Dreams of homeless people portrait photography by Horia Manolache

San Francisco based photographer, Horia Manolache is currently working on a new project "The Prince and the Pauper", which is so aptly named, considering he has photographed real life homeless people and connected with them to understand, what they would have been, if they had the riches. For his project, Horia Manolache shot two photographs of the people, one which showed their present day state and the other was their dream job which they never had.

Dreams of homeless people portrait photography by Horia Manolache

homeless portrait photography homeless portrait photography homeless portrait photography homeless portrait photography

homeless portrait photography homeless portrait photography homeless portrait photography

homeless portrait photography homeless portrait photography homeless portrait photography Horia invited the homeless people to a hotel and his wife helped dressing them up by cutting their hair, applying make-up and renting clothes for the photo session. Since he was quite happy about the photo session, he decided to create a book on them. “The goal of my project was to show these people in an unlikely approach and from an unlikely distance,” says Manolache, “and I hope this book will help others to reflect on the homelessness problem.”

homeless portrait photography

This good samaritan has also helped these homeless people with food, money, shelter, clothes to make their lives a little better than their current situation. He has also started a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, so if anyone is willing to support his cause, can do so here. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/homeless-people-as-they-dreamed-to-become-photography

You can visit more of his works at his website: http://www.horiamanolache.com/
Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HoriaManolache-Photography-256906437572/

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Dreams of homeless people portrait photography by Horia Manolache San Francisco based photographer, Horia Manolache is currently working on a new project "The Prince and the Pauper", which is so aptly named, considering he has photographed real life