
25 Mind-Blowing Matte Painting Examples for your inspiration

Matte painting
Matte painting is a technique often used to create landscapes, sets and scenes for movies, TV and print when building a physical set or traveling to a particular location to film is either cost prohibitive or impossible. This technique requires a solid understanding of light, exposure, color theory and composition. Artist will often...

Creative 3D Typography Designs from Huawei Advertisement by Arnold Furance

Creative 3D Typography Designs from Huawei Advertisement by Arnold Furance
In this post we have added some of creative 3D Typogrphy advertisement designs from "Arnold Furnace" for your inspiration. Arnold Furnace: Lennon and McCartney, Torvill and Dean, Beavis and Butthead. History is littered with beautiful pairings. Shining examples of how creativity and big thinking are so much more than...

25 Creative Advertising Design ideas for your inspiration

25 Creative Advertising Design ideas for your inspiration
Ad Design ideas: Advertising is how a company encourages people to buy their products, services or ideas. An advertisement or Ad is anything that draws good attention towards these things. It is usually designed by an identified sponsor, and performed through a variety of media. Ads appear on television, as well as radio, newspapers...

Surreal Funny photo mash-ups and photo manipulations by Ronald Ong

Surreal Funny photo mash-ups and photo manipulations by Ronald Ong
Ronald Ong is a talented graphic designer from Malaysia. We all love talented artists for their superb imagination. Well, Ronald Ong sure keeps us gripping with his creative photo manipulations. He creates these photo manipulations to tell stories and his viewers sure love them on the social media handles. His journey as an artist...

30 Modern Office Design ideas and Home Office Design Tips

Office Design
Modern and Home Office design Ideas : Are you a bit cramped for space or are you looking to add some splash of colour to your office, here are some awesome tips for both home office design and modern office design. In this post we have added 30 Beautiful Home office design ideas and Modern office design ideas. "A well designed...

100 Creative and Brilliant Packaging Design ideas from around the world - part 2

100 Creative and Brilliant Packaging Design ideas from around the world - part 2
Packaging Designs: Mostly people judge the quality of product with its unique packaging. In this post we present excellent examples of beautiful, attractive and communicative packaging design. Effective packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique edge to...

50 Creative Photo manipulation works by Indian Artist Anil Saxena

50 Creative Photo manipulation works by Indian Artist Anil Saxena
Photo manipulation: Indian photographer, Anil Saxena has been making waves in the photography sector with his amazing surreal photography, which were done using photo manipulation. Initially, Anil Saxena worked in the dar room to achieve the desired result on his photos, later on when he was introduced to photoshop, there was no...

Stunning Sci-Fi Laser effect Photo Manipulation works by Staudinger Franke

Stunning Sci-Fi Laser effect Photo Manipulation works by Staudinger Franke
You are Wanted Transformation Campaign was a photo manipulation project created by Staudinger + Franke and Mladen Penev for one of it's client (Amazon Prime). The photography was captured by Staudinger, photo retouching and CGI works was created by Mladen Penev. The photo manipulation is very conflicting, dual personality features...

60 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration part 3

60 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration part 3
Print Advertisements : Print Ads design is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a...

25 Beautiful and Colorful Website Design examples for your inspiration

25 Beautiful and Colorful Website Design examples for your inspiration
In this post we have added 25 Beautiful and colorful website design samples for you. When you’re feeling creatively low, one of the best ways to get inspired is to admire and look at some award winning web designs. But spending lots of time to find these kinds of web designs is not possible for most of the designers. So you...

Best 3D Animations, Character designs and TV Commercial Videos - Fanta, ATT and Nespresso

Best 3D Animations, Character designs and TV Commercial Videos - Fanta, ATT and Nespresso
In this post we have added some inspiring 3D Animated TV Commercial videos and 3D short films for your inspiration.  Inspiring Character Designs by Wanchana Intrasombat   The epic journey of great coffee - From bean to cup - by Bose Collins A short film about the epic journey of great coffee - from bean to cup...

40 Creative Tree Logo Design examples for you

Tree Logo Design
Tree Logo Design : In this post we have added 40 creative Tree themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Legacy Wellnes, Imaginary Trees, Chemistree, ephfx, Cranesville, Natura, Techtree, LightTree and Enriched.  tree logo design tree logo design tree logo design tree logo design tree logo...

25 Best Corporate Website Design examples for your inspiration

Corporate Website
Corporate Website design : If you want a customer friendly website, but with a professional setup, you need to get the help of these professional web designers. These designers tend to know what clicks with the customers. If your business is into website hosting, it makes sense to have a clean and professional website, whereas if...

Top 15 Best SEO Services and SEO Company list in India

Seo Company India
Seo Company India :Are you looking for seo services in India? Tired of searching for the best seo company which meet all your expectations. Look no further, we have collected the details of the top seo companies which offer quality services at affordable rates. Some of these seo companies have received several awards for their...

30 Best Corporate Business Card Design ideas for your inspiration

30 Best Corporate Business Card Design ideas for your inspiration
Checkout 20 corporate business card design ideas for all kinds of business. Are you looking for some top of the shelf corporate business card designs? Browse through our amazing collection of business card designs and draw inspiration for your projects. Corporate business cards are an important part of brand identity and they have...

30 Brilliant Logo Parodies that say the Real Meaning of Famous Brands

30 Brilliant Logo Parodies that say the Real Meaning of Famous Brands
A logo is a fundamental part of every brand. Companies spend millions tinkering with their logos, trying to figure out what will stick in the minds of consumers. When a consumer views one, it triggers all sorts of thoughts and emotions. Unfortunately for brands, those aren't always positive.These logo parodies are creative,...

15 Innovative Advertising Photo Manipulations by Limehouse

15 Innovative Advertising Photo Manipulations by Limehouse
Limehouse Creative is an Internationally known full-service production company that has a number of awards to its credit. They provide service for all media channels, including print, television, online, digital and across social. The company provides expertise in various disciplines with creative and budget-friendly projects...

Adobe unveiled Photoshop CS6 Beta with redesigned UI and 65 new features - Free Download

Adobe unveiled Photoshop CS6 Beta with redesigned UI and 65 new features - Free Download
The world’s best digital image editing software is about to get even better. Explore Photoshop CS6 beta for a sneak preview of some of the incredible performance enhancements, imaging magic, and creativity tools we are working on. Discover for yourself why Photoshop CS6 software will be a whole new experience in digital image...
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