
50 Creative Typography Art works and Illustration ideas

Typography Art
Typography art: Typography illustrations are featured mostly for marketing and advertising campaign. People associate brand names with their products. Maybe that's how Coco- cola and Pepsi became huge marketing brands. Their logos are typography designs and they have to be consistent to reach the larger markets. The bottle shapes...

Children Bodybuilders - 12 Creative Photo manipulation works by Photographer Kurt Stallaert

Children Bodybuilders - 12 Creative Photo manipulation works by Photographer Kurt Stallaert
Have you seen children with six or eight packs? Well Photographer Kurt Stallaert visualizations of children body builders made him create these wonderful series of Photomanipulation works. It’s so funny to see children with bunny ears lifting weights and school children sitting around a coffee table, as if they have just come...

Photoshop CS6 -10 Video Tutorials

Photoshop CS6 -10 Video Tutorials
  Photoshop CS6: How to use the Navigator panel This Photoshop CS6 tutorial introduces the Navigator panel and demonstrates how to use shortcuts, zoom value, Proxy preview, and more.   Modifying the brightness Interface in Photoshop CS6 This Photoshop CS6 tutorial discusses how to work with the Brightness interface and...

50 Best Corporate Logo Design examples from top designers - Part 2

50 Best Corporate Logo Design examples from top designers - Part 2
Corporate Logo Design : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products for example football companies will have football as their logo designs. In this...

40 Creative Photography Logo Design examples and Ideas for you

Photography Logo
Photography logo : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. In this post we have added  40 best and creative Photography logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Sweet Rose, Capture,...

Stop Deforestation - 30 Creative Advertising Ideas and design inspiration

Deforestation Advertising ideas / Ads: Lets join hands to help save our planet. Yes some of these deforestation advertisements may be a bit brutal, but it helps to get the message across. Stop cutting down trees, since it's a great threat of extinction to the wildlife. Recently we have come across any situations where monkeys,bears...

50 Creative and Beautiful Poster Design examples for your inspiration

50 Creative and Beautiful Poster Design examples for your inspiration
Poster Design : Posters are one of the best ways of communicating a clients information. In graphic industry, Poster Design and Poster Printing is one of the most painful areas where clients want to convey everything from company to product to attract the most number of customers. Poster Design represents the essence of your...

30 Best and Creative Typography Design examples for your inspiration

30 Best and Creative Typography Design examples for your inspiration
Typography Design : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...

Creative Icons are important for your logos - Collection1

Creative Icons are important for your logos - Collection1
Here’s another selection of 25 logo designs with creative icons that professional and talented graphic designers adopt and incorporate in their designs. We always try to find a small and simple icon which should be related to the theme and design.   

26 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration

26 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration
Print Advertisements : Print Ads design is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a...

30 Creative Business Card Designs Inspiration and Tips for Designers

30 Creative Business Card Designs Inspiration and Tips for Designers
Designing your business cards in a very trendy fashion and making it memorable would help your identity to stay out of the trash bin after you the end of your discussion. Business cards are the most effective offline way to promote and advertise your business. Your Business card speaks for as brand and they are a good and...

30 Creative and Stunning Photo manipulations for your inspiration

30 Creative and Stunning Photo manipulations for your inspiration
Photo manipulation works are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can manipulate photos like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have added some of best and amazing...

25 Stunning Advertisement Photo manipulation works by Christophe Gilbert

25 Stunning Advertisement Photo manipulation works by Christophe Gilbert
Photo manipulations are fun to create and fun to look at. Christophe Gilbert is the Belgian talented advertising photograph and retoucher. In latest 80-s Christophe was working as an assistant of photographer, that specialized on automobiles. He says that idea is the main thing in photography. He calls himself a...

30 Creative Vodafone Zoo zoo Ads for your inspiration

30 Creative Vodafone Zoo zoo Ads for your inspiration
zoo zoo ads are advertisement characters promoted by Vodafone since the Indian Premier League Season 2 (IPL). zoo zoo are white creatures with ballooned bodies and egg heads who are used to promote various value added services of Vodafone. Although these characters look animated, they are actually humans in Zoozoo costumes. The ads...

Oreo Bicsuits or Zebra Body - Mind Boggling Photo Manipulation works By Ronald Ong

Oreo Bicsuits or Zebra Body - Mind Boggling Photo Manipulation works By Ronald Ong
Photo manipulation works by Ronald Ong are stories which are waiting to be shared. Ronald Ong is a visual artist from Malaysia. He currently lives and works from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Animal photos are manipulated by mixing their bodies with food. The zebra has oreo biscuits skin, fox body resembles a bread packet and so on. It's...

Comics is my world - Illustrated Movie Poster Designs by Matt Ferguson

Comics is my world - Illustrated Movie Poster Designs by Matt Ferguson
Matt Ferguson is a poster designer and artist from Sheffield, UK. Matt Ferguson works at the Marvel Studios and yes he is the brain behind all the illustrated posters of our favourite marvel movies. Catch your favorite characters Captain Marvel, Thor, Ant-man, Spiderman, Batman on illustrated posters. We love the depth of color and...

50 Creative Package Design ideas from Top Designers

Package Design
Competitive businesses require catchy package designs for product reach out. Package designs which are visual treat works out better in this competitive world. Choose from these creative packaging designs to make products stand out from the crowd. Businesses are always on the lookout for creative packaging design ideas which don't...

30 Beautiful Animated 3D TV Ads and Motion Graphics Special Effect TV Commercials

3D TV Ads
In today’s film 3D animation is a very common part. You pick any good movie you can find at least 15 minutes of CG elements. And for this lots of 3D animators are needed. Actually CG graphics have become popular because it creates a virtual world which is crafted with fantasy. In this post we have collected 30 inspiring...
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