International photographer of the Year is a prestigious competition which opens up opprtunities for the photographers to showcase their excellent work and give them a chance to explore the contemporary photography world. Through the contest IPOTY provides support to the artist to develop and present their work to the international audience. The contest is open to all photographers across the world, amateurs and professionals alike. Categories include architecture, fine art, people, editorial and nature for professionals and architecture, nature, people, fine art and open category for amateurs.
Cloasing Date : December 10 2017
Entry Fees :
Amateur: Single Entry - 20 USD
Amateur: Series - 25 USD
Professional: Single Entry - 25 USD
Professional: Series - 30 USD
Professional Grand Prize:
International Photographer of the Year title and a cash prize of 2500 USD.
Amateur Grand Prize:
International Discovery of the Year title and a cash prize of 1500 USD.
International photographer of the year by jens juul International photographer of the year by cmoon International photographer of the year by fierz ralph International photographer of the year by iman
International photographer of the year by juliette
To enter the contest visit Iphotographer
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