
50 Creative Typography Designs and illustrations for your inspiration - Part 3

50 Creative Typography Designs and illustrations for your inspiration - Part 3
Typography Design : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...

30 Modern Office Design ideas and Home Office Design Tips

Office Design
Modern and Home Office design Ideas : Are you a bit cramped for space or are you looking to add some splash of colour to your office, here are some awesome tips for both home office design and modern office design. In this post we have added 30 Beautiful Home office design ideas and Modern office design ideas. "A well designed...

50 Creative Photo Manipulations works from top Photoshop designers - II

50 Creative Photo Manipulations works from top Photoshop designers - II
Best Photo manipulation works : You can do amazing and fun stuff with Photo manipulation. An ordinary photo can be transformed into something totally out of the box with photo manipulations. There are many software's available for photomanipulation, but Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular software. Photo manipulation is a...

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1
We are going to show how aging occurs in a woman’s face via Photoshop. For this tutorial we are going to use celebrity star Katie Holmes picture. Step 1: Choosing an Appropriate Photo Choose some close up candid photos which doesn’t have much make up and shows all detailing of the face. In Katie’s picture, we can...

30 Brilliant Animal Logo design examples for your inspiration

30 Brilliant Animal Logo design examples for your inspiration
Creative Animal Logo Design: Every business needs a strong and simple animal logo design to promote their business and to bring in a positive response. Some businesses use lion as their central part of their animal logos to reign in their positivity and to show the confidence in their product. We all know that the lion is the king...

What makes a design RETRO? and Retro Style graphics collection for your inspiration

What makes a design RETRO? and Retro Style graphics collection for your inspiration
Using retro themed web designing templates is the latest trend in web designing. Retro templates are characterized by period icons, vivid graphics and pale colors. This popular theme is not only showing its presence in websites but also in paintings, ads and fashion designing. Let us find out the reasons behind this growing...

20 Stunning After Before Photos from top Photo Retouching professionals

20 Stunning After Before Photos from top Photo Retouching professionals
Best Photo Retouching works : WAll great photographs look amazing after a little photo retouching. Retouching works can be done through special techniques using photoshop. Photoshop has a variety of tools like lasso, clone, dodge, blur and smudge tools. 20 Stunning After Before Photos from top Photo Retouching professionals...

40 Creative Hotel Logos Design examples for your inspiration

Hotel Logos
Hotel logos design ideas: Like we said earlier, logos form a huge part in attracting customers. Based on the type of business, logo designers choose the patterns for the business. Can you spot an eye catching feature in the famous Burj Al Arab, the curvy and tall tower is one of its prominent features, so if you look at their logo,...

Children Bodybuilders - 12 Creative Photo manipulation works by Photographer Kurt Stallaert

Children Bodybuilders - 12 Creative Photo manipulation works by Photographer Kurt Stallaert
Have you seen children with six or eight packs? Well Photographer Kurt Stallaert visualizations of children body builders made him create these wonderful series of Photomanipulation works. It’s so funny to see children with bunny ears lifting weights and school children sitting around a coffee table, as if they have just come...

25 Stunning Beauty Industry Photo Retouching works by Cyril Lagel

25 Stunning Beauty Industry Photo Retouching works by Cyril Lagel
Photo Retouching : Cyril Lagel, born in france is a talented photographer in the fashion/glamour industry. Even though he has only 3 yrs experience in the fashion industry, his photo retouching works are the best in the country. He captures the natural beauty of the female models in an encaptivating manner. He has an amazing...

Refashioning trash into wearable designer spectacles by Cyrus Kabiru

Refashioning trash into wearable designer spectacles by Cyrus Kabiru
Designer Spectacles : The used electronic waste and other trashes are the raw materials for the young Kenyan scultor Cyrus Kabiru, who refashions them into wearable glasses. These are obsolutely his own creations which certainly has unique and attrative features. Kabiru is a confident and individualistic self-taught artist whose...

Outstanding Advertising Photoshop Manipulation works for Sky Sport by B612studio

Outstanding Advertising Photoshop Manipulation works for Sky Sport by B612studio
A post-production and photography studio based in Milan, B612 specialised in advertising and illustrations has created vibrant Sky Sport Italia HD Calcio Mascots. Sky Sport is a satellite TV channel in Italian language produced and broadcast by Sky Italia. These unique mascots represent the nickname associated with each club. The...

60 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration part 3

60 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration part 3
Print Advertisements : Print Ads design is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a...

30 Extraordinary Packaging Ideas and Designs around the world

Packaging Ideas
Packaging Ideas: First impressions make all the difference, especially in a fast-paced age when everyone is just too busy to take a step back to wait and see. Effective packaging ideas and design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique edge to stand out from the...

Add Sparkle Effect to your photo - Adobe Photoshop

Add Sparkle Effect to your photo - Adobe Photoshop
There are many free photoshop brushes are available for creating Glow / light effects. Fortunately, Photoshop makes them extremely easy to create custom brushes shapes, thanks to the powerful brush controls that were introduced in Photoshop CS5, which are powerful and useful today! Here are the inspiring collection of sparkle...

30 Creative Branding Identity Design examples around the world

30 Creative Branding Identity Design examples around the world
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

21 Beautiful Free Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now1

21 Beautiful Free Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now1
In this post we have added beautiful, professional and good looking fonts for graphic and web designers. Download them instantly and start using in your next design. i hope you will like these free fonts. Happy Designing. i hope you will like these free fonts  Rio Frescata Font Download This Font

50 Creative School Logo Designs and Education Logo ideas

School Logos
School Logos : In this post we have added 40 best school and education themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Clever Mind, FernSide, Educar e construir, Ashmount School, SchooGoo, Kinder Park, Enfant, The Little and Tower valley. Please tell us your favorite logo design. I hope you will like these...
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