
30 Best Logo Design ideas from top designers around the world - 2018

30 Best Logo Design ideas from top designers around the world - 2018
We have listed some of the best logo designs created by some of the popular logo designers around the world. Some of the best logos around the world are: Walmart, Shell, Microsoft, Apple, Mcdonald's, IBM, Samsung, Toyota, Tesco, Colgate and more. Best logo designs create a visual identity for all kind of product/business or service...

11 Different types of logo design examples and ideas for Designers

Types of logo designs
Logos are simple visual symbols which create the brand identity of a business in the market. Logo Design Types : The more distinct a logo is, the easier it stands out among other brands. A logo can easily bring out the values of a company and establish a connection with the customer. We usually use graphic design software to create...

15 Best Website Designers in India - Creative Web Designers List

Website Designers India
Website Designers India: Web designers make the internet a happy place for many business owners. Despite their hardwork and brilliant creativity, not many website designers are known to the world. Have you wondered who are the best website designers in India. Well we have put togethere a list of 15 Top and Best Indian website...

25 Awesome and Creative Typography Graphic Designs for your inspiration

25 Awesome and Creative Typography Graphic Designs for your inspiration
Typography is very important for graphic design, you can see creative typography design in Advertisements, logo designs, Print designs, package designs and web designs. Here we have added 25 beautiful examples of creative typography designs for your inspiration.

15 Best Photoshop Video tutorials - Its time to learn hidden gems

15 Best Photoshop Video tutorials - Its time to learn hidden gems
In this post we have included 15 Best Adobe Photoshop video tutorials. Most of the graphic designers spend hours together to get the skin tone correct. It’s important to remember that the skin tone should look realistic and not plastic. Usage of adjustment brushes with negative clarity often works like magic. Blemishes and...

Fall in Love Again Sensation Photo Manipulation works and Digital Art by Stellart

Fall in Love Again Sensation Photo Manipulation works and Digital Art by Stellart
Check out the surreal photo manipulation works and digital art works by Stellart. Stellart is a self taught digital artist from Corsica. Since 2013 she has been learning and creating surreal digital paintings which is topnotch. She uses her Wacom Intuos to create the photo manipulation works for several top fashion magazines across...

Creative and Inspiring Advertisement Photos from Metro campaign

Creative and Inspiring Advertisement Photos from Metro campaign
The Print Ads: The Print Ads are a visual ride through the head of a Metro reader as the articles and stories read become vivid experiences. Photographed and digitally enhanced by Sven Prim @ Agent Molly. About the project: The advertising campaign is based on the recently re-defined brand strategy that positions Metro as a premium...

20 Beautiful and Professional Free Wordpress Themes for your inspiration

Free wordpress themes
Free wordpress themes are sometimes loaded with the cool looking webpages and overall design. If you are looking for professional wordpress themes, then one should opt for premium wordpress themes, which mostly have strong code and support team. If you are looking to build a website, use these beautiful wordpress themes, which look...

50 Creative and Beautiful Poster Design examples for your inspiration

50 Creative and Beautiful Poster Design examples for your inspiration
Poster Design : Posters are one of the best ways of communicating a clients information. In graphic industry, Poster Design and Poster Printing is one of the most painful areas where clients want to convey everything from company to product to attract the most number of customers. Poster Design represents the essence of your...

Photoshop CS6 -10 Video Tutorials

Photoshop CS6 -10 Video Tutorials
  Photoshop CS6: How to use the Navigator panel This Photoshop CS6 tutorial introduces the Navigator panel and demonstrates how to use shortcuts, zoom value, Proxy preview, and more.   Modifying the brightness Interface in Photoshop CS6 This Photoshop CS6 tutorial discusses how to work with the Brightness interface and...

Agrosolutions New Branding and Identity Design by French Design Agency Grapheine

Agrosolutions New Branding and Identity Design by French Design Agency Grapheine
To ascertain its identity and positioning Agrosolutions, the subsidiary of the agricultural group InVivo, France decided to create new branding and identity. InVivo plays a major role in the economy of France as it comprises agriculture, nutrition and animal health, public distribution and wine. There are 216 french agricultural...

Top 25 Free Website providers around the world - Free Portfolio Websites

Free Website
Creating free websites is like a breeze as there are so many free website builders available in the internet. We have scoured the internet and put together Top 25 Free websites, which allows you to create your own free website within a few minutes. Some of these free website builders have an amazing collection of design...

50 Creative Moon Logo Design examples for your inspiration - part 2

50 Creative Moon Logo Design examples for your inspiration - part 2
Moon Logo designs : In this post we have added 40 Best and Creative Moon logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Honey Moon, Moon House, Moon Music, Green Moon Restaurant, Fairy Moon, Moon Wine Bar, Eclipse, Moon Beauty consmetics, Moon light Design, Moon Balloon and Moon Photography.

15 Professional Fonts for Web & Graphic Designers

15 Professional Fonts for Web & Graphic Designers
The League of Moveable Type: Here, you'll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts. Like any revolution, we aim to make progress, and we need help. If you want to be a part of this free, open-source type movement, you should join us and contribute. If you have any questions about The League or...

50 Attractive Multi Color Logo Design examples for your Inspiration

Multi Color Logo
Logo Design : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products for example football companies will have football as their logo designs. Similarly we...

40 Majestic Lion Logo Design inspiration for you

Lion Logo
Lion Logo Design : In this post we have added 40 Best Lion themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Safari Bar, LionHeart, KingLine, ToughTears, Lion Print and Liger Television. Please tell us your favorite logo design.  Safari Lion Logo Design Liger Television Lion Logo Design LionHeart Lion Logo...

14 Different Types of Movie Poster design ideas with examples

Different types of Movie Poster Designs
Different types of movie poster design ideas : Movie poster designs play a prominent role in the branding and marketing of a movie to the general public. Graphic designers choose to use bolder and dark backgrounds to pique the interest of the viewers. There is no hard and fast rule for a perfect movie poster design. Graphic...

25 Creative Resume Design Ideas and samples for your inspiration

Creative Resume Designs
We have listed inspirational resume designs and resume design templates. If you are looking for a professional job, then it's important to have top notch resumes. Brilliant resume designs can land you lucrative jobs at some of the top-notch companies. We have resume design templates which will be suitable for freshers, professionals...
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