Animation film 'The Greatest Gift' is a Christmas musical created in stop frame animation which features vocals of James Corden. Malcolm Hadley is the cinematographer based in London who has a wide range of experience in feature films, commercials, promos and documentaries. His documentary 'still the enemy within' has won the Audience Award at sheffield documentart festival in 2014. The animation shoot of'the greatest gift'was complicated and had involved tricky shots mixing up stop frame animation, motion control and visual effects. 'The greatest gift' animation film comes out with the realization of a dad that the best Christmas gift would be the time spent on people. The animation film was captured on Canon 5D Mk iii with Zeiss-Contax prime lenses.
Animation motion film malcolm hadley Animation film malcolm hadley Animation film malcolm hadley Animation film malcolm hadley
Animation film malcolm hadley Animation film malcolm hadley Animation film malcolm hadley
Animation film malcolm hadley Animation film malcolm hadley Animation film malcolm hadleyTo know more about Malcolm :
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