
25 Awesome Photo Manipulation Works and Digital Art Works by Mike Campau

25 Awesome Photo Manipulation Works and Digital Art Works by Mike Campau
Mike Campau is one of the most impressive digital artists that we have featured to date. He is currently a creative director at a Michigan design and imaging firm. His portfolio displays a vast array of work, showing a huge variety in styles, mediums and motifs. Mike’s skills include image retouching, photo manipulations, CG/...

Surreal Photoshop Collage and manipulation works by Eugenia Loli1

Surreal Photoshop Collage and manipulation works by Eugenia Loli1
Surreal Photo Collage: Eugenia Loli is a Photoshop collage artist, filmmaker and illustrator. For her surreal photo collage, Eugenia Loli uses pictures which are scanned from vintage magazines and science publications to create surreal visual landscapes etc. Eugenia Loli was born in Greece, but currently she lives and works from...

50 Best Photo Manipulation works from Famous Creative Designers - Part 2
Have you heard of the term, your photo has been photoshopped? Well, it's a neat trick by graphic designers for manipulation of your photos. With a little bit of blending and merging the photos, the graphic designers allow their inner creativity flow through the photos. Photo manipulation works are very personal and it takes you to a...

30 Creative Photo Manipulation done by Nancy Fouts - Paradoxical Ideas

30 Creative Photo Manipulation done by Nancy Fouts - Paradoxical Ideas
Photo Manipulation by Nancy Fouts British Artist Nancy Fouts creates amazing juxtrapositions that combine unexpected objects, materials, and ideas to create playful and surreal images. Her site doesn’t say whether these objects are shown as sculptures or photographs. Check out these amazing paradoxical photo...

30 Creative Packaging Design examples for your inspiration

30 Creative Packaging Design examples for your inspiration
Creative Packaging Design: Mostly people judge the quality of product with its unique packaging. In this post we present excellent examples of beautiful, attractive and communicative packaging design. Effective packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique...

30 Creative and Inspiring Multi-colored Logo Designs for your inspiration

30 Creative and Inspiring Multi-colored Logo Designs for your inspiration
Multi-colored Logo Designs: In this post we have added 30 inspiring and creative multi colored logo designs for your inspiration. Cafe, krooma, mypixel, cng, colorstar, inkdian are our favorites. i hope you will like these colorful logo designs

Surreal Funny photo mash-ups and photo manipulations by Ronald Ong

Surreal Funny photo mash-ups and photo manipulations by Ronald Ong
Ronald Ong is a talented graphic designer from Malaysia. We all love talented artists for their superb imagination. Well, Ronald Ong sure keeps us gripping with his creative photo manipulations. He creates these photo manipulations to tell stories and his viewers sure love them on the social media handles. His journey as an artist...

40 Creative Whale logo design examples from around the world

Whale logo Design
Whale logo design: Whales are associated with good spirit and to bring in abundance. You can find many whale logo designs in theme parks, water sports and businesses associated with water. Nowadays whale logo designs are incorporated into other business too. Here is your chance to see how other IT companies, real estate business...

50 Brilliant Advertisement Examples Around the World for your inspiration

50 Brilliant Advertisement Examples Around the World for your inspiration
Advertising is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a logo, a company image and...

40 Creative Hotel Logos Design examples for your inspiration

Hotel Logos
Hotel logos design ideas: Like we said earlier, logos form a huge part in attracting customers. Based on the type of business, logo designers choose the patterns for the business. Can you spot an eye catching feature in the famous Burj Al Arab, the curvy and tall tower is one of its prominent features, so if you look at their logo,...

25 Stunning and Realistic Vector Character Tracing Works by Jorge Packer

Vector illustration is a popular technique of many digital illustrators worldwide. Some of the greatest internationally acclaimed artists in the field are Catalina Estrada, Petra Stefankova, Nathan Jurevicius, J. Otto Seibold, Matthew Inman, Leo Blanchette and others. A vector graphics editor is used for creating and editing...

20 Stunning Photo Retouching works with Sci-fi effects by Vitaliy Art - After Before Photos

Photo Retouching After Before
The sci-fi photo retouching artworks is the creation of a russian media group, popularly known as Vitaliy Arts. The introduction of CGI effects with neon light is an interesting photo editing feature. Vitaliy arts mostly creates photo editing and photo retouching for advertising campaigns, marketing, fashion and more. Vitaliy...

15 Creative Indian Movie Poster Designs in Different Languages

15 Creative Indian Movie Poster Designs in Different Languages
Indian movie poster designs of 2019 are an interesting watch. Kollywood, Tollywood, Bollywood cinemas have huge fan follow base. Indian celebrities have a special fanfare and are literally treated like royals. Take a look at these Indian movie poster designs, you can see the confidence and the overall theme of the story. Some of...

Showcase of Best Woman Vector tracing & Illustration works

Vector woman
We have added 20 Best Vector woman illustration works for you. Vector illustration is a popular technique of many digital illustrators worldwide. Some time vector work would be very difficult while creating hair and skin tone effects. Please send us your vector to share with everyone See all Vector Characters...

25 Best Brochure Design examples and Ideas for your inspiration

25 Best Brochure Design examples and Ideas for your inspiration
Best Brochure Designs : Purpose of brochure may vary from business to business. Some are designed to display services, whereas others are focused on selling a product. Print design is becoming quite influential in print design. As I am looking for print design references for a brochure I am working on, I decided to select some nice...

Refashioning trash into wearable designer spectacles by Cyrus Kabiru

Refashioning trash into wearable designer spectacles by Cyrus Kabiru
Designer Spectacles : The used electronic waste and other trashes are the raw materials for the young Kenyan scultor Cyrus Kabiru, who refashions them into wearable glasses. These are obsolutely his own creations which certainly has unique and attrative features. Kabiru is a confident and individualistic self-taught artist whose...

40 Best Print Advertisements and Creative Ads design inspiration

40 Best Print Advertisements and Creative Ads design inspiration
Print Advertisements : Print Ads design is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a...

21 Beautiful Free Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now1

21 Beautiful Free Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now1
In this post we have added beautiful, professional and good looking fonts for graphic and web designers. Download them instantly and start using in your next design. i hope you will like these free fonts. Happy Designing. i hope you will like these free fonts  Rio Frescata Font Download This Font
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