
25 Best Photo Editing and Retouching works around the world

Photo Editing
Photo retouching and photo editing: Have you taken a great photograph, but find a little light missing in them or the face looks too dull. Well photo retouching can be done through adobe photoshop. Photographers use adobe photoshop widely to achieve the best looks. Ask any photographer, he would say he spent hours n hours photo...

20 Creative and Funny Photoshopped works - Photo Manipulation Works

20 Creative and Funny Photoshopped works - Photo Manipulation Works
Creative Photoshopped / photo manipulation works : Have you heard of the term you have been photoshopped? The word photoshopped was coined by the photographers for digitally editing the photos. There are many photomanipualtion softwares available in the market and the most popular versions are: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom...

Beautiful Calligraphy always mesmerizes the soul - Calligraphy Art by Cyla Costa

Beautiful Calligraphy always mesmerizes the soul - Calligraphy Art by Cyla Costa
Calligraphy Art is one of the special talents of the graphic designer Cyla Costa. She is a graphic designer and lettering artist from Brazil. She uses acrylic colors, paint brushes for her calligraphy art. The choice of color pallette is also interesting, we can say it's kind of eye soothing. She is open for commissions and...

15 Top Website Design Companies around the world

Top Website Design Companies
Top Website Design Companies : In this post we have included some of the world's best top design companies. Some of these companies have received awards for their work in web designing. If you are a web developer or a graphic designer, you can stop by to gather some inspiration for your next project. We have scoured the internet and...

Creative Icon Designing - Collection, Tips and Tricks

Creative Icon Designing - Collection, Tips and Tricks
Icons are the signs and sentinels that guide visitors through the digital world. Computer users have become accustomed to clicking on a miniature disk to save, a tiny printer to print or an open manila folder to open a document. All symbols logically relate to their function making it simple for users to navigate. If a picture is...

50 Creative Photoshop Photo Manipulation works by Alberto Seveso

50 Creative Photoshop Photo Manipulation works by Alberto Seveso
Photo manipulation : Alberto Seveso, The passion for graphic arts started in 1990s because I was really fascinated from the graphic of skate decks and the cover of music CD of metal bands. From this passion I started to think about how reproduce this kind of artwork. I ever had a computer in my home, from the times of the Commodore...

10 Modular Advertising Photography examples with Fruits and Vegetables1

10 Modular Advertising Photography examples with Fruits and Vegetables1
In Durban bands change members faster than bribes change hands. Fruits and Veggies had already gone through multiple member changes and so we decided to do a modular type shoot so members could be added or taken away with a quick portrait if someone would add or join the band.  See all Photography posts here >...

25 Free Vector Designs - Download EPS AI Files - Floral Designs & Backgrounds1

25 Free Vector Designs - Download EPS AI Files - Floral Designs & Backgrounds1
We added 25 Free Vector downloads with EPS and AI source files.   AI is an Adobe Illustrator file, one of the most widely used graphic design programs in the world. Usually a file with the tag AI is an original design file, meaning that this is the file originally used for developing your logo design. AI files can...

Awakening - A series of vibrant graphic design patterns by Giga Kobidze

Awakening - A series of vibrant graphic design patterns by Giga Kobidze
The graphic designer and young illustrator Giga Kobidze is from New york, United States. Giga believes that the inspiration for art comes from the environment around, the visual part of life, the people, circumstances and memories. He also has a firm thought that the success of any artwork depends on the solid concept behind it....

23 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and web Designers - Download Now1

23 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and web Designers - Download Now1
Download Free Fonts : In this post we have added some of royalty free professional and good looking fonts for graphic and web designers. Download them instantly and start using in your next design. i hope you will like these free fonts. Happy Designing. Panforte Font Download Antipasto Font Download Braciola complete family - 4...

20 Brilliant Advertising Design ideas and Best Print Ads

20 Brilliant Advertising Design ideas and Best Print Ads
Advertising Design is very important for branding and promotion of products. Graphic designers seek advertising ideas for introducing the products to greater customer reach. A successful advertising design is when every factor is scrutinized, right from brand logo, brand identity, proper usage of ad elements and the outcome of the...

25 Creative Photo Manipulation works done by Photoshop - Awesome collection

25 Creative Photo Manipulation works done by Photoshop - Awesome collection
Photo Manipulation works Photo manipulations are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can manipulate photos like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have added some of...

Design Process of Unaf - Logo and Branding Identity Designs by Grapheine

Design Process of Unaf - Logo and Branding Identity Designs by Grapheine
The branding design process of Unaf and Udaf network was created by the visual design studio Grapheine. Unaf is a public interest entity committed to families since 1945. A coomon logo and branding identity was unveiled on June 22nd, 2019 in Reims, France. The U's in the logo symbolises for families and the Unaf and Udaf networks....

50 Creative Photo Manipulations works from top Photoshop designers - II

50 Creative Photo Manipulations works from top Photoshop designers - II
Best Photo manipulation works : You can do amazing and fun stuff with Photo manipulation. An ordinary photo can be transformed into something totally out of the box with photo manipulations. There are many software's available for photomanipulation, but Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular software. Photo manipulation is a...

50 Creative Flower Logo design examples for your inspiration

50 Creative Flower Logo design examples for your inspiration
Flower Logo designs: Most graphic designers feel happy to work with flower logo designs since it's so versatile. Flower logo designs are suitable for all kinds of business. Florists, Beauty Spa, Beauty Salons, business related to women products can all have flower logo designs. Sometimes business related to education, finance, real...

50 Creative Corporate Business Card Design examples - Design inspiration

Corporate Business Cards
Corporate Business Cards designed in a creative manner gives a professional touch to almost all kinds of businesses. A professionally designed corporate business card can in turn boost the sales or marketing of all companies even if it's in a small manner. It's important to have a unique and simple corporate business card before...
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