
50 Creative 3D logo Design examples for your inspiration

50 Creative 3D logo Design examples for your inspiration
3D Logo Designs : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. In this post we have added 60 Creative and Brilliant logo design examples for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Pencil, Pendulam, Killed, Code fish...

40 Professional Free Business Card Templates with source files - Download PSD AI EPS

business card template
Business Card Templates: Designing your business cards in a very trendy fashion and making it memorable would help your identity to stay out of the trash bin after you the end of your discussion. Business cards are the most effective offline way to promote and advertise your business. Your Business card speaks for as brand and they...

55 Creative Logo designs with Hidden messages - Part 2

55 Creative Logo designs with Hidden messages - Part 2
Logos come in all shapes and sizes. They are important for brand identity in all kinds of business. Did you know there are some logos with hidden messages? Trying to find the hidden message in logos is like solving a Sherlock Holmes mystery. Well not all hidden messages in logos are hard to reveal, some are very easy to decipher....

Splendid Digital Artworks and mosaic portraits of Charis Tsevis for Womankind Magazine

Splendid Digital Artworks and mosaic portraits of Charis Tsevis for Womankind Magazine
Digital Art : Charis Tsevis is a splendid visual artist living and working in Athens, Greece. He is famous throughout the world for his imaginative skill and has worked for organizations like Nike, PepsiCo, Toyota and IKEA. Every single creation of him portrays a solitary component – a man, a question or a creature –...

20 Creative Photo Manipulation works from top designers - 2018

20 Creative Photo Manipulation works from top designers - 2018
Photomanipulation is an art since it takes an active creative mind to create something illusionary. At times it's difficult to identify photoshopped works, since artists spend a great deal of time and energy to make them realistic. Did you know that the first photoshop product was released in 1990 by the knoll brothers? The first...

30 Colorful Business Card Design Examples for your inspiration

Colorful Business Card Design
Colorful Business Card Design : Designing your business cards in a very trendy fashion and making it memorable would help your identity to stay out of the trash bin after you the end of your discussion. Business cards are the most effective offline way to promote and advertise your business. Your Business card speaks for as brand...

Vibrant and Eye Popping Photo Collage Portraits by Vakseen

Vibrant and Eye Popping Photo Collage Portraits by Vakseen
Photo Manipulation: Vakseen is a photo collage artist from Florida. He uses a new style of painting known as the vanity pop, where pictures are arranged in form a collage. His photo collage is a mixture of cubism, photorealism, fashion design and pop surrealism which is hand painted onto a canvas. His photo manipulation works are...

Experienced Hire Campaign - Brilliant Advertising Craft Ideas by Noelia Lozano

Experienced Hire Campaign - Brilliant Advertising Craft Ideas by Noelia Lozano
Advertising Design ideas : Noelia Lozano is an Art director and Graphic designer from Spain. She has an amazing group of experienced help who understand her flavor of art in the advertisement industry. According to her website,"Her work is focused on papercrafts, CGI and set design- often combining these different techniques...

40 Photoshop Coloring Works - Colorize old black and white photos

40 Photoshop Coloring Works - Colorize old black and white photos
Colorize Old Photo: Do you have old photos and wondering how to restore them to their former glory? No more worries, if your old photos are too crumpled, fold, torn or color faded. You can always trust our humble Adobe Photoshop which works great wonders on coloring old photos, so you can always hold on to your fond memories. Want...

Funny and creative Photo Manipulations by Sebastian Magnani

Funny and creative Photo Manipulations by Sebastian Magnani
Photo Manipulation : Sebastian is a professional photographer and artist based in Zurich, Switzerland. His photography project titled 'underdogs' was started by him in the year 2009. The crazy thought of humans with doggy faces turned true with digital photo manipulation with a couple of wigs, and viola: a human canine look-alike...

Exploring Sea Life through Illuminating Typography Art and Digital Illustrations by Lena Vargas

Exploring Sea Life through Illuminating Typography Art and Digital Illustrations by Lena Vargas
Sea life has always captivated us, check out these beautiful typography designs by Lena Vargas. She is a freelance digital illustrator from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Exploring the corals in the form of typography illustrations is very illuminating for us. The beautiful corals, little fishes which reminds us of the "...

Showcase of Best Woman Vector tracing & Illustration works

Vector woman
We have added 20 Best Vector woman illustration works for you. Vector illustration is a popular technique of many digital illustrators worldwide. Some time vector work would be very difficult while creating hair and skin tone effects. Please send us your vector to share with everyone See all Vector Characters...

Face of the wild - Interesting Animal logo designs by Hamed Khan Haidari

Face of the wild - Interesting Animal logo designs by Hamed Khan Haidari
Hamed Khan Haidari is well experienced in logo designing and web development. He uses simple lines or shapes to create beautiful effective animal logo designs and others. He draws inspiration from nature and the environment. He first sketches manually on a paper like all artists and once satisfied with the outcome, redesigns them...

Beautiful Calligraphy always mesmerizes the soul - Calligraphy Art by Cyla Costa

Beautiful Calligraphy always mesmerizes the soul - Calligraphy Art by Cyla Costa
Calligraphy Art is one of the special talents of the graphic designer Cyla Costa. She is a graphic designer and lettering artist from Brazil. She uses acrylic colors, paint brushes for her calligraphy art. The choice of color pallette is also interesting, we can say it's kind of eye soothing. She is open for commissions and...

20 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Modern & Professional Fonts

20 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Modern & Professional Fonts
Free Fonts are mostly appreciated by graphic designers and website deisgners. We have a vast collection of free fonts download which will be sitable for many designers. Professionals/Amateur graphic designers, if you are looking for some inspiration, you have arrived at the right place. The royalty free fonts which are widely used...

How To Install Photoshop Layer Styles

You have found an awesome resource that has a ton of premium Photoshop layer styles and text effects and have downloaded a bunch of zip files but do not know how to make them work. Follow our step by step guide onhow to install and use Photoshop layer styles and you will be off and running in no time. What Are...

30 Best Photo Retouching Master Pieces by Gianfranco Gallo - After Before Photos

30 Best Photo Retouching Master Pieces by Gianfranco Gallo - After Before Photos
Photo Retouching : Gianfranco Gallo is an Italian Graphic designer and Photo retouching expert, based in Salerno. “I like editing photos of friends and family, with the passage of time, the passion for this great tool began to be part of my life and every day I try new inspiration from great artists to improve and evolve my...

15 Creative Indian Movie Poster Designs in Different Languages

15 Creative Indian Movie Poster Designs in Different Languages
Indian movie poster designs of 2019 are an interesting watch. Kollywood, Tollywood, Bollywood cinemas have huge fan follow base. Indian celebrities have a special fanfare and are literally treated like royals. Take a look at these Indian movie poster designs, you can see the confidence and the overall theme of the story. Some of...
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