
26 Best and Creative Brochure Design Ideas for your inspiration

Brochure Design Ideas
Best and Creative Brochure Design Ideas : Purpose of brochure may vary from business to business. Some are designed to display services, whereas others are focused on selling a product. Print design is becoming quite influential in print design. As I am looking for print design references for a brochure I am working on, I decided to...

50 Creative Elephant Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Elephant Logo
Elephant logo designs: In this post we have added 50 Creative and Elephant logo design examples for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Biozones, Elephantea, Elephant Mauve, First Steps, Complete Print Management, Eleprica, My Thai and Mojito. Please tell us your favorite elephant logo design. First Steps :...

25 Animated Home Page Web design Examples for your inspiration

Animated Website
In this post we have added 50 Animated Home page website design examples for your inspiration. Graphic designers and web designers, look no further, browse through our collection of animated website designs for your inspiration. Keep visiting us often to get inspired more with our regular updates. It’s time for Skype Visit...

What is Graphic Design - Best Graphic Design Softwares and Inspiration Posts

What is Graphic Design
What is Graphic Design : Graphic design is the art of mixing pictures, texts, fonts as to provide an eye catching design for websites and marketing materials. We read a lot of magazines and newspapers and have you ever wondered the process behind making the same? Each magazine uses specific fonts, colours, photos etc, if you look at...

90 Creative Animal themed Print Ads and Advertising ideas for you

Animal Ads
Animal Ads : Everybody loves animals and if there is something you want people to remember, try mimicking their favourite animals and it stays in the memory forever. It's clever idea used by creative directors for making people remember brands or products easily. Create hilarious animal ads which stays in the minds of the consumers...

20 Beautiful Vexel Art Portraits - Vector Portrait illustrations

Vexel Art
A combination of vector and pixel brings out the new form of art : Vexel art. Although both vector art and vexel art use Adobe Photoshop, the former uses shape layers from the pen tool and the latter uses raster layers. The raster layers are totally created from pixels. Pixels of different colors are grouped together to create...

30 Subliminal Advertising Ideas and print ads for you

30 Subliminal Advertising Ideas and print ads for you
Subliminal advertising: Sometimes the best way to pass on a crude message is through subliminal ads. They tend to reach the audience in a much faster way. The human brain is tuned in such way to grasp the negative details much faster than the positive ones. So if we want people to give up smoking, subliminal advertisement with...

25 Best Ads Around the world for your inspiration - Award Winning Ads

Best Ads
Best Ads : Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of...

30 Creative Cat Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Cat Logo
Cat Logo Design are literally not used by cats, they are mostly used to make the brands more appealing to the cat owners market. It's good to differentiate between the animal products with the animal pictures on them, so it's easier for the pet owners. Cats are meant for their flexibility and their long life, so cat logo designs are...

40 Creative Hospital and Health Care themed Logo Design examples for Inspiration

40 Creative Hospital and Health Care themed Logo Design examples for Inspiration
In this post we have added 40 best Hospital and Health care themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Retina, Cardio logic, Family Clinic, Healthcare, Happy Spine, Petmergency, Animal Ark, Panacea Clinic and Positive. Please tell us your favorite logo design....

25 Amazing Typography Graphic Designs for your inspiration1

25 Amazing Typography Graphic Designs for your inspiration1
Typography is very important for graphic design, you can see creative typography design in Advertisements, logo designs, Print designs, package designs and web designs. Here we have added 25 beautiful examples of creative typography designs for your inspiration.

20 Creative Branding and Identity Designs for your inspiration

20 Creative Branding and Identity Designs for your inspiration
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

Logo Design Inspiration for Moon concept1

Logo Design Inspiration for Moon concept1
Today i am sharing some inspired logo design in moon concept. It must be helpful for everyone to see the different approch of designers. Please share with your friends to reach all the designers.

50 Creative Corporate Brochure Design ideas for your Inspiration

Corporate Brochure Design
Corporate Brochure Design Inspiration: Everyday you tend to get brochures for almost all kinds of business. Right from pest control to marketing of cars, businesses try to take control of a fair share of market by keeping the customers hooked to what they want to offer through trendy brochure designs. Business owners don't want...

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2
Jean-Yves Lemoigne is an advertising photographer since 2004. He works with the top creatives agencies in the world : DDB, BBH, EuroRSCG, Saatchi&Saatchi, BBDO, TBWA, Wieden & Kennedy … His advertising work does not look like classic advertising and has been awarded many times.

50 Best Corporate Logo Design examples from around the world

Corporate Logo
Corporate Logo Design : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products for example football companies will have football as their logo designs. In this...

25 Beautiful School Website Design examples for your inspiration

School Website
School website designs are pioneered by some of the best and creative designers. School websites is a creative solutions which advertises about the facilities, academics provided by them and it allows the parents to take an informed decision as to 'Why they should choose' to join their child in their school. So it's upto the graphic...

Creative visualization of Advertising Designs by Mark Gmehling

Creative visualization of Advertising Designs by Mark Gmehling
Mark Gmehling is character designer and illustrator based in Dortmund, Germany, whose advertisement designing is exceptional and unique. Mark is working with Cinema 4D for about 10 years and he is specialised in character design, animation and rigging. His simsim prepaid card and bose wireless headphones advertisement designs are...
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