
30 Stunning Photo Retouching with Beauty Photography works by Rebecca Saray

30 Stunning Photo Retouching with Beauty Photography works by Rebecca Saray
Rebecca Saray is a photographer, visual artist and photo retoucher from Madrid Spain. Her pasion is teaching and photography. She conducts several photography workshops, so gear up to learn from the best. She draws inspiration for her photography from her dreams, nightmares, everything around her. She tries to see life from a...

25 Best and Beautiful Indian Movie Poster design ideas - 2018

Indian movie poster designs
We have listed creative and beautiful indian movie poster designs from some talented design studios in India. Film industries like Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood, Pollywood, Sandalwood, Ollywood depend on top graphic design studios and teams to create stunning indian poster designs which are inspired from script. Movie poster...

Beautiful Graphic designs and illustrations from Destapate Campaign

Beautiful Graphic designs and illustrations from Destapate Campaign
Advertising is a competitive field which requires tenacity and drive to create innovative ideas for campaigns. Every advertising campaign requires the details about the client,product,target audience and the message to be conveyed. The Destapate campaign invites all the Colombians to celebrate who they really are instead of hiding...

15 Beautiful Urban Street Art works with creative typography ideas by Ben Johnston

15 Beautiful Urban Street Art works with creative typography ideas by Ben Johnston
Ben Johnston is a super talented, self taught and multi-disciplinary artist from South Africa. Ben Johnston was born in Canada, but later on moved to Cape Town in South Africa and through his many travels, he drew inspiration from different kinds of culture. He enjoys creating handcrafted typography murals, street art typography...

40 Creative Fruit Logo Design examples for Inspiration - part 2
Fruit logo design ideas: Everyone loves a piece of fruit and fruits are also good for health. If a business is primarily dealing with fruits, then including a fruit in your logo is great way to promote your product. Look at the Zestfresh logo, Zest reminds you of lemon zest, so the logo designers have included a lemon in the logo...

30 Best and Creative Typography Design examples for your inspiration

30 Best and Creative Typography Design examples for your inspiration
Typography Design : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...

20 Creative Abstract Graphic Illustrations and Photo manipulations by Nik Ainley

20 Creative Abstract Graphic Illustrations and Photo manipulations by Nik Ainley
Photo manipulations by Nik Ainley : Nik Ainley has more than 10 years experience in abstract graphic illustrations and photo manipulations. Most of his illustrations are for personal use and others are commission works. He never imagined even in his wildest dreams that he would be an artist, since he graduated in Physics. He was...

21 Different Types of Brochure Designs to suit your marketing needs

Different Types of brochure Designs
Brochures are the most common type of marketing tools used by a business to explain their services and products. Though the world is moving towards a digital platform, brochures still play an important role in marketing. Generally, brochures portray professionalism and create trust in the company in the customer's mind. There are...

40 Transparent and Blend mode Logo designs by Ilya Schapko

Transparent Logo Design
Transparent logo and Blend mode logo designs: Graphic designer Ilya Schapko from russia is a very talented icon designer. Using the Adobe Illustrator, he has created a project title ' Overlay's, where you can see many transparent and blend mode logo designs which truly represent the designer's creativity. These overlays are abstract...

25 Creative Fashion Advertising Photographs by Suresh Natarajan

25 Creative Fashion Advertising Photographs by Suresh Natarajan
Suresh Natarajan is a leading fashion and advertising photographer. His stunning images reflect his belief that creative thinking should be visual. His timeless images have also adorned innumerable editorial covers. Suresh Natarajan shares his tips below for better photography, Learn from your Bad...

40 Creative Hotel Logos Design examples for your inspiration

Hotel Logos
Hotel logos design ideas: Like we said earlier, logos form a huge part in attracting customers. Based on the type of business, logo designers choose the patterns for the business. Can you spot an eye catching feature in the famous Burj Al Arab, the curvy and tall tower is one of its prominent features, so if you look at their logo,...

50 Best Photo Manipulation works from Famous Creative Designers - Part 2
Have you heard of the term, your photo has been photoshopped? Well, it's a neat trick by graphic designers for manipulation of your photos. With a little bit of blending and merging the photos, the graphic designers allow their inner creativity flow through the photos. Photo manipulation works are very personal and it takes you to a...

30 Creative Cat Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Cat Logo
Cat Logo Design are literally not used by cats, they are mostly used to make the brands more appealing to the cat owners market. It's good to differentiate between the animal products with the animal pictures on them, so it's easier for the pet owners. Cats are meant for their flexibility and their long life, so cat logo designs are...

Exploring Sea Life through Illuminating Typography Art and Digital Illustrations by Lena Vargas

Exploring Sea Life through Illuminating Typography Art and Digital Illustrations by Lena Vargas
Sea life has always captivated us, check out these beautiful typography designs by Lena Vargas. She is a freelance digital illustrator from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Exploring the corals in the form of typography illustrations is very illuminating for us. The beautiful corals, little fishes which reminds us of the "...

35 Creative and Most Beautiful Business Card Design examples

35 Creative and Most Beautiful Business Card Design examples
Designing your business cards in a very trendy fashion and making it memorable would help your identity to stay out of the trash bin after you the end of your discussion. Business cards are the most effective offline way to promote and advertise your business. Your Business card speaks for as brand and they are a good and effective...

Top 20 Useful Websites for Graphic and Web Designers | Nov 2018

Top websites for designers
Graphic and web designers surf the web in search of quality designs for their designing purposes. We have made their lives simple, by collecting some of the Top 15 useful websites which can be used by the graphic designers to create their web designing with. Icons, webdesign templates, banners, buttons and everything else is readily...

15 Creative Indian Movie Poster Designs in Different Languages

15 Creative Indian Movie Poster Designs in Different Languages
Indian movie poster designs of 2019 are an interesting watch. Kollywood, Tollywood, Bollywood cinemas have huge fan follow base. Indian celebrities have a special fanfare and are literally treated like royals. Take a look at these Indian movie poster designs, you can see the confidence and the overall theme of the story. Some of...

50 Creative Html5 Websites Design examples from Top Designers

Html5 Websites
Html5 Websites : HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content for the WWW-World Wide Web and a core technology of the Internet. It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (created in 1990 and standardized as HTML 4 as of 1997) and, as of December 2012, is a candidate recommendation of the World Wide Web...
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