
25 Creative and Best Typography Animation Videos for your inspiration

Typography Animation
Typography Animation: Typography is all about letters and fonts. Animation combined with fonts, makes it very interesting to watch as words are very powerful. Kinetic Typography is the technical name for "moving text" is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. Typography...

11 Different types of logo design examples and ideas for Designers

Types of logo designs
Logos are simple visual symbols which create the brand identity of a business in the market. Logo Design Types : The more distinct a logo is, the easier it stands out among other brands. A logo can easily bring out the values of a company and establish a connection with the customer. We usually use graphic design software to create...

50 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Professional Fonts - part 2

50 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Professional Fonts - part 2
50 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Professional Fonts - part 2 Lorena FREE FONT Download this Font Grogy free font Download this Font Ananda NepTouch Free Font Download this Font Free font Acid Stucture Download this Font Vhia Download this Font Bondis Dead Download this Font Corki Free Font...

Funny and creative Photo Manipulations by Sebastian Magnani

Funny and creative Photo Manipulations by Sebastian Magnani
Photo Manipulation : Sebastian is a professional photographer and artist based in Zurich, Switzerland. His photography project titled 'underdogs' was started by him in the year 2009. The crazy thought of humans with doggy faces turned true with digital photo manipulation with a couple of wigs, and viola: a human canine look-alike...

25 Stunning and Realistic Vector Character Tracing Works by Jorge Packer

Vector illustration is a popular technique of many digital illustrators worldwide. Some of the greatest internationally acclaimed artists in the field are Catalina Estrada, Petra Stefankova, Nathan Jurevicius, J. Otto Seibold, Matthew Inman, Leo Blanchette and others. A vector graphics editor is used for creating and editing...

25 Best Photo Editing and Retouching works around the world

Photo Editing
Photo retouching and photo editing: Have you taken a great photograph, but find a little light missing in them or the face looks too dull. Well photo retouching can be done through adobe photoshop. Photographers use adobe photoshop widely to achieve the best looks. Ask any photographer, he would say he spent hours n hours photo...

25 Digital Matte Painting Master pieces for your inspiration1

25 Digital Matte Painting Master pieces for your inspiration1
Matte painting is a technique often used to create landscapes, sets and scenes for movies, TV and print when building a physical set or traveling to a particular location to film is either cost prohibitive or impossible. This technique requires a solid understanding of light, exposure, color theory and composition. Artist will often...

60 Creative 3D Typography Design ideas for your Inspiration

3D Typography Designs
3D Typography : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...

25 Best Ads Around the world for your inspiration - Award Winning Ads

Best Ads
Best Ads : Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of...

25 Famous Company Logo Evolution Graphics for your inpsiration

Company Logo
Company Logo Evolution: A logo is of great importance for any company. It stands for a company's business purpose and is crucial for communicating with the target audience. Many corporate companies brands change their logos with time to keep pace with their changing business. Evolution is a process of change or development. It is...

Photo Mosaic Manipulation Work of Joe Biden Election Campaign by Charis Tsevis

Photo Mosaic Manipulation Work of Joe Biden Election Campaign by Charis Tsevis
A photo mosaic is an interesting field of photography where usually a photograph is divided into tiles and each tile is filled with another photograph to create the target photo. Charis Tsevis, a visual designer of Greek origin based in Paphos is an experienced designer who serves many global clients including Toyota, IKEA, Saatchi...

Fantasy Book Cover and Sci-Fi Illustrations by Antonio Caparo

Fantasy Book Cover and Sci-Fi  Illustrations by Antonio Caparo
Antonio Caparo is an illustrator and graphic designer currently living and working from Montreal, Canada. His Sci-Fi illustrations, Fantasy illustrations have been published in children's books, novels, and institutional materials in the US, South America and Europe. His illustration works have been published in top magazines such...

Lorenz Valentino teases celebrities’ photos by Photoshopping himself inside

Lorenz Valentino teases celebrities’ photos by Photoshopping himself inside
Lorenz Valentino is a graphic designer from Germany. Lorenz Valentino is also known as Aka Dino in the art circles. His photoshop skills are truly unbelievable. He takes these epic photos and through photo manipulation, he becomes part of the scene in his funny dinosaur onesie. Remember the 'Time Machine' movie, where the scientist...

50 Professional Logo Design examples from around the world

Professional Logo Design
Professional Logo design : Are you looking for some professional logo designs for your next project? You have come to the right place as we have put together creative professional logos created by professional logo designers and are the best in the industry. For a successful business, a professional logo design is a must, so get...

Children Bodybuilders - 12 Creative Photo manipulation works by Photographer Kurt Stallaert

Children Bodybuilders - 12 Creative Photo manipulation works by Photographer Kurt Stallaert
Have you seen children with six or eight packs? Well Photographer Kurt Stallaert visualizations of children body builders made him create these wonderful series of Photomanipulation works. It’s so funny to see children with bunny ears lifting weights and school children sitting around a coffee table, as if they have just come...

25 Creative Adobe Photoshop Splash Screen Designs from International campaign

25 Creative Adobe Photoshop Splash Screen Designs from International campaign
Adobe Photoshop Campaign : Here is a series of amazing Graphic designs for the new Adobe international campaign "Adobe &". This campaign highlights the power of their tools used by their potential clients of different fields, like developers, designers, typographers, film makers and any other kind of creative profile....

Photoshop CS6 -10 Video Tutorials

Photoshop CS6 -10 Video Tutorials
  Photoshop CS6: How to use the Navigator panel This Photoshop CS6 tutorial introduces the Navigator panel and demonstrates how to use shortcuts, zoom value, Proxy preview, and more.   Modifying the brightness Interface in Photoshop CS6 This Photoshop CS6 tutorial discusses how to work with the Brightness interface and...

Eurovision Song Birds - Creative Concept and Print Ads Promo from Metro Sweden

Eurovision Song Birds - Creative Concept and Print Ads Promo from Metro Sweden
Metro Sweden (newspaper) is the official sponsor of the Swedish selection for The Eurovision Song Contest 2012. To communicate this, Morris Pinewood Stockholm created a design platform and a communication concept based on the insight of song birds and the link between birdcall and music. Simply called Eurovision Song Birds...
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