
25 Beautiful and Professional Free Drupal themes for Web Designers

Free Drupal Themes
Free Drupal Themes: Your long wait for free drupal themes is over, we have chosen the best professional drupal themes available for free download. Now it's so easy to build your website with these free drupal themes. These themes allow you to build sub - themes from existing themes, making them look lot more professional.You can...

25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works for Fashion Photography

25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works for Fashion Photography
Photo manipulation and Fashion Photography Fashion photography is a genre of photography devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items. Fashion photography is most often conducted for advertisements or fashion magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, or Elle. Over time, fashion photography has developed its own aesthetic in...

40 Creative House Logo design examples for your inspiration

House logos
In this post we have added 40 Best and Creative House logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Book house, Estates Key, The Shed, Shelter House, Grow House, Real Estate list, Kerala Nazareth villas, House community, Move Sydney contruction, Home office, Mega Construction, House .com, House clip and...

25 Awesome Pictures of Half Man Half woman - Photographed and Photoshopped

25 Awesome Pictures of Half Man Half woman - Photographed and Photoshopped
Photo retouching works : Leland Bobbe is a professional portrait, lifestyle, landscape and street photographer from New York. His half man, half woman like drag queens have gone viral on the internet and has made him an extremely popular and busy photographer. Most of his works are on the gender differences. His half man half woman...

50 Brilliant and Creative Packaging Design examples for your inspiration

Creative Packaging
Creative Packaging Design: Mostly people judge the quality of product with its unique packaging. In this post we present excellent examples of beautiful, attractive and Creative packaging design. Effective packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique edge...

Exclusive Branding and Logo Design of FERS by Grapheine

Exclusive Branding and Logo Design of FERS by Grapheine
FERS, the foundation company for school success in France had a facelift of its logo with the help of French design agency Grapheine. The motive behind the creation of FERS is to enhance the knowledge of children in the economic, cultural and technical fields of the contemporary world. The old logo flower symbolises the blooming...

25 Best Portrait Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles - See After Before Photos

25 Best Portrait Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles - See After Before Photos
Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles: Regina Pagles is a photographer from Long Island, New York and currently lives in Springdale. She and her husband own a bicycle shop which is just outside Zion National Park which is in Southwest Utah. Photography and photo retouching is a passion for Regina Pagles and she does them for a...

35 Creative and unusual Wedding Invitation Card Design Ideas

Wedding Card Design
Wedding Card Design : Every bride wants to plan an unforgettable wedding day. Funny or Unusual Wedding card designs add more funny memories in your wedding. In this post we have added unique and creative wedding invitation card designs for you. You can have the most gorgeous invites ever, but when it comes down to it, your wedding...

Experienced Hire Campaign - Brilliant Advertising Craft Ideas by Noelia Lozano

Experienced Hire Campaign - Brilliant Advertising Craft Ideas by Noelia Lozano
Advertising Design ideas : Noelia Lozano is an Art director and Graphic designer from Spain. She has an amazing group of experienced help who understand her flavor of art in the advertisement industry. According to her website,"Her work is focused on papercrafts, CGI and set design- often combining these different techniques...

Refashioning trash into wearable designer spectacles by Cyrus Kabiru

Refashioning trash into wearable designer spectacles by Cyrus Kabiru
Designer Spectacles : The used electronic waste and other trashes are the raw materials for the young Kenyan scultor Cyrus Kabiru, who refashions them into wearable glasses. These are obsolutely his own creations which certainly has unique and attrative features. Kabiru is a confident and individualistic self-taught artist whose...

25 Funny Photoshop Fail examples Of All Time - Failed Photo Editing

Photoshop Fail
Photoshop Fail : Sometimes Photo editing or Photo retouching becomes wrong, many of these Photo editing errors are found in Print Advertisements, Popular Movie posters, Magazine Front Cover and Editorial Pictures. Adobe Photoshop is being used for eliminate the annoying components, resizing, retouching fashion models. Sometimes...

30 Funny Photoshop manipulation works for your inspiration

Funny Photoshop
Funny Photoshop : Photo manipulation works are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can alter photos by photoshop software like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have...

40 Creative Search Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Search Logo
Search Logo : In this post we have added 40 Creative Search logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Search news, inside search, icon Finder, zoom, Search coffee, Win Searcher, and Tour Finder.

40 Creative and Beautiful Peacock logo designs for your inspiration

Peacock logo
Peacock logo Design : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products. In this post we have added 40 Beautiful and Creative Peacock logo designs for your...

25 Creative and Mind-Blowing Foodscape Advertisements by Carl Warner

25 Creative and Mind-Blowing Foodscape Advertisements by Carl Warner
Advertisements : The ‘Foodscapes’ are created in Carl’s London studio where they are built on top of a large purpose built triangular table top. The scenes are photographed in layers from foreground to background and sky as the process is very time consuming and so the food quickly wilts under the lights. Each...

50 Animal themed Print Advertisements and print ads inspiration for you

50 Animal themed Print Advertisements and print ads inspiration for you
Animal print ads : Any form of advertising is a combination of visual and verbal communication destined to deliver the message to the target audience. The power and ability of the graphic designers are showcased through their creative advertisements. To bring in a sense of admiration animal themed ads are created with fun. The...

40 Creative Graphic T Shirt Designs for your inspiration

Graphic T Shirt Designs
We all love to wear cool  T-shirt designs with stunning graphic designs. T shirt design is one of the lucrative careers in the graphic design industry sector. We all know the saying, 'A picture is worth thousand words". Stylish t-shirt designs make it an interesting wear. Check out our amazing collection of graphic t shirt...
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