
50 Creative Package Design ideas from Top Designers

Package Design
Competitive businesses require catchy package designs for product reach out. Package designs which are visual treat works out better in this competitive world. Choose from these creative packaging designs to make products stand out from the crowd. Businesses are always on the lookout for creative packaging design ideas which don't...

Amazing and Simple Photoshop Background of Fashion Photography

Amazing and Simple Photoshop Background of Fashion Photography
Suresh Natarajan from Mumbai, India is very famous for his advertisement fashion photography. He has created advertisement photos for the famous jewellery brand Tanishq and several other companies. His work is full of soul and inspiring. Fashion Photography is more like portrait photography, so u need a good lens to capture every...

25 Creative Package Design ideas from around the world

25 Creative Package Design ideas from around the world
Package Design Ideas : All great products found in the market have a great packaging design to back them up. Businesses try to keep up with current trends by adhering to the latest packaging design ideas. Sometimes the simplest of packaging designs are the greatest designs. Designers know that their creative packaging ideas will be...

Celebrity Photo mashups using Emoji photo manipulation by Yung Jack

Celebrity Photo mashups using Emoji photo manipulation by Yung Jack
Who doesnt love emoji's, they just seem to be the language of the mobiles? Nobody ever talks anymore with sentences, they just use emoji's. Yung Jack is a graphic designer and visual artist, who is extremely talented in creating photo mash-ups of celebrities using emojis. Every bit of detail is captured beautifully through different...

30 Funny Photoshop manipulation works for your inspiration

Funny Photoshop
Funny Photoshop : Photo manipulation works are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can alter photos by photoshop software like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have...

Timeless T-Shirt Design ideas of Umbro by Christoph Ruprecht

Timeless T-Shirt Design ideas of Umbro by Christoph Ruprecht
T Shirt Designs : Christoph Ruprecht is a German artist based in Karlsruhe. He has his own unique style, mostly abstract and rich graphical elements mixed together. Christoph is best known with his pseudonym "crispycrystal". Being a design generalist he is interested in timeless beauty of the classical with the expansive...

15 Intriguing Photo Collage Portraits by Australian Artist Harriet Moutsopoulos

15 Intriguing Photo Collage Portraits by Australian Artist Harriet Moutsopoulos
Photo collages are created in many interesting ways and Australian artist Harriet Moutsopoulos aka Lexicon Love covers the face of his portrait with food items to create intriguing collages. Harriet is passionate about creating unexpected connections, surreal and unsettling combinations between humour and tragedy. According to him...

50 Creative Branding and Identity Design examples for your inspiration

Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2
Jean-Yves Lemoigne is an advertising photographer since 2004. He works with the top creatives agencies in the world : DDB, BBH, EuroRSCG, Saatchi&Saatchi, BBDO, TBWA, Wieden & Kennedy … His advertising work does not look like classic advertising and has been awarded many times.

15 Professional Fonts for Web & Graphic Designers

15 Professional Fonts for Web & Graphic Designers
The League of Moveable Type: Here, you'll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts. Like any revolution, we aim to make progress, and we need help. If you want to be a part of this free, open-source type movement, you should join us and contribute. If you have any questions about The League or...

Award Winning and creative Typography Designs by Sawdust

 Award Winning and creative Typography Designs by Sawdust
Typography Design Art: Sawdust is a design studio based in London. They are highly specialized in creative typography design art, branding, display typefaces and so on. Some of their clients are Nike, Wired, The New York Times, Coca-Cola, IBM, Wieden+Kennedy, Dolby, National Geographic and so on. The following typography design art...

Creative Corporate Brand identity Examples - Design Process Inspiration 1

Creative Corporate Brand identity Examples - Design Process Inspiration 1
A logo is not your brand, nor is it your identity. Logo design, identity design and branding all have different roles, that together, form a perceived image for a business or product. There has been some recent discussion on the web about this topic, about your logo not being your brand. Although this may be true, I haven’t...

40 Creative Photo Collage Ideas and Photo Manipulations by Andrea Costantini

40 Creative Photo Collage Ideas and Photo Manipulations by Andrea Costantini
Photo collage works - Andrea Costantini's Biography: I believe that photography in the modern era has received the gift of digital. You may use it to express yourself and you can take advantage of the most advanced technologies. Then, sometimes, you can choose to go back to the smell of emulsions and to the choice of manual exposure...

25 Best 3D Animated TV Commercial Videos - TVC

25 Best 3D Animated TV Commercial Videos - TVC
In this post we have added 25 Best award winning 3D Animated TV Commmercial (TVC) videos for your inspiration.  FFW Prince Charming - 3D Animated TV Commercial Watch Video   Mortein: Locked Out - 3D Animated TV Commercial Watch Video   C&C - Transformer - 3D Animated TV Commercial Watch Video   MILK Watch...

20 Beautiful and Creative Typography Portraits Designs for your inspiration

20 Beautiful and Creative Typography Portraits Designs for your inspiration
Typography is definetely the art you should be familar with. Just playing with font-family, font-style, color and size you can achive stylish portrait or poster. The following list of photoshop tutorials will guide you through different typography techniques.        

100 Creative and Brilliant Packaging Design ideas from around the world

Packaging Design
Packaging Designs: Mostly people judge the quality of product with its unique packaging. In this post we present excellent examples of beautiful, attractive and communicative packaging design. Effective packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique edge to...

40 Creative Fruit Logo Design examples for Inspiration - part 2
Fruit logo design ideas: Everyone loves a piece of fruit and fruits are also good for health. If a business is primarily dealing with fruits, then including a fruit in your logo is great way to promote your product. Look at the Zestfresh logo, Zest reminds you of lemon zest, so the logo designers have included a lemon in the logo...

50 Creative Typography Art works and Illustration ideas

Typography Art
Typography art: Typography illustrations are featured mostly for marketing and advertising campaign. People associate brand names with their products. Maybe that's how Coco- cola and Pepsi became huge marketing brands. Their logos are typography designs and they have to be consistent to reach the larger markets. The bottle shapes...
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