Celebrities as Zodiac Signs Color Pencil Drawings By Andre Manguba

Celebrities and zodiacs is a very powerful combination for these color pencil drawings by Andre Manguba. The young artist is very talented and he hails from Manila, Philippines. Lady Gaga, Shawn Mendes, Ariana Grande look so stunning in their respective zodiac color pencil drawing. It's interesting to know that this young budding artist didn't go through any professional training in art, he is a self taught artist. He has been commissioned for digital illustration projects for popular clients: Titus Pens, STABILO, Faber-Castell and 20th Century Fox. Andre Manguba draws inspiration from amazing illustrators and artists such as Kerby Rosanes, Jason Siew, Toni Mahfud, David Kassan and Dino Tomic.

Celebrities as Zodiac Signs Color Pencil Drawings By Andre Manguba

Color pencil drawing taylor swift by andre manguba (1)color pencil drawing taylor swift Color pencil drawing lady gaga by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing lady gaga Color pencil drawing catriona gray by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing catriona gray Color pencil drawing sister sleigh by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing sister sleigh

Color pencil drawing stanlee by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing stanlee Color pencil drawing sagitarius by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing sagitarius Color pencil drawing zodiac by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing zodiac

Color pencil drawing taurus by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing taurus Color pencil drawing shawn mendes by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing shawn mendes Color pencil drawing ariana grande by andre mangubacolor pencil drawing ariana grande

To Know More, Follow Andre Manguba on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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Celebrities as Zodiac Signs Color Pencil Drawings By Andre Manguba Celebrities and zodiacs is a very powerful combination for these color pencil drawings by Andre Manguba. The young artist is very talented and he hails from Manila, Philippines. Lady Gaga, Shawn