Frozen Dancers in Air - Inspiring 3D Sculptures that represents their motion and style

This series of images freezes a moment of time in each dancer's aerial maneuver, and turns their movements into static sculptures that represents their motion and style. Original shots were stock photography and stylized to fit within the scene, sculptures and sets created entirely CGi.

Frozen Dancers in Air - Inspiring 3D Sculptures that represents their motion and style

3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures

3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures

3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures 3D Motion lines sculptures

Designed by Mike Campau.

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Frozen Dancers in Air - Inspiring 3D Sculptures that represents their motion and style This series of images freezes a moment of time in each dancer's aerial maneuver, and turns their movements into static sculptures that represents their motion and style. Original shots were stock