
Agrosolutions New Branding and Identity Design by French Design Agency Grapheine

Agrosolutions New Branding and Identity Design by French Design Agency Grapheine
To ascertain its identity and positioning Agrosolutions, the subsidiary of the agricultural group InVivo, France decided to create new branding and identity. InVivo plays a major role in the economy of France as it comprises agriculture, nutrition and animal health, public distribution and wine. There are 216 french agricultural...

15 Best Custom Logo Design Services and Websites around the world

Custom Logo Design Services
Custom Logo Design Services : You can create your own stunning looking custom logo design websites within few minutes. Logo designs make your wesbites look unique and it should be designed in such a way that it stands out in the crowd. Have a look at these 15 Best Custom Logo Design Services Websites around the world for your...

50 Creative Corporate Business Card Design examples - Design inspiration

Corporate Business Cards
Corporate Business Cards designed in a creative manner gives a professional touch to almost all kinds of businesses. A professionally designed corporate business card can in turn boost the sales or marketing of all companies even if it's in a small manner. It's important to have a unique and simple corporate business card before...

25 Creative Flyer Design Promotional Ideas for you - The Boundless Creativity

Flyer Design
Flyer Design : A flyer is often described as best advertising tool (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution. We often see this form of advertisement when we are out on the street passing through strangers carrying piles of printed papers with ads on them. For companies, this is one way of letting...

50 Best Photo Retouching works from top photo editors - After Before Photos

50 Best Photo Retouching works from top photo editors - After Before Photos
We have included 50 Best Photo retouching works of after before photos for your inspiration. Photo Retouching has the magic of transforming dull photos into professional photos. It's a dream of every human to look amazing in every photo and Adobe photoshop is a great software to help achieve the results. In most art schools, adobe...

25 Stunning and Futuristic Digital Matte Paintings for your inspiration1

25 Stunning and Futuristic Digital Matte Paintings for your inspiration1
A matte painting is a painted representation of a landscape, set, or distant location that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build or visit. Historically, matte painters and film technicians have used various techniques to combine a matte-painted image...

30 Creative Logo Design Ideas from Top logo designers - 2018

30 Creative Logo Design Ideas from Top logo designers - 2018
We have listed some of the creative logo designs from around the world. If you are a newbie or a professional you are sure to gather inspiration from some of these amazing logo designs. Logo design ideas are the crux part of building a website. Logos serve as a brand identity and it's important to keep them clean and simple. Some of...

50 Best Corporate Logo Design examples from top designers - Part 2

50 Best Corporate Logo Design examples from top designers - Part 2
Corporate Logo Design : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products for example football companies will have football as their logo designs. In this...

25 Free Professional Icon Sets for Graphic and Web Designers - Download Now

25 Free Professional Icon Sets for Graphic and Web Designers - Download Now
In this post we have added 25 high quality Free icon sets for designers. This list contains some of the best handpicked Free Useful Icon Sets from different categories. Download them instantly and make your websites more attractive. Lovely Website icons Pack new Download this icon set Lovely Halloween icons Download this icon set...

40 Creative Typography Posters Design examples for your inspiration

Typography Poster
Typography Poster Designs : Typography is one of the most fascinating elements for print designers. If it’s brochure design, flyer, posters, or any other type of graphic design, typography inspiration can be a great resource for designers. Here we have added 40 creative typographic posters for your inspiration. Typography...

15 Creative Photoshop Photo manipulation works by Vanessa Rivera

15 Creative Photoshop Photo manipulation works by Vanessa Rivera
The surreal photoshop photomanipulation works by Vanessa Rivera is quite an interesting watch. We see a bunch of ghostbuster kids, elves stealing christmas gifts with broomsticks, jolly christmas rides for kids are some of the interesting photomanipulation works by Vanessa Rivera. The artist takes us on a fantasy journey, where we...

Stunning Digital Art works and Movie Poster Designs by Paul Zeaiter

Stunning Digital Art works and Movie Poster Designs by Paul Zeaiter
In this post you will be able to see creative digital art works and poster designs from Paul Zeaiter's gallery. He was born in Australia. During his childhood he enjoyed sci-fi movies, heavy metal and so on. His love for music and art allowed him to take on an apprenticeship in some of Sydney's upscale design studios. He took a...

Face of the wild - Interesting Animal logo designs by Hamed Khan Haidari

Face of the wild - Interesting Animal logo designs by Hamed Khan Haidari
Hamed Khan Haidari is well experienced in logo designing and web development. He uses simple lines or shapes to create beautiful effective animal logo designs and others. He draws inspiration from nature and the environment. He first sketches manually on a paper like all artists and once satisfied with the outcome, redesigns them...

15 Intriguing Photo Collage Portraits by Australian Artist Harriet Moutsopoulos

15 Intriguing Photo Collage Portraits by Australian Artist Harriet Moutsopoulos
Photo collages are created in many interesting ways and Australian artist Harriet Moutsopoulos aka Lexicon Love covers the face of his portrait with food items to create intriguing collages. Harriet is passionate about creating unexpected connections, surreal and unsettling combinations between humour and tragedy. According to him...

Creative Visual Brand Identity Design of ObjetRama by Grapheine

Creative Visual Brand Identity Design of ObjetRama by Grapheine
ObjetRama, an France based expert in customised merch communication market has been in evolution of its brand identity. Redesigning of the logotype is done in such a way that the brand's previous logo is retained and new design is an evolution of it. ObjetRama's values - modernity,dynamism, innovation and reliability are emphasised...

40 Transparent and Blend mode Logo designs by Ilya Schapko

Transparent Logo Design
Transparent logo and Blend mode logo designs: Graphic designer Ilya Schapko from russia is a very talented icon designer. Using the Adobe Illustrator, he has created a project title ' Overlay's, where you can see many transparent and blend mode logo designs which truly represent the designer's creativity. These overlays are abstract...

20 Beautiful and Professional Free Wordpress Themes for your inspiration

Free wordpress themes
Free wordpress themes are sometimes loaded with the cool looking webpages and overall design. If you are looking for professional wordpress themes, then one should opt for premium wordpress themes, which mostly have strong code and support team. If you are looking to build a website, use these beautiful wordpress themes, which look...

Know more about Html5 - for Developers

Know more about Html5 - for Developers
If you are a programmer or someone who is simply interested in programming, then you must have heard about the latest buzz released by W3C. The all new HTML 5. HTML 5 is still a work in progress, but it is being tested and used with IE 9 ( Internet Explorer 9) and Safari and it has already proven its superiority, from eye popping...
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