25 Stunning Mega Photo Realistic Paintings by Simon Hennessey

Realistic Paintings : Simon Hennessey's paintings may be viewed as a photographic representation of reality, but in truth his artwork transcends into it's own abstraction of reality. he does not adhere to a true mimetic depiction of a photograph, he uses the camera only as a source to assist me with gathering information. Hennessey's striking paintings reproduce images of facial features in extreme close up.

25 Stunning Mega Photo Realistic Paintings by Simon Hennessey

acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting

acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting acrylic painting

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