Mind Blowing Oil Paintings - by Artist Duffy Sheridan

Artist Duffy Sheridan was inspired by his father to paint from early childhood. His artist father has been the guiding steps to his international success as a painter. His family has travelled extensively and his paintings draw inspiration from rich culture of many countries. In 1991 he finnaly settled down in USA and his oil paintings have received international awards and was designated a Living Master by the Art Renewal Center. His oil paintings are owned as private and public collections in Prestigious Cathedrals, US Air Force Academy and so on. In this post we have included mind blowing oil paintings by Artist Duffy Sheridan for your inspiration.

Mind Blowing Oil Paintings - by Artist Duffy Sheridan

oil painting
oil painting
oil painting
oil painting

oil painting
oil painting
oil painting

oil painting
oil painting
oil painting
oil painting
oil painting
oil painting
oil painting
oil painting

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Mind Blowing Oil Paintings - by Artist Duffy Sheridan Artist Duffy Sheridan was inspired by his father to paint from early childhood. His artist father has been the guiding steps to his international success as a painter. His family has travelled