Soggy Flakes - A Stop Motion Animation Short by The Affolter Bros

Stop Motion Animation: Soggy flakes is a stop motion animation comedy which has been written and directed by The Affolter Bros. According to Soggy Flakes story,"In a low-carb, sugar-free, gluten-intolerant world, a group of washed-up, out-of-work breakfast cereal mascots form a weekly support group. Together they lament the golden ages of yesteryear and attempt to figure out how to swallow the bitter taste of today’s reality. But when Captain Kale, an ex-colleague turned sell-out, shows up to the diner where they host their meetings, they’re forced to re-examine their definition of what it means to be a success". The Affolter Bros have loads of experience in live-action and animation and this team has won several award winning stop-motion animation videos. Even though it's a five minute video a lot of hard work and passion has gone into the story making. Stop motion animation is a lot of hard work and kudos this wonderful team to bringing it all together. Hope to see more of your animation videos soon.

Soggy Flakes - A Stop Motion Animation Short by The Affolter Bros

Leon the liger soggy flakes stop motion animation film1-leon-the-liger-soggy-flakes-stop-motion-animation-film Dr bird berry soggy flakes stop motion animation film2-dr-bird-berry-soggy-flakes-stop-motion-animation-film Patty soggy flakes stop motion animation film3-patty-soggy-flakes-stop-motion-animation-film Swheatie soggy flakes stop motion animation film4-swheatie-soggy-flakes-stop-motion-animation-film

Sugar baroness soggy flakes stop motion animation film5-sugar-baroness-soggy-flakes-stop-motion-animation-film Captain kale soggy flakes stop motion animation film6-captain-kale-soggy-flakes-stop-motion-animation-film Soggy flakes stop motion animation film7-soggy-flakes-stop-motion-animation-film

Soggy flakes stop motion animation film8-soggy-flakes-stop-motion-animation-film

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Soggy Flakes - A Stop Motion Animation Short by The Affolter Bros Stop Motion Animation: Soggy flakes is a stop motion animation comedy which has been written and directed by The Affolter Bros. According to Soggy Flakes story,"In a low-carb, sugar-free,