
20 Brilliant Advertising designs from Life's too short for the wrong job - Award winning marketing campaign

20 Brilliant Advertising designs from Life's too short for the wrong job - Award winning marketing campaign
Jobs In Town, a German staffing agency, devised these creative eye catching ads for their marketing campaign. The ads translate to "Life's too short for the wrong job" and brilliantly emphasize on that statement. These creative ads won numerous awards for their imaginative depiction of miserable working conditions through...

11 Different types of logo design examples and ideas for Designers

Types of logo designs
Logos are simple visual symbols which create the brand identity of a business in the market. Logo Design Types : The more distinct a logo is, the easier it stands out among other brands. A logo can easily bring out the values of a company and establish a connection with the customer. We usually use graphic design software to create...

30 Photoshop Retouching Master Pieces by Gianfranco Gallo - After Before Photos

30 Photoshop Retouching Master Pieces by Gianfranco Gallo - After Before Photos
Photo Retouching : Gianfranco Gallo is an Italian Graphic designer and Photo retouching expert, based in Salerno. “I like editing photos of friends and family, with the passage of time, the passion for this great tool began to be part of my life and every day I try new inspiration from great artists to improve and evolve my...

25 Free Vector Designs - Download EPS AI Files - Floral Designs & Backgrounds1

25 Free Vector Designs - Download EPS AI Files - Floral Designs & Backgrounds1
We added 25 Free Vector downloads with EPS and AI source files.   AI is an Adobe Illustrator file, one of the most widely used graphic design programs in the world. Usually a file with the tag AI is an original design file, meaning that this is the file originally used for developing your logo design. AI files can...

50 Best Photo Retouching Masterpieces - Photoshop After Before Photos

Photo Retouching
Photo retouching : Have you taken a great photograph, but find a little light missing in them or the face looks too dull. Well photo retouching can be done through adobe photoshop. Photographers use adobe photoshop widely to achieve the best looks. Ask any photographer, he would say he spent hours n hours photo editing to achieve a...

30 Brilliant Branding Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 2

30 Brilliant Branding Identity Design examples for your inspiration - 2
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

Top 10 Best Graphic Design Company Websites from around the world

Graphic Design Websites
Graphic design websites: Graphic design is a most sought after means of visual communication by many designers. In the world of marketing, advertising and even film making, graphic design plays a pivotal role and it opens doors for many successful graphic design websites, which caters to the business requirements. Young and...

Reshape and Bend Human body using Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature

Reshape and Bend Human body using Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature
Adobe Photoshop puppet warp feature opens the doors for reshaping objects which is probably the quickest and easiest path to a slick end result. It can be used to alter facial expressions, reshape human and animal arms and legs and bend shapes in ways that are hard to imagine. The puppet warp feature is available in "Edit...

90 Creative Animal themed Print Ads and Advertising ideas for you

Animal Ads
Animal Ads : Everybody loves animals and if there is something you want people to remember, try mimicking their favourite animals and it stays in the memory forever. It's clever idea used by creative directors for making people remember brands or products easily. Create hilarious animal ads which stays in the minds of the consumers...

21 Beautiful Free Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now1

21 Beautiful Free Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now1
In this post we have added beautiful, professional and good looking fonts for graphic and web designers. Download them instantly and start using in your next design. i hope you will like these free fonts. Happy Designing. i hope you will like these free fonts  Rio Frescata Font Download This Font

15 Top Website Design Companies around the world

Top Website Design Companies
Top Website Design Companies : In this post we have included some of the world's best top design companies. Some of these companies have received awards for their work in web designing. If you are a web developer or a graphic designer, you can stop by to gather some inspiration for your next project. We have scoured the internet and...

20 Beautiful Typography Designs and Typography Art works

20 Beautiful Typography Designs and Typography Art works
20 Beautiful Typography Designs and Typography Art works

Photo Mosaic Manipulation Work of Joe Biden Election Campaign by Charis Tsevis

Photo Mosaic Manipulation Work of Joe Biden Election Campaign by Charis Tsevis
A photo mosaic is an interesting field of photography where usually a photograph is divided into tiles and each tile is filled with another photograph to create the target photo. Charis Tsevis, a visual designer of Greek origin based in Paphos is an experienced designer who serves many global clients including Toyota, IKEA, Saatchi...

30 Modern Office Design ideas and Home Office Design Tips

Office Design
Modern and Home Office design Ideas : Are you a bit cramped for space or are you looking to add some splash of colour to your office, here are some awesome tips for both home office design and modern office design. In this post we have added 30 Beautiful Home office design ideas and Modern office design ideas. "A well designed...

25 Creative Movie Posters Design examples for your inspiration

25 Creative Movie Posters Design examples for your inspiration
Movie Posters Design : These days, film posters are still an incredibly important part of a film’s marketting technique. They are created to promote films and to intrigue audiences but there is a larger market for collecting film posters and older, original movie posters are in great demand.In this post we have added 25...

Beautiful Branding Design ideas of Bosnian Designer Goran Jugovic

Beautiful Branding Design ideas of Bosnian Designer Goran Jugovic
Logo Design & Branding : Goran Jugovic is a graphic designer from Bosnia and Herzegovina who calls himself an out of the box creative artist.Goran creates logos with complex mixture of design skills,creative theory and skilful application which makes them unique in ever competitive feild of logo designing. Logo designs of...

Manyavar Advertisement Photographs1

Manyavar Advertisement Photographs1
These photographs are from Manyavar Ad Gallery by Famous photographer Suresh Natarajan, India. About Manyavar: Weddings in India have usually adorned Manyavar. But the brand means more. Ethnic Wear, Party Wear, Accessories; each is a signature; reflecting intense research, ideas, technology, craftsmanship and benchmarking at...

26 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration

26 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration
Print Advertisements : Print Ads design is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a...
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