The first human mission to mars by Dave the astronaut and his partner,an intellegent melon is the satirical story of animated series-black holes. Black Holes involve unique graphic style which takes us around an astronaut's insecurities while he is getting ready for an important mission of his life - the conquest of mars. Black Holes is a 3D animated series about space, the meaning of life and proctology created by french directors David and Laurent Nicolas. This is selected at 2017 Sundance Film Festival for the animated short films category.
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3D animation is extremely time-consuming and requires heavy equipment and a highly skilled staff for which the team needs heavy funding. Two reasons for Kickstarters:
To bring this quirky animated sitcom to life while maintaining our creative independence.
To collaborate with our backers to make Black Holes the next breakthrough success in the animation world.
Aside from backing the campaign, the most valuable thing you can do for Black Holes is share it on your social media and by email. Join our team and help us bring this project to life, one like at a time.
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