Wildlife Photography competition is held every year at the Natural History Museum. This is a highly recognized competition where participants from more than 95 countries participate. Every year atleast 50,000 photos in the wildlife photography is submitted and here are this year's finalists. The pictures are then judged by international experts and winners are announced based on the creativity, originality and technical excellence. The 52nd wildlife photography exhibition will be open for public on October 21, 2016 at the Natural History Museum, London. From the nosy fox to the cute little cuttlefish in the waters, the wildlife photographers have stopped at nothing to back their works the best in the world. Let's wait and watch who the winners will be, since the results will be announced in mid of October 2016.
Photograph: Sam Hobson/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Sam knew exactly who to expect when he set his camera on the wall one summer’s evening in a suburban street in Bristol, the UK’s famous fox city. He wanted to capture the inquisitive nature of the urban red fox in a way that would pique the curiosity of its human neighbours about the wildlife around them.
Photograph: Iago Leonardo/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
In the open ocean, there’s nowhere to hide, but the lookdown fish – a name it probably gets from the steep profile of its head, with mouth set low and large eyes high – is a master of camouflage. Recent research suggests that it uses special platelets in its skin cells to reflect polarised light (light moving in a single plane), making itself almost invisible to predators and potential prey. The platelets scatter polarised light depending on the angle of the sun and the fish, doing a better job than simply reflecting it like a mirror.
Photograph: Audun Rikardsen/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Sometimes it’s the fishing boats that look for the killer whales and humpbacks, hoping to locate the shoals of herring that migrate to these Arctic Norwegian waters. But in recent winters, the whales have also started to follow the boats. Here a large male killer whale feeds on herring that have been squeezed out of the boat’s closing fishing net. He has learnt the sound that this type of boat makes when it retrieves its gear and homed in on it. The relationship would seem to be a win-win one, but not always.
Isaac composed this alpine-meadow tableau with the sea of soft purple knapweed behind, accentuating the clashing red of the linnet’s plumage. He was determined to keep pace with the linnet that he spotted while hiking in Bulgaria’s Rila Mountains, finally catching up with the tiny bird when it settled to feed on a thistle flowerhead. From the florets that were ripening, it pulled out the little seed parachutes one by one, deftly nipped off the seeds and discarded the feathery down,
Photograph: Isaac Aylward/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Termite after termite after termite – using the tip of its massive beak-like forceps to pick them up, the hornbill would flick them in the air and then swallow them. Foraging beside a track in South Africa’s semi-arid Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, the southern yellow-billed hornbill was so deeply absorbed in termite snacking that it gradually worked its way to within 6 metres (19ft) of where Willem sat watching from his vehicle.
Photograph: Willem Kruger/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
When the lava flow from Kilauea on Hawaii’s Big Island periodically enters the ocean, the sight is spectacular, but on this occasion Alexandre was in for a special treat. Kilauea (meaning ‘spewing’ or ‘much spreading’) is one of the world’s most active volcanoes, in constant eruption since 1983. As red-hot lava at more than 1,000˚C (1,832˚F) flows into the sea, vast plumes of steam hiss up, condensing to produce salty, acidic mist or rain.
Photograph: Alexandre Hec/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
With fewer than 2,500 mature adults left in the wild, in fragmented pockets of forest in northeastern India (Assam) and Bhutan, Gee’s golden langurs are endangered. Living high in the trees, they are also difficult to observe. But, on the tiny man-made island of Umananda, in Assam’s Brahmaputra River, you are guaranteed to see one. Site of a temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, the island is equally famous for its introduced golden langurs. Within moments of stepping off the boat, Dhyey spotted the golden coat of a langur high up in a tree.
Photograph: Dhyey Shah/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Photograph: Mario Cea Sanchez/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Photograph: Imre Potyo/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Photograph: Scott Portelli/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Photograph: Lance van de Vyver/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Winners will be announced on 18 October.
Follow Natural History Museum: www.nhm.ac.uk/
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