26 Beautiful and Realistic Oil Paintings by Sergio Martinez Cifuentes

Sergio Martinez Cifuentes, with Chilean-Spanish dual citizenship, born in Santiago, Chile, on July 7, 1966. while still a child, known for his drawings, which together with its stark poetry and musical compositions begin to structure your profile adolescent romantic and existentialist. It is at this stage where youth participate in many events paint, obtaining significant awards, which helps you understand the true importance of their relationship with plastic. The distance that keeps with educational trends and style of the art school at the local university, we propose self-training as a painter. i hope you will like these oil paintings

26 Beautiful and Realistic Oil Paintings by Sergio Martinez Cifuentes

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oil painting oil painting oil painting

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26 Beautiful and Realistic Oil Paintings by Sergio Martinez Cifuentes Sergio Martinez Cifuentes, with Chilean-Spanish dual citizenship, born in Santiago, Chile, on July 7, 1966. while still a child, known for his drawings, which together with its stark poetry and