
25 Beautiful and Creative Illustration themed web design examples

25 Beautiful and Creative Illustration themed web design examples
Illustration is defined as a displayed visualization form presented as a drawing, painting, photograph or other work of art that is created to elucidate or dictate sensual information. In this post we have added illustrations themed web design examples. Be inspired as we take you to a cool trip of great cartoon illustrations that...

Design Process of Unaf - Logo and Branding Identity Designs by Grapheine

Design Process of Unaf - Logo and Branding Identity Designs by Grapheine
The branding design process of Unaf and Udaf network was created by the visual design studio Grapheine. Unaf is a public interest entity committed to families since 1945. A coomon logo and branding identity was unveiled on June 22nd, 2019 in Reims, France. The U's in the logo symbolises for families and the Unaf and Udaf networks....

Reshape and Bend Human body using Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature

Reshape and Bend Human body using Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature
Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature opens the doors for reshaping objects which is probably the quickest and easiest path to a slick end result. It can be used to alter facial expressions, reshape human and animal arms and legs and bend shapes in ways that are hard to imagine. The puppet warp feature is available in "Edit...

Clever advertising ideas a peak into nature by Raku Inoue

Clever advertising ideas a peak into nature by Raku Inoue
Raku Inoue is a graphic artist based in Montreal. He uses sticks, flowers to create dragonflies, butterflies, polar bears, sea horses, sloths and more. The advertising idea is based on Natura insects series. Raku Inoue was born in Tokyo and now currently settled in Montreal. Raku Inoue is specialized in clay sculptures and is a...

30 Best Motivational Quotes and Typography Design inspiration

Motivational Quotes
Motivational Quotes: Everyone needs a little bit of push to move up the success ladder, so here we present you amazing motivational poster designs which is sure to boost your confidence. Here is a motivational quote from the bible,Psalm 138:3; “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my...

40 Creative Electrical Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Electrical Logo
Electrical Logo Design: Behind every successful business, there is a well designed professional logo. Logo's are essential for brand identification. There are many successful brands, which are mostly recognized by brand names. For eg: LG, Samsung, McDonald's and the list keeps growing. Similarly there are beautiful electrical logo...

40 Creative Advertising Ideas and Designs from around the world

Creative Advertising
Creative Advertising design ideas : Advertising is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a...

14 Different Types of Movie Poster design ideas with examples

Different types of Movie Poster Designs
Different types of movie poster design ideas : Movie poster designs play a prominent role in the branding and marketing of a movie to the general public. Graphic designers choose to use bolder and dark backgrounds to pique the interest of the viewers. There is no hard and fast rule for a perfect movie poster design. Graphic...

40 Brilliant Number themed Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Number logos
Number logo Designs : In this post we have added 30 creative Number logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are 42 Live, 11 Productions, 3 Leaves, Digits, Twins, Eight and 1 Million. Please add your comments below about your favorite logo designs. No one - Number logo Design Million - Number logo Design Eight -...

40 Best Print Advertisements and Creative Ads design inspiration - part 2

40 Best Print Advertisements and Creative Ads design inspiration - part 2
40 Best Print Advertisements and Creative Ads design inspiration - part 2 print Ads - hair style print Advertisement - google search print Ads hair print Advertisement - patient print Ads - dog food print Advertisement - coca cola print Advertisement - cat print Ads - Burger King print Ads - Photographer print...

30 Creative and Stunning Photo manipulations for your inspiration

30 Creative and Stunning Photo manipulations for your inspiration
Photo manipulation works are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can manipulate photos like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have added some of best and amazing...

15 Intriguing Photo Collage Portraits by Australian Artist Harriet Moutsopoulos

15 Intriguing Photo Collage Portraits by Australian Artist Harriet Moutsopoulos
Photo collages are created in many interesting ways and Australian artist Harriet Moutsopoulos aka Lexicon Love covers the face of his portrait with food items to create intriguing collages. Harriet is passionate about creating unexpected connections, surreal and unsettling combinations between humour and tragedy. According to him...

Tutorial - How to create a User Avatar Icon in Vector

Avatar Icon Vector
Avatar Icon Vector: By using Adobe Flash Software you can create unique user avatar icons for websites. Each website is identified by their special icons. You can also have unique icons, it’s really simple to create icons in flash. Just do a little research before you start work, identify different types of styles, so you can...

50 Best Motivational Posters and Motivational Quotes around the world

Motivational Posters
Motivational Posters : Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams. Quotes: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill. Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value...

25 Beautiful School Website Design examples for your inspiration

School Website
School website designs are pioneered by some of the best and creative designers. School websites is a creative solutions which advertises about the facilities, academics provided by them and it allows the parents to take an informed decision as to 'Why they should choose' to join their child in their school. So it's upto the graphic...

Vector Illustrations for Fashion Magazine - Artist Alessandro Pautasso

Vector Illustrations for Fashion Magazine - Artist Alessandro Pautasso
About Alessandro Pautasso: A photographer, graphic designer, and illustrator based in Turin Italy. Kaneda is specialized in vector art.
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