Realistic paintings: Artist Ben Jeffery was born in 1986 in Barnet, North London. Even at a very young age, he was interested in watercolors, acrylic and oil painting. He is a diverse artist and likes to experience in both watercolors and oil paintings. He loves to paint portraits, landscapes, seascapes and just about anything which catches hisartistic eyes. His watercolor paintings are so realistic and seem to pop out of the canvas. He takes on commission works, so if you want a personlaized painting, you can visit his website. Eventhough he had taken art degree till graduation level, most of the time, students were left to their devices, they were usually given a subject and they had to come up with a portfolio, so it's was more like he self taught himself. According to Ben Jeffery's Bio," I love working with vivid, bright colours to create a unique and modern style. I am a huge Sci-Fi movie fan and I love special effects. There was I time after I finished University when I wanted to be a concept artist for films and video games. I tried my hand at digital painting and got some pretty good results, but paint just has a depth and feel that can’t be beaten. I still get a lot of inspiration from concept artwork and that type of imagery". Enjoy these beautiful, powerful and vibrant acrylic paintings by Ben Jeffery and stay amazed.
Acrylic painting by benjeffery
Painting by ben jeffery
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Tag : Painting, Acrylic Painting, Oil Painting