20 Mind Blowing Paintings by Melissa Forman - Mysterious and Surreal Portraits

Melissa Forman spends her time creating a richly visual world filled with characters created from an opulent, mysterious, and often eerie imagination. Her lovely, idealized figures seem lost in their own worlds, drifting between the 16th, 18th, 19th and 21st centuries. Created from a mix of appropriated imagery from times long past and modern photographs from her personal collection, her portraits draw from obvious traditions in the genre but take on a life of their own. Her figures are strangely perfect and almost frozen in their expressions and poses.

20 Mind Blowing Paintings by Melissa Forman - Mysterious and Surreal Portraits

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20 Mind Blowing Paintings by Melissa Forman - Mysterious and Surreal Portraits Melissa Forman spends her time creating a richly visual world filled with characters created from an opulent, mysterious, and often eerie imagination. Her lovely, idealized figures seem lost in their