15 Stunning Wildlife Photography examples by Brussels photographer Michel Piccaya

Wildlife Photography : Michel Piccaya is a travel photographer based in Brussels. “As a travel photographer, my photo studio starts just outside my front door and the only kit I need is a camera and my passion for new horizons. Actually, the only boundary I have is an obligation to record the world with honesty and lucidity, whatever the subject or the location. More than just exotic locations and wild adventures, travel photography is about seeing our surroundings with fresh eyes and childlike enthusiasm", says Michel Piccaya in his blog. In his many road trips Piccaya's talents and creativity can be seen through is wildlife photography. Piccaya through is wildlife photography has been able to show the world the numerous animal habitats which are quite unique to the human eyes. His passion for photography and experience in wildlife photography brings the viewer a beautiful combination, which stands as a great inspiration for many.

15 Stunning Wildlife Photography examples by Brussels photographer Michel Piccaya

Deer wildlife photography by piccayadeer wildlife photography Africa elephant wildlife photography by piccayaafrica elephant wildlife photography Africa elephant wildlife photography by piccayaafrica elephant wildlife photography Africa elephant wildlife photography by piccayaafrica elephant wildlife photography Wildlife photography etosha by piccayawildlife photography etosha Crocodile wildlife photography by piccayacrocodile wildlife photography Galapagos ecuador wildlife photography by piccayagalapagos ecuador wildlife photography

Africa elephant wildlife photography by piccayaafrica elephant wildlife photography Wildlife photography by piccayawildlife photography Wildlife photography by piccayawildlife photography Peacock photography by piccayapeacock photography Honey bird photography by piccayahoney bird photography Wildlife photography by piccayawildlife photography Wildlife photography by piccayawildlife photography Bird photography by piccayabird photography

In watchtheworld site, Piccaya has revelead his numerous road trips to Africa, Asia, Europe, North, Central and South America. Checkout the website for free travel guides, if you are planning on a road trip to these destinations. You can download free travel guides and books from watchtheworld.net for more of Piccaya's work.Visit his website at piccaya.com.


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