20 Beautiful Color Pencil Drawings of Celebrities by Lera Kiryakova

Color Pencil Drawings: Lera Kiryakova is an outstanding illustrator and she creates beautiful color pencil drawings of celebrities and other famous people. GOT is a favourite serial amongst many people and one of the characters - Arya Stark is most liked by all. Tom Cruise and Johnny depp from Pirates of the Caribbean look so young in her color pencil drawings. We admire the detailing given to the color pencil drawings, since they look like a replica of the favourite stars on the tv. We loved each and every work of Lera Kiryakova and take a look at her youtube video, to see how she creates her wonderful color pencil drawings. So which amongst these are your favorite ones?

20 Beautiful Color Pencil Drawings of Celebrities by Lera Kiryakova

Watch her Youtube video here:

Arya stark color pencil drawingarya stark color pencil drawing Johnny depp color pencil drawingjohnny depp color pencil drawing Color pencil drawingcolor pencil drawing Wonder woman color pencil drawingwonder woman color pencil drawing

Steve jobs color pencil drawingsteve jobs color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing

Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Leonardo dicaprio color pencil drawingleonardo dicaprio color pencil drawing Adams family color pencil drawingadams family color pencil drawing Angelina jolie color pencil drawingangelina jolie color pencil drawing Keanu reaves color pencil drawingkeanu reaves color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Celebrity color pencil drawingcelebrity color pencil drawing Einstein color pencil drawingeinstein color pencil drawing

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20 Beautiful Color Pencil Drawings of Celebrities by Lera Kiryakova Color Pencil Drawings: Lera Kiryakova is an outstanding illustrator and she creates beautiful color pencil drawings of celebrities and other famous people. GOT is a favourite serial amongst many