
How To Install Photoshop Layer Styles

You have found an awesome resource that has a ton of premium Photoshop layer styles and text effects and have downloaded a bunch of zip files but do not know how to make them work. Follow our step by step guide onhow to install and use Photoshop layer styles and you will be off and running in no time. What Are...

50 Creative Photoshop Photo Manipulation works by Alberto Seveso

50 Creative Photoshop Photo Manipulation works by Alberto Seveso
Photo manipulation : Alberto Seveso, The passion for graphic arts started in 1990s because I was really fascinated from the graphic of skate decks and the cover of music CD of metal bands. From this passion I started to think about how reproduce this kind of artwork. I ever had a computer in my home, from the times of the Commodore...

40 Creative Shopping Cart Logo Design examples for your inspiration1

40 Creative Shopping Cart Logo Design examples for your inspiration1
In this post we have added 40 Best shopping cart logo design examples for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are mix mart, Life Style, Eco shopping, My Shopping cart, The Store and Great Buys. See all Logo Designs  |  Branding Inspiration  |  Web Design Inspiration online shopping cart logo branding...

Stunning Vector Illustrations – Using Adobe Illustrator

Stunning Vector Illustrations – Using Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator is the best software to create Vector Illustrations. It’s a favourite among all vector illustrators. It’s easy to stretch and resize using the Illustrator software. You get high quality images which minimal or zero distortion to the images. Vector art is not for the faint hearted, you need to put in a...

40 Creative Electrical Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Electrical Logo
Electrical Logo Design: Behind every successful business, there is a well designed professional logo. Logo's are essential for brand identification. There are many successful brands, which are mostly recognized by brand names. For eg: LG, Samsung, McDonald's and the list keeps growing. Similarly there are beautiful electrical logo...

25 Awesome Fashion and Advertising Photography examples by Hartmut Norenberg

25 Awesome Fashion and Advertising Photography examples by Hartmut Norenberg
Inspired by the father photographed developed from the study of the means of photography an increasingly strong desire to ultimately valid image in portrait photography. After training as a media designer for digital and print media , and a Bachelor's degree in Applied Cognitive and Media Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen...

50 Creative 3D logo Design examples for your inspiration

50 Creative 3D logo Design examples for your inspiration
3D Logo Designs : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. In this post we have added 60 Creative and Brilliant logo design examples for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Pencil, Pendulam, Killed, Code fish...

Branding and Logo Design Process of Anacours by Grapheine

Branding and Logo Design Process of Anacours by Grapheine
Anacours, a leading name in tutoring for the past 20 years recreated it's branding and logo design with the innovative Grapheine designers. To withstand the highly competitive world of tutoring Anacours needed a strong visual brand identity. As in all other cases the new design evolved from their old brand design but with...

60 Creative Bird Logo Designs and Ideas for your inspiration - part 2

60 Creative Bird Logo Designs and Ideas for your inspiration - part 2
Bird Logo : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products. Similarly we have collected some amazing Bilr logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite...

20 Inspiring 3D Typography Lettering Designs by Beijing Artist Kongnok

20 Inspiring 3D Typography Lettering Designs by Beijing Artist Kongnok
Kongnok, a graphic designer based in Beijing creates incredible hand-lettering compositions using powerful brush strokes. Three-dimensional typography has extraordinary depth and hence it proves to be a great option for display. The 3d design of a typographical work brings in a realistic effect to the type. Since there is a 'lift...

Top 18 Free Icon downloading websites for designers - Icon set sites | Nov 2018

Free Icon Websites
We have listed best free icon downloading websites for graphic and web designers. Download free icon sets, collections which are based on your keyword or a particular theme from these popular free icon sites. Choose single color icons or customizable icon sets from these websites which can be used in your projects. These websites...

15 After Before Photo manipulations by Kevin Carden - Transforms his everyday Photo into Surreal Pictures

15 After Before Photo manipulations by Kevin Carden - Transforms his everyday Photo into Surreal Pictures
This is what happens when you have a photographer father at home. Everyday pictures with his kids are converted into stunning surreal photos using Adobe Photoshop. Kevin Carden is an amazing father with two children. Nursing his daughter's wound, playing blocks with his son have been turned into magical photos. The uniqueness in his...

30 Best Animal Advertising designs and Creative Ads around the world

Creative Ads
Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their...

Stunning Vector Illustrations and Designs by Aleix Gordo Hostau

Stunning Vector Illustrations and Designs by Aleix Gordo Hostau
Aleix Gordo Hostau is a Spanish artist from Barcelona. From his early childhood he was always inclined to art. He is a self taught artist and since 1997 he has been working as an illustrator. Many of his illustrations have featured in children’s books or on covers for publishing companies. He is quite popular for his amazing...

Beauty is around us Everywhere - Photo Retouching works by Liubov Pogorela

Beauty is around us Everywhere - Photo Retouching works by Liubov Pogorela
Photo Retouching is not a simple task, it takes a lot of patience and hours of work on Adobe Photoshop, until the photographer is satisfied by the end result. Liubov Pogorela is a photographer from Kyiv. She has hands on experience in Photo retouching and beauty photography. Her women beauty photography has been featured in several...

25 Celebrities Humorously Re-Imagined as Classic Paintings

25 Celebrities Humorously Re-Imagined as Classic Paintings
What if today's celebrities went beyond TV and film and were actually the stars of classic paintings? Several photo manipulators over on Worth1000, a website where various users submit their Photoshopped images, explore just what that would look like. The images, often found in specific galleries titled Modern Renaissance, exhibit...

30 Stunning Food Art Advertising ideas and Photo Manipulations by Dina Belenko

30 Stunning Food Art Advertising ideas and Photo Manipulations by Dina Belenko
Enjoy your morning coffee with these beautiful still life photography by Dina Belenko. She is a russian photographer and has a passion for still life. Don't cry over spilt coffee instead convert them into art. Dina Belenko uses the ingredients like flour, coffee, cookies found in her kitchen cabinets to create interesting still life...

25 Digital Matte Painting Master pieces for your inspiration1

25 Digital Matte Painting Master pieces for your inspiration1
Matte painting is a technique often used to create landscapes, sets and scenes for movies, TV and print when building a physical set or traveling to a particular location to film is either cost prohibitive or impossible. This technique requires a solid understanding of light, exposure, color theory and composition. Artist will often...
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