
30 Inspirational Life Quotes for you - Posters and Wallpapers

Life Quotes
Inspirational Life Quotes : Sometimes life can become very tough, if you lose a close friend, family, pets or love. You tend to become depressed and ignore the real world.Cheer up it's not the end of life, be positive and move on. Many great people have said great life quotes which will act as a guiding light at times of distress or...

60 Creative Logo Designs and Brilliant ideas for your inspiration

Creative Logo Designs
Creative Logo Design: Every business requires a beautiful logo which can be easily identifiable by customers thus promoting successful brands. Simple and creative logo designs are the current trend and even your business name can become a logo which is simply known as typography logo design. Did you know there are little stories...

25 Best 3D Typography Designs and Ads for your Inspiration - Part 31

25 Best 3D Typography Designs and Ads for your Inspiration - Part 31
3D Typography : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...

50 Brilliant and Beautiful Movie Poster Design ideas for you

Movie Poster Design
Creative Movie Poster designs: Young and old both love movies. There are so many types of movies like comedy, thriller, animation, musical comedy, horror and the list is endless. How do people get to know about new movies and the cast? Creative movie posters are designed during a pre launch event and it goes around in circles,...

40 Creative and Brilliant T-Shirts Designs and Ideas for your inspiration

T Shirt Design Ideas
T Shirt Design ideas: Everyone loves t-shirts. But not all t-shirts are awesome or beautiful enough to work as a stand alone print – well these do! I have for you below some amazing and hilarious shirt designs turned print. Interesting designs are everywhere. Some can be really simple looking yet able to deliver a...

20 Creative Photomanipulation and Advertising Ideas by Romeue Julieta

20 Creative Photomanipulation and Advertising Ideas by Romeue Julieta
Photo manipulation & Advertising ideas by Romeue Julieta Studio : All these designs only became possible thanks to the union between the couple Jean Campos and Patricia Palma, members of the studio owners Romeu & Julieta. The Romeu has experience in the fashion market, as well as working for over five years in the...

20 Creative Brand Identity Design ideas for your inspiration

20 Creative Brand Identity Design ideas for your inspiration
Branding is the one of the important factors which helps sell a product. Branding design is an effective tool for successful marketing practices. Branding serves as an identity design, it helps customers to associate with their favorite products, in a much easier way. Some of the most successful branding designs are Starbucks, Nike...

Best Graphic effects for the Poster Designs

Best Graphic effects for the Poster Designs
We have added some inspired poster designs for the Music theme. It was done in photoshop with 3D kind of effects.  

30 Creative Packaging Design examples for your inspiration

30 Creative Packaging Design examples for your inspiration
Creative Packaging Design: Mostly people judge the quality of product with its unique packaging. In this post we present excellent examples of beautiful, attractive and communicative packaging design. Effective packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique...

Stunning display of Underwater Photography and Advertising ideas by Zena Holloway

Stunning display of Underwater Photography and Advertising ideas by Zena Holloway
Zena Holloway is a talented British underwater photographer. She is quite capable of taking moving and still images for advertising underwater photography. Apart from being an underwater photographer, she is a certified PADI instructor and commercial diver. Her commercial diving is her biggest inspiration behind the underwater...

70 Creative Restaurant Logo Design inspiration for you

Restaurant Logos
Restaurant Logos : Logos are essential for creating brand identity. Logos help identify a consumer about the product and restaurant logos, hotel logos will have something associated with food. It's a known fact that human brains can recollect pictorial images better than words. There are many free logo services online which can help...

Exclusive Branding and Logo Design of FERS by Grapheine

Exclusive Branding and Logo Design of FERS by Grapheine
FERS, the foundation company for school success in France had a facelift of its logo with the help of French design agency Grapheine. The motive behind the creation of FERS is to enhance the knowledge of children in the economic, cultural and technical fields of the contemporary world. The old logo flower symbolises the blooming...

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2
Jean-Yves Lemoigne is an advertising photographer since 2004. He works with the top creatives agencies in the world : DDB, BBH, EuroRSCG, Saatchi&Saatchi, BBDO, TBWA, Wieden & Kennedy … His advertising work does not look like classic advertising and has been awarded many times.

30 Creative Gym and Fitness Logo Designs for your inspiration

30 Creative Gym and Fitness Logo Designs for your inspiration
Gym logo / Fitness Logo : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products for example football companies will have football as their logo designs. In...

40 Creative Construction Logos Design examples for your inspiration

Construction Logos
Construction logo design ideas: Yes, every business needs brand marketing. So why not for your construction business? Nowadays most of the marketing and sales of buildings and residential apartments are mostly done online, so it's equally important to have brand recognition and a cool logo for your business would be an ideal choice...

Hello Color - Stunning Color Manipulations and Typography Ads of Pawel Nolbert

Hello Color - Stunning Color Manipulations and Typography Ads of Pawel Nolbert
TYPOGRAPHY DESIGNS : Pawel Nolbert is also known as Hellocolor in art circles. He is an exceptional artist and illustrator. He has created many visual designs fro big brands like Google, Nike, Sony, Microsoft, Mercedes-Benz and the latest is for the OPPO brand. He had created wallpapers for the OOP android based operating system and...

25 Creative Gym and Fitness Logo Designs for your inspiration

25 Creative Gym and Fitness Logo Designs for your inspiration
Gym and Fitness Logo design : Who says gym logos should be boring and bland. Check out these stunning gym logo designs and you will know what we are talking about. When it comes fitness logo design, designers use symbols relating to the weights, muscles, power, workout and more. A clean background for gym logos is the general...

Illustrated Sports themed Logos

Illustrated Sports themed Logos
Today we would like to share some of sports themed logo designs. i hope everyone will like it. please add your comments and reviews. These logos are copied from various users of Before designing a logo, you can visit for getting more references...
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