While Real Steel is garnering excellent reviews based on its powerful story and engaging characters, it is the visual spectacle of massive robots in the boxing ring that make for some of the movie’s most rousing scenes. Those boxing matches were conceived, planned and executed using an innovative process that gave the...
Returning to the Transformers franchise for a third time, Digital Domain developed, created and animated new characters including ‘Laserbeak,’ ‘Brains’ and an army of Decepticon soldiers called ‘protoforms,’ as well as the returning character, ‘Wheels.’ VFX supervisor Matthew Butler...
Dennis Mejillones 2009 Show Reel
Character Modeling Reel 2011
Zbrush Alien Resurrection Newborn 3D Model
3d Game Character Zbrush Sculpt Anatomy Turntable Model
10 Best Christmas Funny 3D Animations
C is for Christ, Son of God, and Lord of Love.
H is for Heaven, blessing each and all from above.
R is for Remembering the words to your favorite carol.
I is for the Icicles hanging inside every barrel.
S is for Stockings stuffed up to the knee.
T is for the Tinsel that Mom wrapped 'round the...
Mcdonald is a popular eatery amongst many youngsters. McDonald has revamped it’s digital presence by some cool animated tv commercials. In this post we have put together 3D animated TV commercials for the new McDonald’s Campaign. 3D animation is totally awesome and it can be used for entertainment and commercial purposes...
"Wild Dogs" - Animated Short by Catherine Hicks
An animated short film I made at Ringling College of Art and Design. Featured in the 2009 SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival.
http://www.cathicks.com/ http://cathicks.blogspot.com/
Pigeon: Impossible
A rookie secret agent is faced with a problem...
Character designs involve a lot of creativity and at the same should be appealing to the viewers. These 3D character designs play a vital role in games, animation movies and they are the deciding factors in its success. These 3D character designs are created using various tools like 3D Rendering, ZBrush, Maya and Photoshop. The...
Storyline : Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answer lies up in the stratosphere, where cloud people sculpt babies from clouds and bring them to life. Gus, a lonely and insecure grey cloud, is a master at creating "dangerous" babies. Crocodiles, porcupines,...
In this post we have added 40 Best 3D Animation Videos. It contains 3d Short Film, TV Commercials and Motion Graphics videos for your inspiration.
Reflection - What Happens When Your Reflection Goes Rogue - Short Film
Watch Video
Ice Cream - Inspiring 3D Animated Short Film
Watch Video
Giggle & Hoot - Hootabelle...
PIXELS is Patrick Jean' latest short film, shot on location in New York.
Written, directed by: Patrick Jean
Director of Photograhy : Matias Boucard
SFX by Patrick Jean and guests
Produced by One More Production
Contetn posted by onemoreprod.