
20 Stunning Photo Retouching works with Sci-fi effects by Vitaliy Art - After Before Photos

Photo Retouching After Before
The sci-fi photo retouching artworks is the creation of a russian media group, popularly known as Vitaliy Arts. The introduction of CGI effects with neon light is an interesting photo editing feature. Vitaliy arts mostly creates photo editing and photo retouching for advertising campaigns, marketing, fashion and more. Vitaliy...

25 Award Winning Fashion and Advertising Photography examples by Matthieu Belin

25 Award Winning Fashion and Advertising Photography examples by Matthieu Belin
Fashion and Beauty Photography : Matthieu's gallery features Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Celebrities & Portraits, Documentary, and Artwork Photography. He has been working with magazines such as Vogue, GQ, Elle. With 10 years background of Art Direction, in 2010 he created Ubiquity Photography to devote himself to...

Stunning Digital Art works and Movie Poster Designs by Paul Zeaiter

Stunning Digital Art works and Movie Poster Designs by Paul Zeaiter
In this post you will be able to see creative digital art works and poster designs from Paul Zeaiter's gallery. He was born in Australia. During his childhood he enjoyed sci-fi movies, heavy metal and so on. His love for music and art allowed him to take on an apprenticeship in some of Sydney's upscale design studios. He took a...

30 Beautiful Animated 3D TV Ads and Motion Graphics Special Effect TV Commercials

3D TV Ads
In today’s film 3D animation is a very common part. You pick any good movie you can find at least 15 minutes of CG elements. And for this lots of 3D animators are needed. Actually CG graphics have become popular because it creates a virtual world which is crafted with fantasy. In this post we have collected 30 inspiring...

Award winning creative Typography Designs by Martin Schmetzer

Award winning creative Typography Designs by Martin Schmetzer
Typography Designs: Martin Schmetzer is a typography artist from Stockholm, Sweden. According to his biography, "Award-winning designer specializing in hand-drawn typography with a high level of detail and diligence. Currently represented by Rithuset in Sweden, Match Illustration in UK and Red Ape in Australia/Asia". His...

50 Best Photo Retouching works from top photo editors - After Before Photos

50 Best Photo Retouching works from top photo editors - After Before Photos
We have included 50 Best Photo retouching works of after before photos for your inspiration. Photo Retouching has the magic of transforming dull photos into professional photos. It's a dream of every human to look amazing in every photo and Adobe photoshop is a great software to help achieve the results. In most art schools, adobe...

Olympics 2024 creative branding logo identity ideas by Grapheine

Olympics 2024 creative branding logo identity ideas by Grapheine
The olympics 2024 games are all set to have a new branding and logo identity designs. Grapheine a visual design studio came up with these branding and logo identity designs after a 48hr brainstorming session. The fluid lines and tracks symbolise Eiffel tower and sports tracks since the games are all set to take place in Paris....

40 Creative Fruit Logo Design examples for Inspiration - part 2
Fruit logo design ideas: Everyone loves a piece of fruit and fruits are also good for health. If a business is primarily dealing with fruits, then including a fruit in your logo is great way to promote your product. Look at the Zestfresh logo, Zest reminds you of lemon zest, so the logo designers have included a lemon in the logo...

25 Creative Banner Design examples for your inspiration

Banner Design
Banner designs are part of the advertising and marketing. Graphic designers have to use their creativity to produce eye catching banner designs that helps attract customers to the particular brand. Banner design is used by many sectors to convey important messages to the public or it can also be used for advertisement purpose. Based...

60 Creative 3D Typography Design ideas for your Inspiration

3D Typography Designs
3D Typography : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...

25 New Fonts for Graphic & Web Designers - Download Now

25 New Fonts for Graphic & Web Designers - Download Now
25 New Fonts for Graphic & Web Designers - Download Now Code Pro Sheep Sans   Legion Slab Typeface   FoglihtenNo01   FoglihtenFr02     BUUG Typeface   Limelight Ostrich Sans - Round   Dunn Typeface Dash Typeface   Absinthe typeface - Free Font  ...

Vector Illustrations for Fashion Magazine - Artist Alessandro Pautasso

Vector Illustrations for Fashion Magazine - Artist Alessandro Pautasso
About Alessandro Pautasso: A photographer, graphic designer, and illustrator based in Turin Italy. Kaneda is specialized in vector art.

28 Creative Branding and Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 2

28 Creative Branding and Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 2
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

60 Creative Bird Logo Designs and Ideas for your inspiration - part 2

60 Creative Bird Logo Designs and Ideas for your inspiration - part 2
Bird Logo : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products. Similarly we have collected some amazing Bilr logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite...

Kate Middleton inspired Cafe Branding Design - Prahran Middletown Cafe

Kate Middleton inspired Cafe Branding Design - Prahran Middletown Cafe
Cafe Branding Design : Prahran MiddleTown Cafe has opened recently in Melbourne and it's themed as "Prahran's brunchery royale". Infact the theme has been inspired from the Royal, Kate Middletown. You can find the cafe's interiors all in blue and white, which looks so elegant. You can see bright white tiles and panneling,...

20 Stunning After Before Photos from top Photo Retouching professionals

20 Stunning After Before Photos from top Photo Retouching professionals
Best Photo Retouching works : WAll great photographs look amazing after a little photo retouching. Retouching works can be done through special techniques using photoshop. Photoshop has a variety of tools like lasso, clone, dodge, blur and smudge tools. 20 Stunning After Before Photos from top Photo Retouching professionals...

Stunning Vector Illustrations – Using Adobe Illustrator

Stunning Vector Illustrations – Using Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator is the best software to create Vector Illustrations. It’s a favourite among all vector illustrators. It’s easy to stretch and resize using the Illustrator software. You get high quality images which minimal or zero distortion to the images. Vector art is not for the faint hearted, you need to put in a...
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