
Vibrant and Eye Popping Photo Collage Portraits by Vakseen

Vibrant and Eye Popping Photo Collage Portraits by Vakseen
Photo Manipulation: Vakseen is a photo collage artist from Florida. He uses a new style of painting known as the vanity pop, where pictures are arranged in form a collage. His photo collage is a mixture of cubism, photorealism, fashion design and pop surrealism which is hand painted onto a canvas. His photo manipulation works are...

Creative Icons are important for your logos - Collection1

Creative Icons are important for your logos - Collection1
Here’s another selection of 25 logo designs with creative icons that professional and talented graphic designers adopt and incorporate in their designs. We always try to find a small and simple icon which should be related to the theme and design.   

What makes a design RETRO? and Retro Style graphics collection for your inspiration

What makes a design RETRO? and Retro Style graphics collection for your inspiration
Using retro themed web designing templates is the latest trend in web designing. Retro templates are characterized by period icons, vivid graphics and pale colors. This popular theme is not only showing its presence in websites but also in paintings, ads and fashion designing. Let us find out the reasons behind this growing...

30 Creative and Stunning Photo manipulation art works around the world

30 Creative and Stunning Photo manipulation art works around the world
Photo manipulations : This post contains some of the greatest photo manipulation works done by professional Designers. It’s not always about work, to add little more humour we have added some of the hilarious funny photoshopped works. For those of you looking for some tips about photo retouching works, we have included...

40 Creative Advertising Ideas and Designs from around the world

Creative Advertising
Creative Advertising design ideas : Advertising is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a...

Add Sparkle Effect to your photo - Adobe Photoshop

Add Sparkle Effect to your photo - Adobe Photoshop
There are many free photoshop brushes are available for creating Glow / light effects. Fortunately, Photoshop makes them extremely easy to create custom brushes shapes, thanks to the powerful brush controls that were introduced in Photoshop CS5, which are powerful and useful today! Here are the inspiring collection of sparkle...

20 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Modern & Professional Fonts

20 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Modern & Professional Fonts
Free Fonts are mostly appreciated by graphic designers and website deisgners. We have a vast collection of free fonts download which will be sitable for many designers. Professionals/Amateur graphic designers, if you are looking for some inspiration, you have arrived at the right place. The royalty free fonts which are widely used...

Fashionista Drivers - Creative Advertising Campaign ideas by Robert Eikelpoth

Fashionista Drivers - Creative Advertising Campaign ideas by Robert Eikelpoth
Robert Eikelpoth is an art director and photographer from Dusseldorf. He was born in 1980 and he had to move a lot between Croatia, Germany and England during his childhood. He is mostly into advertising photography and his portraitures are mostly of top celebrities in music and film industries. Some of his top clientele are Adidas...

20 Best Global Warming Advertising design ideas for your inspiration

20 Best Global Warming Advertising design ideas for your inspiration
20 Best Global Warming Advertising design ideas for your inspiration

30 Creative Droste Effect Photos created by Adobe Photoshop

Droste Effect
The Droste effect is a Dutch word that depicts a special type of recursive picture. A smaller version of the original image repeats itself in a recursive manner in an image that exhibits the Droste effect. According to the theory, the picture in picture effect goes deeper up to infinitum. But in reality, this is limited by the image...

40 Creative Fruit Logo Design examples for Inspiration - part 2
Fruit logo design ideas: Everyone loves a piece of fruit and fruits are also good for health. If a business is primarily dealing with fruits, then including a fruit in your logo is great way to promote your product. Look at the Zestfresh logo, Zest reminds you of lemon zest, so the logo designers have included a lemon in the logo...

50 Best Logo Design examples from around the world

Best Logos
Best Logos Design : Logo Design is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, create impressive branding and identity designs for your brand. Here we have included 50 Best Logo design examples from around the world. Our Favorite logo designs are LED,...

50 Unusual and Brilliant Business card designs and ideas for you

Business card design
Brilliant business card designs: Business card designs are very important, to mark your business name in the fast growing world. A trendy and cool business card design is very important, if you don't want your business cards to end up in the trash can, as soon as your back is turned away after a prosperous client meeting. Your...

Top 10 Best Graphic Design Company Websites from around the world

Graphic Design Websites
Graphic design websites: Graphic design is a most sought after means of visual communication by many designers. In the world of marketing, advertising and even film making, graphic design plays a pivotal role and it opens doors for many successful graphic design websites, which caters to the business requirements. Young and...

Dotted-Style Logo Designs - Collection of creative works

Dotted-Style Logo Designs - Collection of creative works
Here’s another selection of  logo design that professional and talented graphic designers adopt and incorporate in their designs. These logos use a number of circles and polka dots to create light, bubbly and distinct shapes. The style also makes logos seem friendly and unique...

Advertising Photography examples from Tanishq zoya By Suresh Natarajan

Advertising Photography
Advertising Photography : Suresh Natarajan is a Mumbai based advertising and fashion photographer. Most of his photographs have adorned several beauty magazines. He believes that one should have a unique theme and portray people with their never seen personality before capturing the photographs. His sense of style and fashion is...

25 Creative Adobe Photoshop Splash Screen Designs from International campaign

25 Creative Adobe Photoshop Splash Screen Designs from International campaign
Adobe Photoshop Campaign : Here is a series of amazing Graphic designs for the new Adobe international campaign "Adobe &". This campaign highlights the power of their tools used by their potential clients of different fields, like developers, designers, typographers, film makers and any other kind of creative profile....

70 Best and Creative Flower Logo design ideas for your inspiration

Flower Logo
We have listed some of the creative and best flower logo designs for you. Flowers are a joy to the world and they bring in positivity to the world. Flower seeds when they hit dirt, they turn into lovely plants and in return produce beautiful flowers, likewise flower logos pave way to new opportunities. Flower logo designs are mostly...
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