20 Best 3D Game Characters Designs and 3D models for your inspiration

20 Best 3D Game Characters Designs and 3D models for your inspiration
20 Best 3D Game Characters Designs and 3D models for your inspiration girl star war game character 3d 3d game character 3d game models mabdelfatah 3d game character 3dsmax 3d game character design star war game 3d character design ogre game character zbrush 3d marvel thing game character 3D Game Character design 3d character...

PARTLY CLOUDY - Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios

PARTLY CLOUDY - Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios
Storyline : Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answer lies up in the stratosphere, where cloud people sculpt babies from clouds and bring them to life. Gus, a lonely and insecure grey cloud, is a master at creating "dangerous" babies. Crocodiles, porcupines,...

40 Beautiful Flower Wallpapers for your Desktop Mobile and Tablet - HD Wallpapers

Flower wallpaper
Beautiful Flower Wallpaper: Wallpapers make your otherwise boring desktop screens come alive. There are different kinds of wallpapers available. In this post we have included 25 Amazing Flower Wallpapers for your inspiration. If you are a nature enthusiast I’m sure you will be stunned by the brilliance of colours which nature...

25 Beautiful and Colorful Digital Art works by Sakimichan

25 Beautiful and Colorful Digital Art works by Sakimichan
Digital Art : Sakimichan is a highly talented digital artist and content creator hailing from Canada. Her art works include digital paintings of characters from popular games, movies and shows such as Sailormoon, LoL (League of Legends) and Disney titles. Most of her paintings are done through photoshop and cintiq as well. According...

25 Stunning Surreal Illustrations and Creative Photo Manipulation by Igor Morski

25 Stunning Surreal Illustrations and Creative Photo Manipulation by Igor Morski
Artist and Graphic designer Igor Morski has created these unbelievable surreal illustrations that will take you to his dream world. It takes you with imagination and creative ability to bring to life such interesting situations, which is what makes these images particularly impressive. Really well-composed, surreal mastery. Polish...

Super Powerful 3D model character designs and modelling by Nilberto Tawata

Super Powerful 3D model character designs and modelling by Nilberto Tawata
Nilberto Tawata is a 3D artist from Sao Paulo, Brazil. His 3d model characters are mostly powerful women characters like Superwoman, Super Girl, Wonder Woman, Red Sonja and more. The 3d models are fully loaded with extra accessories like whips, guns, blades and more. The texture of the 3d models are quite smooth and look very...

40 Best 3D Animation Videos, Short Films, TV Commercials and Motion Graphics videos

40 Best 3D Animation Videos, Short Films, TV Commercials and Motion Graphics videos
In this post we have added 40 Best 3D Animation Videos. It contains 3d Short Film, TV Commercials and Motion Graphics videos for your inspiration. Reflection - What Happens When Your Reflection Goes Rogue - Short Film Watch Video   Ice Cream - Inspiring 3D Animated Short Film Watch Video   Giggle & Hoot - Hootabelle...

50 Creative Moon Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Moon Logo
Moon Logo designs : In this post we have added 40 Best and Creative Moon logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Honey Moon, Moon House, Moon Music, Green Moon Restaurant, Fairy Moon, Moon Wine Bar, Eclipse, Moon Beauty consmetics, Moon light Design, Moon Balloon and Moon Photography. Mountain deer -...

15 Beautiful Indian God Digital Art works and Illustrations by Lovely Kukreja

15 Beautiful Indian God Digital Art works and Illustrations by Lovely Kukreja
Digital Art : Lovely Kukreja's journey to an artist was due to his dedication and passion towards art. In 2005, Lovely Kukreja started his journey as a computer operator in New Delhi. During his free time he used to learn art from his mentor Mr. Suresh Digwal, who showed him an artistic career. He enjoyed creating art, so he...

20 HyperRealistic Three Dimensional Animal Paintings created in Layers of Resin by Kenglye

20 HyperRealistic Three Dimensional Animal Paintings created in Layers of Resin by Kenglye
Fish Paintings : Singaporean artist KengLye illustrates 3d animals on bowls, buckets and boxes, Inspired  by Great Master Riusuke Fukahori's technique using acrylic paint on clear resin. This time-consuming technique requires resin mixed with a hardener, then painting on each hardened layer to create depth. The result is a...

40 Creative Hotel Logos Design examples for your inspiration

Hotel Logos
Hotel logos design ideas: Like we said earlier, logos form a huge part in attracting customers. Based on the type of business, logo designers choose the patterns for the business. Can you spot an eye catching feature in the famous Burj Al Arab, the curvy and tall tower is one of its prominent features, so if you look at their logo,...

25 Creative Movie Posters Design examples for your inspiration

25 Creative Movie Posters Design examples for your inspiration
Movie Posters Design : These days, film posters are still an incredibly important part of a film’s marketting technique. They are created to promote films and to intrigue audiences but there is a larger market for collecting film posters and older, original movie posters are in great demand.In this post we have added 25...

Creative Corporate Brand identity Examples - Design Process Inspiration 1

Creative Corporate Brand identity Examples - Design Process Inspiration 1
A logo is not your brand, nor is it your identity. Logo design, identity design and branding all have different roles, that together, form a perceived image for a business or product. There has been some recent discussion on the web about this topic, about your logo not being your brand. Although this may be true, I haven’t...

The 50 Best Animation Movie Character Designs for your inspiration - part 2

< Previous 25 Characters The second golden age of animation is well under way, with Aardman, Miyazaki, Disney Pixar and DreamWorks rolling out rather good stories on a fairly regular basis. But which characters of the stop-motion, CG or hand-drawn world really make the grade? Which existing characters made the leap from short...

Colorful collision of basketball and fashion in Paris - Exterior Coloring Ideas

Colorful collision of basketball and fashion in Paris - Exterior Coloring Ideas
Exterior Coloring ideas : A street basketball court in Paris, has been redesigned to look in 80's themed video game with colourful walls and geometric designs. In Duperre, the neighborhood of paris, a basketball court is designed by French art designers Ill-Studio and Paris based fashion brand Pigalle. A strong bonding of culture...

Surrealistic and impressive photomontages by Luisa Azevedo

Surrealistic and impressive photomontages by Luisa Azevedo
Luisa Azevedo a teenager from the beautiful sea side of Portugal is a talented artist who discovers the unknown side of realism. She tends to create simple collages to fascinating worlds of uncertainity which is thought provoking and playful. The sharp cutting which she uses on her subjects at interesting angles, beckons the...

60 Attractive and Colorful Logo Design inspiration for you

Colorful logo Design
Colorful Logo design: Unique and colorful log designs is a must for all kinds of business, no matter what they do and how big is their company. For a better audience reach and targeting of particular customers is possible through the internet. So if you want to boost your sales, then it's good to invest in a good website with a...

25 Stunning Hyper Realistic Drawings and Video Tutorials by Marcello Barenghi

Realistic Drawings
Hyper Realistic Drawings and Paintings: Marcello Barengi is a famous Italian Artist who likes to create hyper realistic pencil drawings. He uses pencils, pens, markers, paints, brushes, acrylic and other items to make below realistic drawings. Hes also a big fan of comics Marvel, including Spider-Man, they have also left their mark...
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