
50 Best Photo Editing and Retouching works around the world

50 Best Photo Editing and Retouching works around the world
Photo Retouching : If you want to make your photos look more beautiful, you should try out Photo Editing and Retouching. These techniques add more glamour to your photos by producing even skin tone, removing red eye, changing yellow teeth and also to remove the horrible acne from your face. In this post we have included some tips...

23 Creative Typography Designs and illustration ideas for you

23 Creative Typography Designs and illustration ideas for you
Colorful Typography Illustrations makes you smile always. It's an artistic way to illustrate your thoughts on canvas or clothes. Colorful typography illustrations are the current rave on youngsters t-shirts. Creative typography illustrations are mostly used for branding, marketing and in the advertisement industry. The catchy...

Beautiful Graphic designs and illustrations from Destapate Campaign

Beautiful Graphic designs and illustrations from Destapate Campaign
Advertising is a competitive field which requires tenacity and drive to create innovative ideas for campaigns. Every advertising campaign requires the details about the client,product,target audience and the message to be conveyed. The Destapate campaign invites all the Colombians to celebrate who they really are instead of hiding...

25 Amazing Typography Graphic Designs for your inspiration1

25 Amazing Typography Graphic Designs for your inspiration1
Typography is very important for graphic design, you can see creative typography design in Advertisements, logo designs, Print designs, package designs and web designs. Here we have added 25 beautiful examples of creative typography designs for your inspiration.

40 Creative Whale logo design examples from around the world

Whale logo Design
Whale logo design: Whales are associated with good spirit and to bring in abundance. You can find many whale logo designs in theme parks, water sports and businesses associated with water. Nowadays whale logo designs are incorporated into other business too. Here is your chance to see how other IT companies, real estate business...

Top 25 Free Website providers around the world - Free Portfolio Websites

Free Website
Creating free websites is like a breeze as there are so many free website builders available in the internet. We have scoured the internet and put together Top 25 Free websites, which allows you to create your own free website within a few minutes. Some of these free website builders have an amazing collection of design...

Win a Jackpot Fly to Moon Advertising Photo Manipulation by Staudinger and Mladen Penev

Win a Jackpot Fly to Moon Advertising Photo Manipulation by Staudinger and Mladen Penev
Yet another creative advertising photo manipulation works by Staudinger and Mladen Penev. The photo retouching works and photo manipulations were created for the client Euro Jackpot with the theme servicemen. The photography and production of these photo manipulations was done by Staudinger and Andreas Franke. The Retouching and...

Illustrated Sports themed Logos

Illustrated Sports themed Logos
Today we would like to share some of sports themed logo designs. i hope everyone will like it. please add your comments and reviews. These logos are copied from various users of Before designing a logo, you can visit for getting more references...

25 Creative 3D Typography Designs and Ads for your Inspiration - Part 2

25 Creative 3D Typography Designs and Ads for your Inspiration - Part 2
I am sure eveyone will like these 3D typography collection. If you have 3D knowledge, then its easy to create these kind of 3D typography designs. We can create 3D type Logos by using Photoshop, Illustrator and other 2D Photo editing softwares. But using 3D softwares you dont need spend too much time for creating ligt and shade...

20 Beautiful and Professional Free Wordpress Themes for your inspiration

Free wordpress themes
Free wordpress themes are sometimes loaded with the cool looking webpages and overall design. If you are looking for professional wordpress themes, then one should opt for premium wordpress themes, which mostly have strong code and support team. If you are looking to build a website, use these beautiful wordpress themes, which look...

Logo Design Inspiration for Moon concept1

Logo Design Inspiration for Moon concept1
Today i am sharing some inspired logo design in moon concept. It must be helpful for everyone to see the different approch of designers. Please share with your friends to reach all the designers.

Top 10 Best Graphic Design Company Websites from around the world

Graphic Design Websites
Graphic design websites: Graphic design is a most sought after means of visual communication by many designers. In the world of marketing, advertising and even film making, graphic design plays a pivotal role and it opens doors for many successful graphic design websites, which caters to the business requirements. Young and...

30 Best Advertising Campaign designs from around the world

Advertising Campaign
Some of the best advertising campaigns around the world are : Tap Project ($1 added to the restaurant bill to help UNICEF and since then UNICEF has raised millions of dollars through this project), Budweiser(Wassup), Metro Trains - Dumb ways to Die, and more. For the past 15 years, creative advertising campaigns have changed the...

Surrealistic and impressive photomontages by Luisa Azevedo

Surrealistic and impressive photomontages by Luisa Azevedo
Luisa Azevedo a teenager from the beautiful sea side of Portugal is a talented artist who discovers the unknown side of realism. She tends to create simple collages to fascinating worlds of uncertainity which is thought provoking and playful. The sharp cutting which she uses on her subjects at interesting angles, beckons the...

40 Photoshop Coloring Works - Colorize old black and white photos - part 1

Colorize or Coloring Old Photos
Colorize Old Photo: Do you have old photos and wondering how to restore them to their former glory? No more worries, if your old photos are too crumpled, fold, torn or color faded. You can always trust our humble Adobe Photoshop which works great wonders on coloring old photos, so you can always hold on to your fond memories. Want...

40 Creative Photo Collage Effects for your inspiration - part 2

40 Creative Photo Collage Effects for your inspiration - part 2
Photo Collage is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. Collage is a specific technique of art that is made from different pieces of photos or artworks which create a new and special look. Now, you can make an...

50 Creative Photo Manipulations from top designers around the world

Photo manipulation
Photo manipulation : You can do amazing and fun stuff with Photo manipulation. An ordinary photo can be transformed into something totally out of the box with photo manipulations. There are many software's available for photomanipulation, but Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular software. Photo manipulation is a...

Reshape and Bend Human body using Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature

Reshape and Bend Human body using Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature
Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature opens the doors for reshaping objects which is probably the quickest and easiest path to a slick end result. It can be used to alter facial expressions, reshape human and animal arms and legs and bend shapes in ways that are hard to imagine. The puppet warp feature is available in "Edit...
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