25 Beautiful Surreal Art works by Lohmuller Gyuri

Surreal Art : Lohmuller Gyuri: I discovered my own painting and my own technique, I may say, because I have never seen someone painting for many years after I began to paint. Some of my teachers helped me through the way, I can mention the well-known painter Komisarsky who was of great help, in Resita during my 3 years studies at the Popular School of Arts. Back to the high-school in Gataia, prof. Lia Berghea had discovered my talent and has continually stimulated my ideas. Then, working in the psychiatric hospital, I really became who I am thanks to the great doctor Radu Ricman, former director, to whom I had many rich cultural encounters. He offered me the chance to expose in BURGUNDY, in Fontenay - La forge, in January 1993. I hope you will like these surreal art works.

25 Beautiful Surreal Art works by Lohmuller Gyuri

surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art

surreal art surreal art surreal art

surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art surreal art

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25 Beautiful Surreal Art works by Lohmuller Gyuri Surreal Art : Lohmuller Gyuri: I discovered my own painting and my own technique, I may say, because I have never seen someone painting for many years after I began to paint. Some of my teachers