graphic illustrations and Photo manipulations for your inspiration
Photo manipulation : You have got my colors all over your face. Adhemas was given free reign to explore his vibrant and colorful style through concepts, designs and illustrations. When the site launched in 2005, it received worldwide exposure and resulted in a number of prestigious advertising and design awards. At the age of...

Stunning display of Underwater Photography and Advertising ideas by Zena Holloway

Stunning display of Underwater Photography and Advertising ideas by Zena Holloway
Zena Holloway is a talented British underwater photographer. She is quite capable of taking moving and still images for advertising underwater photography. Apart from being an underwater photographer, she is a certified PADI instructor and commercial diver. Her commercial diving is her biggest inspiration behind the underwater...

Illustrated Sports themed Logos

Illustrated Sports themed Logos
Today we would like to share some of sports themed logo designs. i hope everyone will like it. please add your comments and reviews. These logos are copied from various users of Before designing a logo, you can visit for getting more references...

Know more about Html5 - for Developers

Know more about Html5 - for Developers
If you are a programmer or someone who is simply interested in programming, then you must have heard about the latest buzz released by W3C. The all new HTML 5. HTML 5 is still a work in progress, but it is being tested and used with IE 9 ( Internet Explorer 9) and Safari and it has already proven its superiority, from eye popping...

40 Creative Horse Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Horse Logo
Horse Logo Designs: In this post we have added 40 Best Horse themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are British Dressage, Luxstuff, Firhorse, Trojan, SpaHorse, WhiteHorse, Blacknight and Kowboi. I hope you will like these Horse Logo Designs.

20 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now

20 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now
In this post we have added some of royalty free professional and good looking fonts for graphic and web designers. Download them instantly and start using in your next design. Happy Designing. Forum by Denis Masharov Download this font Forum by Denis Masharov Download this font Ledger Regular - by Denis Masharov Download this...
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